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Concept | Parent | Description |
abbreviatedName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The shortened name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States. Note: The abbreviation does not always correspond to the ISO representation and can vary between countries based on data collection. |
abbreviatedName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The shortened name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States. Note: The abbreviation does not always correspond to the ISO representation and can vary between countries based on data collection. |
abbreviatedName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The shortened name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States. Note: The abbreviation does not always correspond to the ISO representation and can vary between countries based on data collection. |
accountantName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | financials (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of either an individual or an accounting firm. |
addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the country/market in which this address is located. |
addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the country/market in which this address is located. |
addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the country/market in which this address is located. |
addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the county in which this address is located. |
addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the county in which this address is located. |
addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the county in which this address is located. |
addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
assessmentDate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | thirdPartyAssessment (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The date on which the assessment value was assigned by the third party. |
businessEntityType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the legal form or structure of the entity as registered with government authorities. |
cbsaCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | statisticalArea (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The 5-digit CBSA (Core Based Statistical Area) code assigned by US Census board to denote a geographical region with a relatively high population density at its core and close economic ties throughout the area. |
cbsaName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | statisticalArea (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name assigned to the 5-digit CBSA (Core Based Statistical Area) assigned by US Census board to denote a geographical region with a relatively high population density at its core and close economic ties throughout the area. |
code (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | industryCodes (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The code that identifies the business activity in which the entity is engaged.
For example, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB); however, Dun & Bradstreet may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC). |
continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the continental region in which this address is located. |
continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the continental region in which this address is located. |
continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the continental region in which this address is located. |
controlOwnershipDate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The date when the current owners took over the entity. |
controlOwnershipType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the type of controlling ownership. |
corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the relationship between the entity and other entities in the legal family tree. |
currency (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | yearlyRevenue (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The three-letter currency code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) identifying the type of money in which this amount is expressed (e.g. USD, CAD, GBP, EUR). |
currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the principals that are actively associated with the entity. |
description () | The description of how close the latitude and longitude coordinates for a location are to “rooftop” level. | |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | businessEntityType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the legal form or structure of the entity as registered with government authorities (e.g., partnership, corporation, private limited company, government department, proprietorship). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | controlOwnershipType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name for the type of controlling ownership (e.g., publicly owned, privately owned, state owned). Note: For some countries, controlling ownership can be derived from the legal form. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | familytreeRolesPlayed (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The role the entity plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree (e.g., a branch, division, a parent, headquarters, subsidiary, global ultimate, domestic ultimate). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | marketingRiskClass (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The high-level classification of the marketing risk score. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | operatingStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The entity's functional state or trading status summarized into either active or out of business. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | subjectHandlingDetails (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The manner in which the entity is to receive special care when being contacted (e.g., do not call or do not send information requests). In many cases, this was specifically requested by the entity. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | industryCodes (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The business activity description as assigned by the coding scheme used. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the language in which this address was recorded. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | postalCodePosition (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The position of the Postal Code when presenting the address (e.g., before the Primary Town/City). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Name of the business function of the entity derived from a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | timePeriod (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The timeframe for which this data is recorded. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the language in which this address was recorded. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | locationOwnership (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Description of the terms under which the entity occupies the premises (e.g., owned, rented, leased). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | postalCodePosition (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The position of the Postal Code when presenting the address (e.g., before the Primary Town/City). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the language in which this address was recorded. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | postalCodePosition (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The position of the Postal Code when presenting the address (e.g., before the Primary Town/City). |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | exchangeName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name the Stock Exchange. |
description (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | thirdPartyAssessment (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The kind of appraisal, opinion, or rank that was assigned to the entity by the third party (e.g., Moody's Long Term Obligation Rating, FICO score, Vantage Score). |
dnbAssessment (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the assessment made by Dun & Bradstreet or a third party in order to provide value-added information on entities. This information may include:
- recommendations on how much credit to extend to them - assessments of their liquidity - concise evaluations of their performance and behavior - predictions on the risk of conducting business with them. The predictive scores are usually calculated and assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, but such assessments may also be recorded when assigned by third parties. |
dnbCode () | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the position of the Postal Code when presenting the address. Refer to Reference code table "210 [Postal Code Position]" for all possible values. | |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | businessEntityType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the legal form or structure of the entity as registered with government authorities. Refer to Reference code table "197 [Business Entity Type]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | controlOwnershipType (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the type of controlling ownership. Refer to Reference code table "175 [Control Type]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | familytreeRolesPlayed (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify describing family tree role. Refer to Reference code table "202 [Family Tree Role]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | marketingRiskClass (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the classification of the marketing risk score. Refer to Reference code table "238 [Marketing Risk Class]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | operatingStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the entity's functional state or trading status.
Possible values: 9074 [Active] 403 [Out of Business] |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | subjectHandlingDetails (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the manner in which the entity is to receive special care from Dun & Bradstreet when it is being contacted. Refer to Reference code table "199 [Subject Handling]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the language in which this address was recorded. Refer to Reference code table "3 [Language]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | postalCodePosition (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the position of the Postal Code when presenting the address. Refer to Reference code table "210 [Postal Code Position]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | timePeriod (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the timeframe in which this data is recorded. Refer to Reference code table "168 [Time Period]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | geographicalPrecision (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify how close the latitude and longitude coordinates for a location are to "rooftop" level. Refer to Reference code table "231 [Geographical Precision]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the language in which this address was recorded. Refer to Reference code table "3 [Language]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | locationOwnership (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the terms under which the entity occupies the premises. Refer to Reference code table "43 [Tenure Type]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the language in which this address was recorded. Refer to Reference code table "3 [Language]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | postalCodePosition (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the position of the Postal Code when presenting the address. Refer to Reference code table "210 [Postal Code Position]" for all possible values. |
dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | thirdPartyAssessment (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the type of assessment. Refer to Reference code table "489 [Third Party Assessment]" for all possible values. |
domainName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | websiteAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique name used to identify the website of the entity that serves as an address to access that website. |
domesticUltimate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the Domestic Ultimate which is the last entity in the tree, when reviewing upwards, that is in the same country as the entity. For example, Company-A is based in the US and has Company-B as its parent also in the US. In turn Company-B is owned by Company-C, also in the US, which is owned by Company-D which is in the UK. Thus, the Domestic Ultimate of Company-A is actually Company-C as this is the last entity in the parent chain that is in the US. |
duns (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | domesticUltimate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The D-U-N-S Number, assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, is an identification number that uniquely identifies the entity in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
duns (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | globalUltimate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The D-U-N-S Number, assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, is an identification number that uniquely identifies the entity in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
duns (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | headQuarter (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The D-U-N-S Number, assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, is an identification number that uniquely identifies the entity in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
duns (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | parent (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The D-U-N-S Number, assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, is an identification number that uniquely identifies the entity in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
duns (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The D-U-N-S Number, assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, is an identification number that uniquely identifies the entity in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the entity established to provide products and/or services in the marketplace or to the community. |
economicAreaOfInfluenceCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | statisticalArea (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A code assigned by the U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis to identify the entity's regional market that surrounds a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area serving as a regional center of economic activity. |
employeeCategories (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | numberOfEmployees (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the employee figures for the different function levels of the entity. |
employmentBasisDescription (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | employeeCategories (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The type of employees that have been included in the calculation of the number of employees on the basis of their employment contract (e.g., Principals, Part Time Workers). |
employmentBasisDnBCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | employeeCategories (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the employment basis description. Refer to Reference code table "77 [Employment Basis]" for all possible values. |
exchangeCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | stockExchanges (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the country of the Stock Exchange. |
exchangeName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | stockExchanges (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the name of the Stock Exchange on which the entity's shares are traded. |
familyName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The family name of the principal. |
familyName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The family name of the principal. |
familytreeRolesPlayed (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the roles the entity plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree. |
fax (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the facsimile information used for data communication with the entity. |
faxNumber (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | fax (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A sequence of digits used for facsimile communication with the entity. This sequence of digits includes the area code or city code and domestic dialing code. |
financialStatementDuration (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | financials (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The period of the financial statement expressed as a time interval. |
financialStatementToDate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | financials (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The date when the accounting period ended. If the Reliability Code denotes the figures are projected (future), then this is the date when the accounting period will end. Format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or YYYY |
financials (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the standardized view of the financial results of the entity; this is usually extracted from a set of accounts. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the country/market in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the county in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the region in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the country/market in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the county in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the region in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the country/market in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the county in which this address is located. |
fipsCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code value that identifies the region in which this address is located. |
fullName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The complete name of the principal. |
... further results |