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Business partner/status/type
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Name Name of a concept, e.g. a data model concept. In contrast to terms, the name does not depend on a given context, e.g. a country-specific language.
Business Partner Status Type
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept.
The standardized status which the business partner currently has
Example A simple example supporting the understanding of a concept, business rule, etc.
no example available
Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model.
Data source CDQ.POOL
Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context.
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model.
Business Partner Status (CDQ.POOL)
Cardinality Cardinality of data model concepts.<br/><code>ZERO_OR_ONE</code>: Optional, but max. 1 instance related to its parent.<br/><code>EXACTLY_ONE</code>: Exactly 1 instance related to its parent.<br/><code>ZERO_OR_MORE</code>: Optional, multiple instances related to its parent may exist.<br/><code>ONE_OR_MORE</code>: Mandatory, multiple instances related to its parent may exist.
Data type Data type of a data model concept, i.e., <code>ARRAY</code>, <code>BOOLEAN</code>, <code>DATE</code>, <code>ENUM</code>, <code>INTEGER</code>, <code>OBJECT</code>, or <code>STRING</code>.
Concept type Complex data type of a data model concept, defined by another data model concept. Allows re-use of data type concepts, e.g. for several address types in a data model.
Path JSON Path to identify attributes in a data item.
Concept role The role of a Category:Data model concept in the tree structure of a data model.<br/><code>ROOT</code>: Root concept in a data model, i.e., no parent concepts.<br/><code>NODE</code>: Structure concepts in a data model, i.e., parent and child concepts.<br/><code>LEAF</code>: Leaf concept in a data model, i.e., no child concepts, provides the effective data values.<br/>
mapping source: reg-status (AT.CR), mapping: AT.CR reg-status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: Status (BE.CCD), mapping: BE.CCD ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: SITUACAO CADASTRAL (BR.RF), mapping: BR.RF SITUACAO_CADASTRAL ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: situacao (BR.SINRF), mapping: BR.SINRF situacao ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: situacao_cadastral (BR.SINSF), situacaoCadastral (BR.SINSF), mapping: BR.SINSF situacao_cadastral , situacaoCadastral ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: situacao_ie (BR.SINWS), situacaoIe (BR.SINWS), mapping: BR.SINWS situacao_ie , situacaoIe ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: Status (BVD), STATUS VALUE (BVD), mapping: BVD Status , STATUS VALUE ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: code (CA.CR), mapping: CA.CR corporation_statuses_status_code ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: status (CDQ.GLNCONNECT), mapping: CDQ.GLNCONNECT status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: ST (CZ.REE), stavZdrojeVr (), mapping: CZ.REE stavZdrojeVr , Ares_odpovedi_Odpoved_ST ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: statusTechnicalKey (DE.RC), mapping: DE.RC statusTechnicalKey ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: sammensatStatus (DK.CR), mapping: DK.CR virksomhedMetadata_sammensatStatus ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: status (DK.CR), mapping: DK.CR virksomhedsstatus_status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: dnbCode (DNB), mapping: DNB dunsControlStatus_operatingStatus_dnbCode ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: dnbCode (DNB.LINKAGE.LNKELI), mapping: DNB.LINKAGE.LNKELI dunsControlStatus_operatingStatus_dnbCode ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.BASIC), mapping: DNB.MASTER.DATA.BASIC dunsControlStatus_operatingStatus_dnbCode ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: dnbCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED), mapping: DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED dunsControlStatus_operatingStatus_dnbCode ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: ettevotja_staatus (EE.CR), mapping: EE.CR ettevotja_staatus ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: ettevotja_staatus_tekstina (EE.CR), mapping: EE.CR ettevotja_staatus_tekstina ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: type (FI.BIS), mapping: FI.BIS ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: etatAdministratifUniteLegale (FR.RC), mapping: FR.RC uniteLegale_etatAdministratifUniteLegale ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: CompanyStatus (GB-EAW.CR), mapping: GB-EAW.CR CompanyStatus ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: companyStatusCode (IE.CR), company_status_code (IE.CR), mapping: IE.CR companyStatusCode , ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: status (IN.CA), company (IN.CA), companyStatus (IN.CA), cdq_status (IN.CA), mapping: IN.CA status , , , ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: STATUS (IRS), mapping: IRS STATUS ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: entityStatus (LEI), mapping: LEI entityStatus ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: stat_kodas (LT.CR), mapping: LT.CR stat_kodas ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: closed (LV.CR), mapping: LV.CR closed ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: underAvvikling (NO.RBE), businessPartnerStatus (NO.RBE), mapping: NO.RBE , underAvvikling ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: Data source/PL.NOBR/data model/businessEntity, mapping: PL.NOBR ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: STARE_FIRMA (RO.TR), mapping: RO.TR STARE_FIRMA ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: entity (SK.FS), mapping: SK.FS entity ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: status (SPOR.OMS), mapping: SPOR.OMS status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: charity_registration_status (UK.CC), mapping: UK.CC charity_registration_status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: ENTITY_STATUS (US-CA.BER), mapping: US-CA.BER ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: Status (US-CT.BER), mapping: US-CT.BER Status ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: COR_STATUS (US-FL.BER), mapping: US-FL.BER corporationStatus ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: initial_dos_filing_date (US-NY.BER), mapping: US-NY.BER initial_dos_filing_date ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: Status (US-VA.BER), mapping: US-VA.BER ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE mapping source: STATUS (US.EDU), mapping: US.EDU STATUS ↣ BUSINESS_PARTNER_STATUS_TYPE
Sub concepts
Value | Description | Technical key |
Active (CDQ.POOL) | The business partner is active | ACTIVE |
Dissolved (CDQ.POOL) | The business partner is no longer active as the result of an insolvency or in liquidation process | DISSOLVED |
In Liquidation (CDQ.POOL) | Liquidation is the process by which a company is brought to an end. The assets and property of the company are redistributed. | IN_LIQUIDATION |
Inactive (CDQ.POOL) | Generic status that indicates that a business partner existed in the past, but is as of today not operational. No business transactions are possible with this partner. | INACTIVE |
Insolvency (CDQ.POOL) | Status is assigned if a business partner is in the state of being unable to pay the money owed on time. Typically this status resolves later in an inactive state. | INSOLVENCY |
Suspended (CDQ.POOL) | The business partner's operations are temporarily halted, but not yet dissolved or inactive. | SUSPENDED |
Unknown (CDQ.POOL) | Generic status which indicates that a business partner status is not provided or not set. It happens if a reference data source does not provide it. Thus, we are unable to provide the proper value. | UNKNOWN |