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Concept | Parent | Description |
fullName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The complete name of the principal. |
fullReportDate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The most recent date when a complete review of all business information data was completed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM |
gender (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The gender of this individual. |
gender (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The gender of this individual. |
geographicalPrecision (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details on how close the latitude and longitude coordinates for a location are to “rooftop” level. |
givenName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The given name of the principal. |
givenName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The given name of the principal. |
globalUltimate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the top most entity in the family tree, tracing each parent up to its own parent. For example, Company-A is based in the US and has Company-B as its parent also in the US. In turn Company-B is owned by Company-C, also in the US, which is owned by Company-D which is in the UK. Thus, the Global Ultimate of this family tree (and therefore of each member of the family tree) is Company-D. |
globalUltimateFamilyTreeMembersCount (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The total number of entities in the entity's Family tree starting from Global Ultimate. |
growthRate (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | trend (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The percentage of change of this item as of base year compared to the trend year. |
headQuarter (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the office that serves as the administrative center for the entity. |
hierarchyLevel (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The number of family-tree levels below the global ultimate the entity is in its corporate hierarchy. The hierarchy level value of the global ultimate will always be 1. Each subsidiary level below the global ultimate is incremented by 1. Branch locations in a family tree will have the same hierarchy code as its associated headquarter. |
industryCodes (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the business activities in which the entity is actively engaged using standardized coding schemes such as European NACE and U.S. Standard Industry Classifications (SIC). |
informationScopeDescription () | The organizational scope of the financial summary (e.g., Individual (Organization including any branches), Consolidated (Organization including any branches and subsidiaries)). | |
informationScopeDescription (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | numberOfEmployees (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The scope of Number of Employees value (e.g., Consolidated, Individual, HQ only). |
informationScopeDnBCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | financials (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the organizational scope of the financial summary. Refer to Reference code table "192 [Information Scope]" for all possible values. |
informationScopeDnBCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | numberOfEmployees (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the scope of Number of Employees. Refer to Reference code table "192 [Information Scope]" for all possible values. |
isAgent (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the entity acts as an agent promoting the goods or services of another entity (e.g., Sales Agent, Purchasing Agent). - If true, the entity acts as an agent. - If false, the entity does not act as an agent. |
isDelisted (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether the entity has requested that they not be included in any Direct marketing lists (e.g., mailing, telephone). - If true, the entity has objected to and MUST NOT receive direct marketing material. - If false, the entity has not objected to receiving direct marketing material. |
isExporter (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the entity is an exporter. - If true, the entity exports a quantity of goods to other countries. - If false, the entity does not export a quantity of goods to other countries. |
isImporter (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the entity is an importer. - If true, the entity imports a quantity of goods from other countries. - If false, the entity does not import a quantity of goods from other countries. |
isMailUndeliverable (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether it is possible to deliver mail to the address of this entity. - If true, it is not possible to deliver mail to at least one of the addresses listed for this DUNS (Primary, Mailing or Registered). - If false, it is possible to deliver mail to the address. |
isManufacturingLocation (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if manufacturing activity is performed at this facility by the entity. - If true, the entity performs manufacturing activity at this facility. - If false, the entity does not performs manufacturing activity at this facility. |
isMarketable (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether the data on the entity satisfies Dun & Bradstreet's marketability rules for Sales & Marketing Solutions products. - If true, the entity data satisfies the marketability rules. - If false, the entity data does not satisfy the marketability rules. |
isMinorityOwned (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | socioEconomicInformation (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the entity is minority owned. Minority owned means it is certified as an entity that is greater than 50% owned by and whose management and daily operations are controlled by one or more minority group members - If true, indicates that this is a minority-owned entity |
isPrimary (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | stockExchanges (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if this is the most important stock exchange among all the stock exchange where the entity's shares are traded. - If true, indicates that this is the most important Stock Exchange. - If false, indicates that this is not the most important Stock Exchange. |
isRegisteredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the primary address is the same as the address of the entity as registered with a legal entity. - If true, the primary address is the same as the address of the entity as registered with a legal entity. - If false, the primary address is the not same as the address of the entity as registered with a legal entity. |
isResidentialAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether or not the Primary Address is classified as residential by the governing postal authority - If true, the primary address is classified as residential. - If false, the primary address is not classified as residential. |
isSmallBusiness (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | socioEconomicInformation (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the business qualifies as small business, eligible for assistance from SBA, with a place of business located in the United States. It must operate primarily within the United States or make a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes or use of American products, materials or labor. Together with its affiliates, it must meet the numerical size standards as defined in the Small Business Size Regulations 13 CFR 121. - If true, indicates that this is a small business. - If false, indicates that this is not a small business |
isStandalone (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates if the entity is a member of a legal family tree. - If true, indicates that the entity is not a member of a legal family tree. This means it cannot play any family tree role and corporateLinkage will not be present. - If false, indicates that the entity is a member of a legal family tree. The roles it plays is indicated by Family Tree Member Roles played. |
isTelephoneDisconnected (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether the telephone number can be connected to successfully. - If true, connection to the telephone number is unsuccessful. - If false, connection to the telephone number is successful. |
isUnreachable (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | telephone (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | Indicates whether the telephone number can be connected to successfully. - If true, connection to the telephone number is unsuccessful. - If false, connection to the telephone number is successful. |
isdCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | fax (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The country calling code assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) required to connect to this facsimile number when dialing from outside the entity's country (e.g., '1' for the US, '44' for the UK, '91' for India). |
isdCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | telephone (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The country calling code assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) required to connect to this telephone number when dialing from outside the entity's country (e.g., '1' for the US, '44' for the UK, '91' for India). |
isoAlpha2Code (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country/market in which this address is located. |
isoAlpha2Code (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country/market in which this address is located. |
isoAlpha2Code (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country/market in which this address is located. |
isoAlpha2Code (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | exchangeCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country of the Stock Exchange. |
jobTitles (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the positions held by this individual. |
jobTitles (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the positions held by this individual. |
language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the language in which this address was recorded. |
language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the language in which this address was recorded. |
language (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the language in which this address was recorded. |
latitude (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The latitude component of the entity's location defined as the angular distance of the primary physical address north or south from the Earth's equator expressed in decimal numbers. Positive numbers indicate degrees north. Negative numbers indicate degrees south. |
line1 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The first line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line1 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The first line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line1 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The first line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line2 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The second line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "Dame Court" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line2 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The second line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "Dame Court" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line2 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The second line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "Dame Court" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line3 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The third line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line3 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The third line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line3 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The third line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line4 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The forth line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line4 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The forth line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
line4 (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | streetAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The forth line of the address where the entity is located. For example, "41 Central Chambers" in the address 41 Central Chambers Dame Court Dublin 2 |
locationOwnership (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the terms under which the entity occupies the premises. |
longitude (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The longitude component of the entity's location defined as the angular distance of the primary physical address east or west from an imaginary line (called the prime meridian) that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole expressed in decimal numbers. Positive numbers indicate degrees east. Negative numbers indicate degrees west. |
mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the address used by the entity for mailing purposes. |
managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the current business functions of the entity represented as a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the current business functions of the entity represented as a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
marketingRiskClass (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dnbAssessment (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the high-level classification of the marketing risk score. |
measurement (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | premisesArea (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A number portion of the amount to of space the entity occupies at this address (e.g., the 2000 in 2000 square meters). |
minorTownName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the village, town or suburb when it is not a Primary Town or City (e.g., the Booker in Booker, High Wycombe). |
minorTownName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the village, town or suburb when it is not a Primary Town or City (e.g., the Booker in Booker, High Wycombe). |
minorTownName (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the village, town or suburb when it is not a Primary Town or City (e.g., the Booker in Booker, High Wycombe). |
mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the most important principals. |
mrcCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | |
mrcCode (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | managementResponsibilities (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | A unique code identifying the business function of the entity derived from a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the country/market in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the county in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the continental region for this address. Possible values: - Africa - Asia Pacific - Europe - Latin America - Middle East - North America |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the country/market in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the county in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the continental region for this address. Possible values: - Africa - Asia Pacific - Europe - Latin America - Middle East - North America |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCountry (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the country/market in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressCounty (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the county in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressLocality (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | addressRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the locally governed area that forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where this address is located. |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | continentalRegion (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name of the continental region for this address. Possible values: - Africa - Asia Pacific - Europe - Latin America - Middle East - North America |
name (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | tradeStyleNames (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The name that the entity trades under for commercial purposes although its registered legal name used for contracts and other formal situations may be another name. |
namePrefix (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The correct form of address for the principal (e.g., Dr., Professor, Lord). |
namePrefix (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The correct form of address for the principal (e.g., Dr., Professor, Lord). |
nameSuffix (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | currentPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The familial or professional suffix to the principal's name. |
nameSuffix (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mostSeniorPrincipals (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The familial or professional suffix to the principal's name. |
numberOfEmployees (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the people engaged by the entity to perform its operations. |
operatingStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | dunsControlStatus (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The high level categorization of the entity's functional state or trading status. |
organization (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the entity. | |
parent (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | corporateLinkage (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the entity that owns more than 50% of the subject entity. |
populationRank (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | statisticalArea (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the statistical facts about population based on region's rank. |
postOfficeBox (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | mailingAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the identifier issued to the entity by a private or public Postal Office for the purposes of collecting mail for the entity for subsequent collection or delivery. |
postOfficeBox (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | primaryAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the identifier issued to the entity by a private or public Postal Office for the purposes of collecting mail for the entity for subsequent collection or delivery. |
postOfficeBox (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | registeredAddress (DNB.MASTER.DATA.EXTENDED) | The details of the identifier issued to the entity by a private or public Postal Office for the purposes of collecting mail for the entity for subsequent collection or delivery. |
postOfficeBoxNumber () | An identifier issued to the entity by a private or public postal office for the purposes of collecting mail for the entity for subsequent collection or delivery. This includes only the identifying number (or text) and not the textual description of the PO Box type. For example the contents would be just the number 12 from "PO Box 12", or just the number 57 from "PMB 57". |
×Cheat sheet
This section contains some links to help explain how to use the #ask
- Selecting pages describes how to select pages and build conditions
- Search operators lists available search operators including those for range and wildcard queries
- Displaying information outlines the use of printout statements and formatting options
- broadtable format
Input assistance
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