Identifier Type (CDQ.POOL)
Sub concepts
Concept | Description |
Identifier Type Name (CDQ.POOL) | Name of the type of an identifier |
Identifier Type Technical Key (CDQ.POOL) | Technical key of the type of an identifier |
Identifier Type URL (CDQ.POOL) | URL to documentation of the type of an identifier |
Value | Description | Technical key |
AFM number (Greece) | AFM number (Greece) is a Tax Registration number applicable to all legal entities except for specific ship-owning companies, investment funds and a few other special cases. AFM number consists of 9 digits . | GR_AFM |
ANA number (France) | The number assigned to French associations created since 1901 and which have not made a declaration of change of situation since 2009. | FR_ANA |
Administrational Register Number (Belgium) | The Belgian NN is a multi-purpose identification number which acts as a Belgian tax identification number, a national register number and a social security number. It is used for tax administration, social security and public records in Belgium. The NN is issued by the Belgian government through the Federal Public Service department. The Belgian National Register Number is found on Belgian ID cards, social security cards and passports. It is a unique 11-digit number consisting of the holder’s date of birth (first 6 digits) then three digits to differentiate people born on the same day (odd numbers 001-997 for men, 002-998 for women) and a final two digits calculated on the previous nine digits. Businesses also get a Belgian NN. This is a 10-digit number used primarily for tax purposes as well as public records. | BE_ARN |
Andorra Fiscal Code | Fiscal Code is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to individuals in Andorra | AD_FI_CODE |
Argentinian Unique Tax Identifier Key | The Federal Administration of Public Revenue assigns a unique number (C.U.I.T - Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) to each taxpayer enrolled. The registration process differs between individual or legal
persons. The individual is registered at the agency corresponding to its fiscal domicile (in which the economic activity is performed) and provides the necessary information and documents to prove its identity (birth date, ID Nº) and domicile (certificate by a notary public, title deed or rental agreement, bank account or credit card statement, municipal permit, among others). In the case of legal persons, the request for registration must be done electronically, providing the identifying information about the partnership (registered name, legal domicile and any other related data), information about the members (authorities, equity shares, partners and shareholders), and any other information related to the activity performed, taxes and fiscal domicile. The representative will appear in person at the AFIP premises in order to provide all the necessary documentation to prove the existence of the legal person, which will vary according to the legal nature (partnership business, trust, permanent establishment, etc.) For Entities: CDI - Identification Code The Identification Code - CDI - represents a numeric code that the AFIP issues to entities not required to have a CUIT due to the fact that there is no tax reason to have one but otherwise is required to be identified for certain procedures. CUIT - Single Tax Identification Code Entities that initiate an economic activity must register with various government agencies, including the AFIP. Upon registration, a CUIT is granted by AFIP; thus, they acquire a tax identity vis a vis third parties and are therefore entitled to develop its activities on a legal basis. | AR_UTIK |
Ariba Network ID | Ariba Network ID (ANID) is a unique identifier assigned to businesses on the Ariba Network, which facilitates electronic transactions between buyers and suppliers. It enables secure, efficient collaboration for procurement, invoicing, and other business processes within the Ariba platform. Each ANID helps track and manage interactions across the network, ensuring transparency and accountability. | ANID |
Association Registration Number (Austria) | AT_ARN | |
Australian Company Number (Australia) | Every company in Australia is issued with an Australian Company Number by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) when the company is registered. An ACN can only be assigned to a business that registers as a company, whereas an ABN can be issued to all business types including sole trader and partnership registrations. ACN must be displayed on all company documents.
The ACN is a nine digit number with the last digit being a check digit calculated using a modified modulus 10 calculation. ASIC has adopted a convention of always printing and displaying the ACN in the format nnn nnn nnn, that is three blocks of three characters separated by a blank. This is to assist readability and the inserted blanks do not form part of the ACN | ACN_AU |
BPN (World) | Identifier used for identifying business partners in Catena-X use cases | CX_BPN |
Board of Trade Registration Number (United Kingdom) | The Department for International Trade (DIT) is a United Kingdom government department responsible for striking and extending trade agreements between the United Kingdom and non EU states (however the UK Government is not legally permitted to negotiate any trade deals with third party countries before it has exited the EU). | WR_BTRN |
Branch Unit Number (Belgium) | A branch number is given to a company to identify an address where at least one of the company’s activities is exercised, for example, a workshop, office, warehouse, agency, or subsidiary. Unlike the enterprise number, there is no legal requirement to print the branch number.
All branches of a company will receive a unique number that is different from the enterprise number. The branch number is transferable to another company, such as after a merger or takeover. BE_BUN consists of 10 digits. | BE_BUN |
Brazilian General Record of Taxpayers | Brazilian General record of Taxpayer consist of the records of individual and corporation tax payer. On Aug. 1, 2007, tax authorities issued standard instructions to regulate the simplified tax regime (super simples) announced by the Brazilian government through Complementary Law n° 123/2006. The measure authorizes companies under this regime—those with annual gross revenues of up to BRL2,400,000 ($1,372,684)—to pay a single tax in place of the following federal, state, and municipal taxes:
IRPJ (federal corporate income tax) CSLL (federal social contribution on net income) PIS and COFINS (federal contributions levied on income) IPI (federal excise tax) Federal payroll taxes/contributions ICMS (state taxes on goods and services) ISS (municipal services tax). The applicable tax rate will vary from 4% to 17.42%, depending on the type of activity—industry, commerce, services, and so on. This new tax regime, which came into effect on July 1, 2007, differs from the standard methods to calculate corporate income tax. Larger companies can normally opt to calculate income tax under an actual profits method (lucro real) or a presumed profits method (lucro presumido). Under the actual profits method (lucro real), the taxable income is calculated in accordance with corporate records and adjusted for tax purposes in line with the applicable regulations (standard taxable income calculation). The corporate taxpayers may estimate their monthly tax payments (IRPJ and CSLL) by using computation rules applicable for the presumed taxable income basis. A final balance sheet and statement of income must be drawn up at year-end and the annual tax liability (including income tax surcharge) computed. Any difference between the final tax liability computed and the amounts estimated and paid in advance or withheld at source will either be paid up on March of the following calendar year (subject to interest) or claimed as a tax credit. | BR_GRT |
Bureau van Dijk Identifier (World) | Each company that is enlisted in Bureau van Dijk Analytics company registry has a BvD ID number created from its national company number. | BVD_ID |
Business Account Number (United States - San Francisco) | Business Account Number in San Francisco is a seven digit number assigned to registered business accounts. This number is assigned by the Treasurer-Tax Collector. | BAN_US_SF |
Business Administration Number (Taiwan) | The Business Administration Number (BAN), also known as the Uniform Business Number (UBN), is an 8-digit number used to uniquely identify registered businesses in Taiwan for tax and administrative purposes. It serves as the equivalent of a VAT number in Taiwan, as the country does not issue a separate VAT identifier. The BAN is required for business registration, tax filings, and issuing Government Uniform Invoices (GUIs), which are part of Taiwan's VAT system.
The format of the BAN is: 8 digits, where the first seven digits are the main identifier, and the eighth digit is a check digit for validation. Businesses use the BAN for VAT-related activities, including taxable sales reporting and issuing VAT-compliant invoices, making it the core identifier in Taiwan's VAT framework. While Taiwan's system doesn't explicitly call it a VAT number, the BAN fulfills this function in practice. | TW_BRN |
Business Identification Number (Kazakhstan) | The BIN and IIN replaced the RNN number | KZ_BIN |
Business Identifier Code | ... internationlal bank identifier... swift... | BIC |
Business Number (Australia) | The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique identifier issued by the Australian Business Register (ABR) which is operated by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ABN was introduced on 1 July 2000 by John Howard's Liberal government as part of a major tax reform, which included the introduction of a GST. The Registrar issues ABNs only to entities who are entitled to an ABN. Entities do not have to be individuals (natural persons) or companies (legal persons). An entity can be –
an individual, a body corporate, a corporation sole, a body politic, a partnership, any other unincorporated association or body of persons, a trust, or a superannuation fund. For an entity to be entitled to an ABN, it must – carry on an enterprise in Australia, or carry on an enterprise that makes supplies connected with Australia, or be a company registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Whether or not an entity is carrying on an enterprise is a question of fact and there are many circumstances where an entity will be carrying on an enterprise. Without being exhaustive, an entity will be carrying on an enterprise if it – is in the form of a business, leases property, is a religious institution, is a superannuation fund, is an arm of the government, or is a charity. The Registrar of the ABR can refuse an entity's application to be registered. Equally, the Registrar can cancel an entity's registration and thus their ABN. Both of these decisions are reviewable taxation decisions. | ABN_AU |
Business Registration Number (Albania) | The registration of new business in Albania according to the Law no. 9723, dated 03.05.2007. On National Registration Center, is done through NRC. The NRC is a central public institution, with legal personality, subordinated to the minister responsible for economy and its legal seat is in Tirana. At the Albanian National Registration Centre the investors can make all the registration related procedures including tax registration, registration for health insurance, social insurance and labour directorate registration. The electronic registry is fully operational so the registration is made with a single application. The registration at the Municipality Bureau of Internal Revenue is also a step which must be taken and its perform by sending an application and several documents (including the registration certificate). All business entities must register with the National Registration Center. The National Registration Center is the public institution responsible for registering and maintaining the registration information of all businesses in Albania. The national registration center functions as a single window for business registration in Albania; the new business is automatically registered with the tax administration, social and health insurance institute, and the labor office. | AL_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Algeria) | The legislation and regulations provide measures to encourage and facilitate the efforts of all investors, without distinction between domestic or foreign capital.
In this context, Algeria has provided itself with an investment code modified by the ruling No. 01-03 of 20th August 2001 concerning the development of investments. This ruling offers a series of advantages to investors and has introduced the instruments necessary for a policy of investment promotion such as the National Investment Council chaired by the Head of the Government, the National Investment Development Agency (ANDI), with its central structures and its one-stop units which bring together all the administrative sectors concerned by investment action. The Agency also manages the Investment Support Fund. | DZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Angola) | Angola is strategically situated on the At¬lantic coast of West Africa, where it acts as an open entrance to Southern and Central Africa by way of both road and railroad networks. The Angolan Government, working through the Na¬tional Private Investment Agency-ANIP, which is the only approved entity accountable for its private investment policy (national and FDI), is thoroughly dedicated to protecting every private investor wish¬ing to invest in Angola. The currency is becoming powerful, day by day, stimulating the consuming habit within the Angolan and foreign populations who live in the capital and in the provinces. Angola is the second largest oil exporter in Africa and that country has achieved high economic growth rates for all decade.
Company Registration in Angola – Licensing - The Ministry of Trade, through the National Directorate of Trade, provides licenses for medium and large business areas, import and export, representative trade and trade services provision of a relevant size- Obtain the Commercial Operations license from the Ministry of Commerce | AO_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Armenia) | To maintain business activity in Armenia it is necessary to pass through one of two procedures:
- Company registration - Private entrepreneur registration (PI) Mainly the companies’ registration is necessary for the commercial organisations which are involved in entrepreneurial activity. Company registration is necessary for noncommercial organisations as well, though they can maintain business activity only for achievement of the aims for the sake of which they are created. No doubt, the company registration is a not a simple process and you need to start it by choosing the organisational-legal type of your future company. Legal entities registration is an important component of the legal practice. The armenian lawyers and attorneys whose duties involve the registration of the companies, must possess not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also have to be familiar in details with the registering bodies work process peculiarities and their requirements (sometimes not completely legal). The approach to the process of the companies' registration as technical procedure when typical documents are used only is not sufficient. First of all the legal adviser specialized on companies registration should get acknowledged to the requirements of the customer, and, if necessary, must help the customer to define them. Prior to starting preparation of the documents and registration process it is necessary to define key characteristics of the future company. Further, during the registration process you will need to define the company's name. The Armenian legislation stipulates the name check when registering the company. Besides, you should not choose the names same or similar with the registered trademarks (for example, LLC "Coca-Cola", CJSC "Mercedes", etc.). The next important point in companies' registration process is the share capital. At first, it is initial money resource of the company, and secondly it is the minimal size of company’s property. If you need to register a company of a certain type of activity (banks, the insurance companies), in this case Armenian legislation stipulates the higher size of share capital. When registering a new company in Armenia, the shareholders must define the administrative order of the Company: the executive structure, the order of election and the termination authorities. As a rule, standard two-tier system is used: the Chief Executive (the Director General, the President) and General Meeting. It is very important to thoroughly set up the terms and the order of the executives’ selection othervise the conflicts of interests and the struggle for the control in the Company are possible in the future. The registration of the company with limited liability is conducted only when a definite address of the company's location is available, i.e. you can register the company only when you mention in the constituent documents the certain legal address which can either coincide or not with the real address. If the company still does not have agreement on rent of any premise, then you can obtain the legal address: the legal address is needed only for the registration, and the Company does not have to be located only and exactly at the mentioned address The companies’ registration requires defining the types of activity of the company. It is sufficient to describe approximately what activity the company is going to be involved, and then our professionals will define the types of activity. For the fulfillment of some types of business activities the special permission (license) is required along with the registration of new company. For example, if operations under accounts will significantly differ from the initially declared activity of the company, the bank can offer (or demand) to change the types of activity. After shareholders have chosen the organisational-legal form, the company name and other initial data, our highly skilled lawyers and attorneys will start working out of constituent documents and registration of the companies. Yerevan is an extremely active business city, thus numerous registrations of the companies (LLS, CJSC, OJSC and other companies) are fulfilled every day in Yerevan. Companies' registration in Yerevan as well as in whole Republic of Armenia is carried out by Legal Entities Registration Agency under the Republic Armenia Ministry of Justice. Enterprise registration is very responsible procedure and it should not be neglected. The matter is that the errors occurred at the registration of the company can affect not only the process of the documents application. The registering body may register the company taking as a basis the data you provided. However, if this data is not valid further your company is exposed to the risk of compulsory liquidation! The inadvertent commitment of such errors certainly will not exempt you from responsibility. These subtleties and nuances cannot be learnt, even if you thoroughly studied the legislation. That is why it is worthwhile that the registration of the companies in Yerevan should be performed by professionals. | AM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Azerbaijan) | Business or company formation in Azerbaijan includes:
Draft the Articles of Association (necessary for the business or company incorporation in Azerbaijan); The Articles of Association required to open a business or company in Azerbaijan can be signed through Power of Attorney (the same applies to Public Notary proceedings, a step required by the Azerbaijan law).drafting all other documents required for the incorporation of the Azerbaijan company; These documents include: Application Form – Form provided by Ministry of Taxes (registration authority of legal entities). These document needs to be notarised. Such form could be applied by the person duly authorised to do so. Incorporation documents – Charter of company, Resolution of Board on establishment of LLC and appointment of legal representative. Information about the shareholders, founders – IDs, passports of founders. Where the owners (shareholders) are foreign legal entities, Articles of Association, Memorandum and Certificate from trade registry are required. Document evidencing the domicile of LLC – Notarised consent letter from the property owner to use the address as legal address (domicile) of LLC. Where the property owner is the very shareholder, such written consent letter is not required. Arrange Public Notary procedures (The procedures for incorporating a company in Azerbaijan have to be done through an Azerbaijan Public Notary); Have a Registered Office in Azerbaijan for your business or company (if required); The registered office may be any address where the Azerbaijan business or company declares to have its headquarters or operations. The registered office will be public. After registering the Company, following issues need to be considered: Preparation of corporate seal of the company Setting up a bank account for opening a business or company in Azerbaijan. Obtaining of e-signature (ASAN imza) for the company Registering employment agreements (including the employment agreement of the Director of the company) Reporting to state authorities (tax, social security, statistics) Opening a bank account refers both to an initial share capital account as well as a current bank account after the company is formed. Accountancy services are recommended for any new business registration in Azerbaijan. Receipt evidencing payment of state registration fee and charter capital – official registration fee for new LLC is 11 manats (AZN) and must be paid in advance before incorporation. State duty for registration of representative offices and branches of foreign legal entity is 220 manats (AZN). However, the charter capital must be paid within 3 month of company registration, provided that this has been prescribed by the charter. In Azerbaijan a company may start its commercial activities after state registration Legal Entity Registration Department at the Ministry of Taxes. Registering a local entity is in general a prerequisite to open a bank account, apply for licenses, certify goods, etc. Azerbaijani law neither contains specific requirements regarding the size of share of a foreign company in Azerbaijani entity nor does it establish legal limitations regarding foreign founders jurisdiction. There are several forms of legal entities to choose from. Such forms include sole entrepreneur, partnership (general and limited), joint-stock company (open and closed type) and Limited Liability Company. | AZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Bahrain) | Under the guidance of the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to strengthen and develop the role of the
national economy on the level of industries and scope of entrepreneurs to attract local and foreign investment, the new commercial registers system (SIJILAT) was launched in cooperation with the e-Government Authority and government agencies competent with business licenses in May 2015. The commercial registers system (the single virtual platform to do business) is a strategic and ambitious project for the Kingdom of Bahrain that provides the service of completing all business transactions in full on the Internet. | BH_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Belarus) | The Republic of Belarus is situated in the heart of Europe, so its transport routes connect the CIS countries with the lands of Western Europe. Belarus has common border with Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine. The capital of the republic is Minsk. Being unitary republic, Belarus is controlled by the president. The population of Belarus is about 9.4 million people. The relief is predominantly plain. Agricultural lands occupy significant areas of the country. The main factors influencing the development of agriculture are temperate continental climate and presence of an extensive system of waterways. A large number of wetlands provides an important kind of fuel in Belarus that is peat. Warm summers and mild winters are typical for Belarus. The warmest areas of the country are southern and south-western territories.
legal services for registration of: a firm in the forms of a limited liability company (llc), an additional liability company, a joint-stock company a unitary enterprise (with only one founder) any amendments to constituent documents (charter, constitutive agreement) of legal persons reorganization of companies (merges and acquisitions) a representative office of a foreign company an individual businessman registration of your business with assistance of our lawyers is quick, convenient and economical! moreover, we will help you not only to establish and register a company in minsk and belarus, but are also ready to accompany legally your business further: to prepare all legal documentation, and to make a legal audit of documents; to advise at fulfilment of various transactions, to assist in negotiations while drawing up contracts, labour agreements, etc.; to represent your interests in courts. | BY_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Benin) | Benin officially the Republic of Benin, is a country in West Africa. The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo, but the chair of government is in Cotonou. The Government of Benin (GOB) encourages foreign investment. The Presidential Investment Council (PIC), established in 2006 to reinforce dialogue between the GOB and investors, aims to fast implementation of reforms and boost the business environment. Benin made starting a business easier by appointing a representative of the commercial registry at the one-stop shop for business registration. Benin has taken several initiatives to attract foreign investment (especially in the electricity generation sector), such as establishing a Presidential Investment Council. The incorporation package which needs to be presented to Benin’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (CCIB) Corporate Formalities Center (CFC) to incorporate a company. Scroll down for more information on company formation in Benin. | BJ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | The "Matični broj subjekta" in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an identification number assigned to businesses and other legal entities for registration and taxation purposes. This unique identifier is issued by relevant governmental agencies and is essential for conducting various official transactions, including tax reporting, legal documentation, and commercial activities. It serves as a way to uniquely identify and track entities within the jurisdiction of Bosnia and Herzegovina. | BA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Botswana) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Botswana. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | BW_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Bulgaria) | In connection with the EU admittance in 2007, a uniform commercial register has been introduced in Bulgaria. The execution of the registration has been taken from the courts and is now independently regulated by the law of the commercial register. Since then, the regulations regarding the registration procedure are no longer part of the Bulgarian commercial code. Due to its importance to the public, this procedure will be commented shortly.
The commercial register permits the accessibility of the merchant’s legal situation to the public. This fact is guaranteed by the merchant’s obligation to publish the circumstances defined by the Commercial Code in the commercial register which is regulated by public law. With this, the legal interests of third parties and of the merchant himself are protected. According to Article 4 of the law of the commercial code, all merchants, branches of foreign merchants and the related circumstances must be recorded into the commercial register. Circumstances that must be recorded into the commercial register are listed in the commercial code. All other circumstances that are recorded into the commercial register have no legal significance – meaning that with their publication these circumstances do not become legally effective, that they may not be set against third parties and that no one may refer to them. The merchant is (according to Article 6 of the commercial code) obligated to record relative circumstances into the commercial register. In certain cases, managers and other legally defined persons may apply for the registration. According to Article 6 (2) of the Commercial Code, the application for registration into the commercial register must be issued 7 days after the occurrence of the relative circumstance. The registration into the commercial register has the following four effects regarding the commerce: Effect of declaration – the publication in the commercial register constitutes the presumption that the published circumstances are known to third parties (presumption of knowledge). According to Article 7 of the Commercial Code, it is legally presumed that the circumstances got known to third parties with their publication. This provision states as well that the registration into the commercial register becomes effective only 15 days after the registration against third parties that could not take notice of it. Constitutive effect – in accordance with the commercial law, the registration into the commercial register becomes legally effective only if it is provided by law. Upon revision this means that the circumstance that is subject to publication is not effective until its registration. Positive publicity – the registration into the commercial register has evidential value and is presumed to be true even if actually it is incorrect or inexistent. Everyone may rely on the registration and refer to it. Negative publicity – circumstances that are not recorded into or published in the commercial register are deemed as inexistent. | BG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Burkina Faso) | Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa. The Government of Burkina Faso (GOBF) wishes to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and has been implemented over the years, reforms to make Burkina Faso more impressive to international investors. GOBF revised its investment code in 2010, offering tax and exemptions from customs as well as from value added tax (VAT) on operational equipment. To further encourage business and investment, GOBF launched the Presidential Council for Investment, an advisory body in December 2008.
Scroll down for more information on Company Formation in Burkina Faso. - To simplify the registration process for companies wishing to establish a presence in Burkina Faso, the government launched eight enterprise registration centers called Centres de Formalités des Enterprises, known by their French acronym as CEFOREs. The CEFOREs are one-stop shops (OSS) for company registration. - The LLC is the form of the most common and easiest company. Its share capital must be at least 1,000,000 FCFA and be divided into shares of at least 5,000 FCFA. The partners are liable for the company debts only up to their capital contribution. The managers of the LLC may be partners or paid individuals not linked with the company. - If the foreign corporation to which it is attached is located outside of “Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa”, then the branch will be considered as temporary and should in the following two years lead to the creation of a lawful company in the host country or in one of the other Member States of OHADA. | BF_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Burundi) | In Burundi, types of companies that can be registered are: Sole Owner Company (SU), Partnership with Limited Liability (SPRL), Limited Company (SA), Limited Liability Cooperative (Cooperative) :
1 Sole Owner (SU) • Physical presence of the Company Sole shareholder. 2 Partnership with Limited Liability (SPRL): Minimum 2 Shareholders 3 Limited Company (SA): Minimum 3 Shareholders For either case photographs are not required and the procedures are identical. • The physical presence of all sharelholders or a proxy from each one of them appointing you as their representative ( or any other shareholder). 4 Limited Liability Cooperative • The presence of Chairperson of the Board of Directors. • Notarized minutes that appointed him along with the list of the cooperative members. At the end of the procedure that takes less than 8 hours, you will be given the following documents: • A trade Registry. • Your company statues. • Tax Identification Number (TIN). | BI_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Cambodia) | Starting a business in Cambodia is a fairly straightforward procedure. To do business legally, you must first register with MoC business registration. Now, the service is done online. You can start reserving a name before registering your business or start registering your business right away.
In order to set up a business in the Kingdom of Cambodia, you need to register your business either as a sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited company, public limited company, or foreign company. It is very easy to register your business online. All you need to do is to fill in the required information and documents and to pay the required registration fee before submitting to the business registration official to be reviewed. On approval of the application, the company will be incorporated immediately and certificate of incorporation issued. Once you start your application you have 15 days to complete it; otherwise, it will be removed from the system. | KH_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Cameroon) | Cameroon, officially named as the Republic of Cameroon. It is a country in the west Central Africa region. It is bordered by Cameroon to the west; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo to the south. Cameroon is the country that is offering exceptional investment opportunities to foreign investors looking to grab a share in the rich market of Central Africa. Its favorable business atmosphere, its educated bilingual manpower, its strategic position, its economic and political stability has created Cameroon the most prominent choice for foreign investors. The Cameroon Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) fall under the technical supervisory authority of the Ministry in charge of the Promotion of Private Investments and the financial supervisory authority of the Ministry of Finance. Scroll down to read more on the procedures for a company formation in Cameroon.
The following tax and business licenses registrations are essential and obligatory for all the companies in Cameroon. Registration of the company in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (RCCM) A business license (patent) that should be acquired from the Taxation Department by paying an annual fee. Obtainable A tax number from the Taxation Department Register the employees along with company at the National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS) and the Labour Office | CM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Cape Verde) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Algeria. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | CV_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Central African Republic) | The Central African Republic is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Sudan to the northeast, Chad to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan to the east, and Cameroon to the west and the Republic of the Congo to the south. In 2001, the government established the Central African Investment Charter to stimulate private sector development by attracting domestic and international private investment. Foreign direct investments (FDI) are primarily in diamonds, gold, uranium, telecommunications and more recently in the hotel industry. Among new foreign investments recorded from 2007 through 2009.
Company Registration in Central African Republic – Licensing - Licensing in Central African Republic depends of the business practice. Sectors like banking, insurance, mobile telecommunication, oil & gas are subject to approval from the appropriate Ministries. | CF_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Chad) | Chad officially named as the Republic of Chad is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Sudan to the east, Libya to the north, the Central African Republic to the south, Niger to the west and Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest. Since 1996, Chad has been a member of the World trade organization. Realizing the potential of the private sector to help diversify and grow the economy, the Government of Chad is working to promote formal small business development.
Company Registration in CHAD – Licensing - The National agency of the Investments and Exports (ANIE) has an One stop shop in Chad issues business license | TD_BRN |
Business Registration Number (China) | A business is registered in China at the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC) and retrieves a registration number. These registrations are processed through a huge network of local branches across China and a business registration number is issued along with, and displayed on, the company business license. The new 18-digit business registration number actually goes by the Chinese name “统一社会信用代码” which could be translated as “Unified Social Credit Code”. But for ease of understanding, and given that it is displayed on a company’s business license, we simply refer to it as the “Chinese business registration number”. Other names we have seen used for this number are "Unified Social Credit Number" (USCN) and "Unified Social Credit Indicator" (USCI). It can also be considered to be the TIN (Tax Identification Number) for Mainland China entities. | CN_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Comoros) | KM_BRN | |
Business Registration Number (Congo) | The Democratic Republic of the Congo sometimes named to as DR Congo, DRC, Congo, is a country situated in the African Great Lakes region of Central Africa. It is the 2nd biggest country in Africa by area and the 11th biggest in the world. With a population of over 75 mn, the DR Congo is the 19th most populous nation in the world, the 4th most populous nation in Africa, as well as the most populous officially Francophone country.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo Government established a one stop solution know as The National Agency for Investment Promotion (ANAPI). ANAPI is, under the supervision of the Ministry of Planning. Its missions are: To improve the atmosphere of business in the DRC, Improve an “investor-friendly” image of the DRC, To promote investment opportunities in the DRC and the advantages for the investors, Grant tax and customs incentives for investments that meet the required criteria within the Investment Code. Offer a package of services to assist national and foreign investors, either public, private or both in all administrative matters related to their investments in order to facilitate the realization of their investments and their transfer to the DRC. | CG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Croatia) | The Trade Register in Croatia is known as the Croatian Company Registry and it is actually represented by the Commercial Court in Croatia, which is managed by the Chamber of Commerce in Croatia. All companies must register with the Commercial Court in Croatia before starting their commercial transactions. The Financial Agency of Croatia also deals with registration of companies in Croatia. | HR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Cyprus) | The procedure for the incorporation of a Cyprus Legal Entity can be completed within a maximum period of two weeks at the most, and enables the legal entity to start business forthwith.
The company name must be officially approved by the Registrar of Companies. On applying to the Registrar for the approval of a name, it is recommended that two or three possible names ending with the word “limited” be submitted as this may avoid unnecessary delays. Applicants should however, bear in mind that a name is not likely to be approved if: it is similar to the name of an existing company it is considered misleading or confusing it implies links with royalty it includes the word "Imperial", "National", and “Corporation, Commonwealth “ or Co-operative. Where a subsidiary company proposes to adopt the name of its parent company, the latter must furnish its written consent for the use of its name. Once the approval of the Central Bank has been obtained, the next step is the registration of the company. For a company to be registered, the following documents and information must be filed with the Registrar of Companies: (a) The Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Memorandum must state, among other things, the following: The name of the company with “Limited” as the last word The situation of the registered office The objects of the company, which it is advisable that they should be as wide as possible so as to enable the company to engage in any kind of business or activity, without this being “ultra vires” (beyond the powers of) the company and, therefore voided. A statement that the liability of the members is limited by shares or by guarantee, when applicable. The amount of the share capital and details of the shares authorized to be issued, and The subscribers to the memorandum together with the number of shares for which they have subscribed. (b) The Articles of Association which generally govern the company's internal procedures and functions.The articles contain rules governing the internal management of the company and regulating the rights of its members among themselves. The articles may be altered or added to by means of a special resolution, which requires a majority vote of over 75 per cent of the members. The articles deal with matters such as: General meetings of the company Voting rights of members Transfer of shares Appointment and powers of directors Dividends Accounts & Audit Specimen memorandum and articles of association, which have been prepared after careful study by lawyers and Focus Business Services, can be made available, but care should be taken that the first few main objects’ clauses are tailored to the specific circumstances and the main business objects of the company. (c) A list of the directors and the secretary's name and details. A minimum of one director is required, but there is no maximum. Although there is no necessity to have local directors, this is advisable especially where the provisions of a double tax treaty are going to be utilized; and it is important to show that the company is effectively managed and controlled from Cyprus (tax resident in Cyprus) and that all company decisions are taken in Cyprus. Also, for practical reasons, it is recommended that the Secretary is a Cyprus resident. Directors can also act as Secretaries, but a sole Director cannot act as a Company Secretary, except only in the case of a “one shareholder - one director - one secretary company” when one person can indeed act in all three aforementioned capacities. (d) The address of the company's registered office, which will be the place where all official notices will be served. (e) A declaration or affidavit from a lawyer confirming that all formalities provided by The Companies’ Law have been complied with in relation to the incorporation in question. Once all the required documents have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies and he has satisfied himself that they are in order, he will issue a Certificate of Incorporation. The formation and registration procedures, including printing of all official stationery and opening the necessary bank accounts, can usually be completed within a period of two weeks, whereupon the company can start operating immediately. | CY_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Djibouti) | The Djiboutian lawful environment is favorable to the businesses. You can create your company in Djibouti whatever your nationality or your place of residence is.
The registration of your company in Djibouti can be done within three days. Foreign investor does not need a Djiboutian partner to start a business in Djibouti. You can use our One Stop Shop services or create the status (legal structure) of your company with a notary or lawyer of the private sector. All steps required to start a business are of course undertaken by the One Stop Shop of NIPA. | DJ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Egypt) | Foreign enterprises wishing to conduct business in Egypt may enter the Egyptian market by establishing a permanent legal structure. Foreign investors are permitted to establish various types of entities by the Egyptian law. These entities may have either permanent presence as Limited Liability Companies and Joint Stock Companies or temporary presence as Foreign Branch Offices and Foreign Representative Offices. Generally, investment in Egypt is subject to the Egyptian Corporate Commercial Law, however, if the entity invests in certain fields, it might obtain benefits from the Egyptian Investment Law. Limited Liability Companies as well as Joint Stock Companies are the two forms preferred most by foreign investors intending to incorporate a business in Egypt. Joint stock companies may be fully controlled by a foreigner and also limited liability companies may be 100% owned by foreigners provided that at least one of the general managers is an Egyptian. | EG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Equatorial Guinea) | GQ_BRN | |
Business Registration Number (Estonia) | EE_BRN | |
Business Registration Number (Ethiopia) | Ethiopia is formally known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is in the north-eastern part of Africa, at the crossroads between Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The country has a constant political and economic environment. The Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) is a government agency established to promote private investment, foreign direct investment (FDI). The entire activities of the Agency are monitored and observed by an Investment Board, chaired by the Minister of Industry. The Ethiopian Government has made efforts, through procedural and legislative reforms, to enhance the investment climate of the country and thereby encourage more foreign direct investment. | ET_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Falkland Islands) | The Companies and Private Partnership Ordinance 1922 states the following:
Requirements as to companies established outside Falkland Islands ( 1) A company incorporated outside the Falkland Islands may carry on business in the Falkland Islands by filing with the Registrar General- (a) a certified copy of the charter, statutes, or memorandum and articles of the company, or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company and, if the instrument is not written in the English language, a certified translation in the English language thereof; (b) a list of the directors of the company; (c) the name of some one or more persons resident or stationed for the time being in the Falkland Islands authorized to accept on behalf of the company service of process and any notices required to be served on the company,and in the event of any alteration being made in any such instrument, or in the directors, or in the names of any such person as aforesaid, the company shall file with the Registrar General within six months a notice of the alteration. (2) Any process or notice required to be served on the company shall be sufficiently served if addressed to any person whose name has been so filed as aforesaid and left at or sent to the address which has been so filed. (3) If any company to which this section applies fails to comply with any of the requirements of this section the company, and every officer or agent of the company, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or in the case of a continuing offence level 1 on the standard scale for every day during which the failure continues. (4) There shall be paid to the Registrar General for registering any document required by this section to be filed with him a fee of £250 or such smaller fee as may be prescribed by the Governor: Provided always that subsection (1)(a) and (b) of this section shall not apply to any company incorporated outside the Falkland Islands which carries on business within the Falkland Islands solely through the medium of a bona fide agent. | FK_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Gabon) | A business certificate in Gabon is obtained during the process of incorporating entities in the country, therefore an applicant must go through the business registration steps in order to obtain the certificate and these are as follows:-
1.An applicant should starts by finding a legal person (a notary / an attorney / a lawyer) who will assist in the registration / incorporation procedure; 2.The applicant together with the contracted legal person starts the registration process by reserving a name for the company. In this case, a name is suggested and the applicant together with the contacted lawyer makes a search to assess availability of a name and if the name is available, the applicant proceeds with the registration process; 3.The applicant then proceeds with opening up an account for the company. The account must be under the name reserved and if a name is not yet reserved, the account should opened up under the phrase company under registration. 4.After an account has been opened, the applicant must then deposit the companys initial capital which should be not be below the minimum capital required for incorporation of business in the country, and proof of deposit of the capital should be obtained; 5.Thereafter, the applicant proceeds with drafting, signing and registering the articles of association of the company. At this stage, the contracted legal person assists in the drafting of the articles of association and the directors of company sign them in the presence of the legal person. 6.After the signing, the signed articles of association are deposited and registered with the public notary who in return issues a certificate of payment of the initial capital; 7.Thereafter the applicant proceeds with registration at the Investment Promotion Agency ("Agence de Promotion d'Investissement") the Centre de Dveloppement des Entreprises. Here the applicants submits required documents for registration with various institutions which include registration of the company laws at the Ministry of Finance (Administration de Domaines), registration with the court clerk at the Ministry of Justiceand registration with the tax authority. In this case, when documents are received, the Centre de Dveloppement des Entreprises forwards the documents to the relavant institutions, which view the documents, assess them and either approve or deny registration; 8.When registration is approved, the applicant can now pay required fees and a receipt is issued as proof of payment; 9.Thereafter a notice of company registration is published in a legal journal for a given period of time. This is done to allow an one who does not agree to the registration to submit their objection; 10.If no objection is received, the company is fully registered and a business certificate is issued | GA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Gambia) | Businesses in The Gambia may be registered as a company, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or other forms of businesses (namely co-operatives, subsidiaries of other companies)
Go to the Single Window Business Registration Offices at the Ministry of Justice in Banjul or the Kanifing Municipal Council. You would have to complete the following: Obtain a registration form. Reserve a unique company name / name search Obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) | GM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Georgia) | All the Georgian legal entities must be registered with the National Agency of the Public Registry subordinated to the Ministry of Justice in Georgia. The registration of the companies is based on a signed and notarized application. The application must include a set of information, such as the name of the company, the type of company, its address, the purposes for which it was set up as well as the following:
• date of starting the business and a notarized copy of the company’s statutory documents; • providing information on the founder of the company (name, address, place of birth and the profession), • the amount of share capital and details regarding the contribution of each partner; • documents regarding each member of the supervisory board and management board. The application must be accompanied by the charter of company, the documents showing the value of the contributions made in kind, a proof from the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the persons appointed to represent the company are not subject to penalty for proprietary offences, the documents of appointment of the directors and members of the councils. | GE_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Germany) | The Handelsregisternummer or simply Registernummer is the unique number given to each company listed in the German Trade Register, the Handelsregister. Most German companies must be listed in the Handelsregister, with the exception of freelancers, small businesses with low sales revenue and companies constituted under civil law (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts).
The Handelsregisternummer usually has the HR_ 12345 format, followed by the district court (Amtsgericht) where the company is registered. Here are a few examples of Handelsregisternummern:
Overall format:
Business Registration Number (Ghana) | The first step in starting a business in Ghana is to legally register the business entity at the Registrar General’s Department (RGD). There are various forms of business entities that can be registered under the laws of Ghana and it is therefore imperative to choose the right legal structure that best serves your business intentions. These are the various forms of business registration under the laws of Ghana;
Companies Limited by shares Companies Limited by guarantee Companies with unlimited liability External Company Sole Proprietorship The once the registration process is carried suceesfully below mentioned documents will be provide: - Certificate of incorporation - Certificate of commencement ` ` - Form 3(TIN form for Business Registration) & 4(Returns of Particulars of the company limited by Shares Registration Form) - Company regulations The above mentioned documents are the legal documents of proof of company’s existence in Ghana. The documents will indicate clearly the business name, activities, business address, directors’ details, company TIN as well as shareholders information among others. The business certificates can be used for any business transaction or open a corporate bank account with any of the commercial banks in Ghana. | GH_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Gibraltar) | In 1993, the Gibraltar Government decided to hand over the day-to-day management of the Companies Registry to a private company. Companies House (Gibraltar) Limited now has the management of the
Registry. Gibraltar Companies House main statutory functions: - To incorporate and dissolve companies. - To examine and hold documents presented under the Companies Ordinance and related legislation. Every Gibraltar company has a legal obligation to provide Companies House with up-to-date information on the company. This includes the filing of the annual return and filing of accounts, trading or non trading. The annual return will contains details of the shareholders, directors and the share capital of the company. Upon incorporation every company is issued with a certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies. This certificate is legal proof of the company’s existence and is often required when conducting business transactions. We are able to obtain official registry certified copies of this document. | GI_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Greece) | The company incorporation process in Greece, the entrepreneurs must be aware that all the entities registered in Greece must have a unique name so it’s advisable to check the desired name at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry which will issue an evidence of name uniqueness. After getting this proof, the entrepreneurs must file the company documents with Athens Bar Association and sign the articles of incorporation in front of a notary public.
The minimum share capital or the initial capital must be deposit in a bank account and the capital tax on the concentration of capital must be paid within 15 days of signing the articles of association. All the above documents must be delivered to the secretariat of the court of first instance, which will raise a registration number. A summary of the articles of association must be delivered to the National Printing Office in order to be published in the Greek National Gazette. In the same time, an application for registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry must be delivered. Along with the notarized articles of incorporation, the certification of the approval of the company name issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a copy of the Official Gazette containing the summary of the articles of association must be deposited. This way the newly formed company is registered for the specific taxes and the social security contributions. The next step in setting up a Greek company consists of creating a company seal with the purpose of sealing the company books and records, before certifying. The company’s invoice and account books must receive the Tax Authority hole-stamp. The last step of company incorporation in Greece consists in notifying the Manpower Employment Organization which must be performed within 8 days of hiring its first employee, via e-mail or phone. | GR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Guinea) | GN_BRN | |
Business Registration Number (Guinea-Bissau) | In May 2011, the CFE one-stop shop for business registration was created, with technical assistance from the World Bank (South-South Experience Exchange Facility Trust Fund), International Finance Corporation (IFC), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), European Union (EU) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The CFE one-stop shop combines all essential services needed to create a business under one roof, including notarizing the company statutes, registering at the Commercial Registry, obtaining the tax identification number, obtaining work permits for foreign investors and receiving commercial, industrial and tourism licenses and urban inspections. Licensing requirements were eased by eliminating the requirement for prior authorization for low-risk commercial activities. In addition, the implementation of the revised General Commercial Law of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), of which Guinea-Bissau is a member, replaces the requirement to submit the criminal records of the company founders at the time of registration with a sworn declaration. | GW_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Hong Kong) | Every business operating in Hong Kong requires a Hong Kong business registration number. This number is issued by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). It is an 8-digit sequence at the front of the BR certificate number (e.g. 22222222-&&&-&&-&&-&). It is important to note that all the numerals of the BR number are used as an identifier equivalent to the tax identification number for entities. | HK_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Iceland) | Business operations may be conducted in a variety of forms. Foreigners have customarily established a branch of a limited company in Iceland. It is also possible to establish an independent company (subsidiary) in Iceland or buy stocks in Icelandic companies, though not in certain types of them such as those engaged in fisheries and primary fish processing. Icelandic company law is in line with the requirements of the company law provisions of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and consequently EU company law. | IS_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Iran) | Law Permitting Registration of Branches or Representative Offices of Foreign Companies Official Gazette No. 15384, dated 17.12.1997 (26.9.1376) Letter No. Gh- 1592, dated 25.11.1997 (4.9.1376) Sole Article- The foreign companies which are being considered to be legal corporate bodies in their country of registration, in case of reciprocal treatment by the country governing the said companies, may register their branches or representative offices to carry out businesses determined by the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran within the framework of the prevailing laws and regulations. Note: The executive regulations of this Law shall be drawn up by the Ministry of Economy and Finance through coordination with other authorities concerned and shall be presented to the Council of Ministers for approval. The above Law, comprising a Sole Article and one Note was approved by the ICA in the open session of Wednesday November 12, 1997 and was confirmed by the Guardians Council on November 19, 1997.
The Executive By- Laws of the Law Authorizing Registration of Branches or Representative Offices of Foreign Companies in Iran The Council of Ministers, in the course of a meeting held on March 31, 1999 (11.1.1378) pursuant to a proposal by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and in compliance with the Note appended to the Single Article of the Law ratified in 1997 authorizing registration of branches of representative offices of foreign companies (in Iran), approved the Executive By- laws of the said Law as follows: Article 1: A foreign company which is known and admitted as a legal company in the country of registration shall be authorized to have its branch or representative office registered in Iran for the activities listed below, by observing the principle of reciprocal action and also with due regard to the requirements intended herein, as well as the other pertinent regulations: After- sale services for goods and services supplied by the foreign company. Executive works of the contracts signed between Iranian and foreign companies. Review and preparation of grounds for investment by foreign company in Iran. Cooperation with technical and engineering companies in Iran, for performance of works in a third country. Promotion of Iranian non-oil exports. Technical and engineering services and transfer of technology and technical know- how to Iran. Activities legally licensed by Iranian government authorities which are duly authorized to issue such permits, in such areas as transportation, insurance, goods inspection, banking, marketing and the like. Article 2: A branch office of a foreign company shall be the local office of the principle company, which directly functions and attends to business within the objectives and duties undertaken by the principle company. Therefore, and business activity by such branch office shall be in the name and under the responsibility of the principle office of the company. Article 3: A foreign company wishing to have registered its branch office in Iran shall provide the Registrar of Companies and Industrial Ownership, with the following information and documents, to be submitted along with a written application: Company's article of association, notice of incorporation, and the last change(s) registered with competent authorities. The last confirmed fiscal report of the company. A feasibility report containing information on the company's activities, by mentioning the reason(s) for registering the branch office in Iran, nature and scope of its authorities and area of activities, as well as the number of Iranian and foreign manpower needed for such activities and the intended source of Rial and foreign currency supply. Article 4: The representative of a foreign company shall be a natural person or legal entity who, by signing a contract, undertakes the performance in Iran of a certain part of the duties of the head office. Article 5: Iranian natural persons and juridical entities applying for registration of agent office of a foreign company in Iran shall submit, along with a written application, a Persian translation of the original copies of the following documents. to Register of Companies and Industrial Ownership: Attested Photostat of the contract to in Article 4 above. Identity papers of the applicant; for natural persons, a Photostat of their birth certificate together with their legal address, and for juridical entitles, the company's articles of association and the last change(s) made in the company registered with the competent authorities. A profile of the Applicant's previous business activities, relative to the area(s) of activities intended for the contract signed for registering the representative office in Iran. The articles of association of the foreign company, notice of establishment and the last change(s) made in the company registered with the competent authorities. A report on the foreign company's activities, by mentioning the reason (s) for establishing the branch office in Iran. The last confirmed fiscal report of the foreign company, which intends to open its agent office in Iran. A letter of introduction from the ministry concerned. Article 6: Those whose license of activity shall be revoked by the competent authorities shall take the necessary actions through Registrar of Companies & Industrial Ownership, for winding up their branch or representative office, within the period specified for the same purpose. Note: The companies whose license of activity shall not be extended will be given a period of 6 months to wind up the registered company and proceed with liquidation. Article 7: The branch office of a foreign company registered and working in Iran shall submit every year to the authorities concerned, a report on their principle company, including their annual fiscal report audities by independent auditors in the country of origin. Article 8: Natural persons and juridical entities falling under the requirements hereof shall be required to submit a report on their branch office activities in Iran together with audited account statements, within four (4) months starting the end of each fiscal year. As long as the Executive Regulations of Note (4) to the Single Article of the Law approved in 1992, for using the services of specialized and professional accountants known as "Official Accountants" are not ratified, the intended auditing may be handled by accounting organizations and auditing firms whose partners being natural persons are acceptable to the supervisory office of the State Auditn Organization. Article 9: The branch or representative office of a foreign company registered in Iran pursuant to the regulations set forth herein be operated by one or more natural persons residing in Iran. Article 10: To enable foreign companies to fully enjoy the benefits and advantages foreseen by this present Regulation and to perpetuate their activities in Iran, foreign companies already operational in Iran prior to the date of entry into force of this Decree, shall be are required to provide the authorities concerned with documents and information required pursuant to Articles 3 and 5 above, and also take the necessary steps for adjusting their statues to the requirements set forth by this regulation. | IR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Iraq) | IQ_BRN | |
Business Registration Number (Ivory Coast) | Starting from 2012 until 2015, Ivory Coast made the process of starting a business much easier for foreign companies. Among the most important reforms, the country reorganised all administrative offices, hosting all corporate data and information. In addition, the country has created a one-stop shop procedure that allows for lower notary fees and made compulsory to provide a sworn declaration (instead of a copy of criminal records) at the time of company registration. Finally, a reduction in the minimum capital requirement further lowered the corresponding registration fees.
The legislation in Ivory Coast provides for rather wide range of organisational forms of business entities. The most common for of business in the country are Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and Public Limited Companies (SA). Ivory Coast is a rural nation with a weak business-orientation. On top of that, there is low competition among businesses, supported by a low interest in time from consumers. However, the increasing highly educated population offers unseen opportunities, especially in the digital market, to do business. The majority of the registration forms required to set up a new business in Ivory Coast are in French, slowing down the process of incorporation within the country. As such, it is important to rely on a local GEO provider within the country to speed up the process and ensure compliance with national regulations. | CI_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Jordan) | To register a business, applicants have to contact the Companies Control Directorate (CCD).
Sole Proprietorship has to be registered with Ministry of Trade and Industry, Central Trade and Industrial Regulation Directorate. Prior to fill the form check and make sure that the trade name applicant want to register is not already taken Company registration takes place at the CCD at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the process governed by the Companies Law. Procedure to register an operating company, most popular Limited Liability Company (LLC) is described as below:- Step 1: Before application, check if any special licensing is required for business/ trade, as per applicable law. Then Application form filled and signed in front of the concerned official, notary public, or lawyer has to fill to CCD (both Online and offline facility available). Applicant can get a letter for the Bank. Step 2: Open a bank account and deposit at least 50% of their capital contribution. To open a bank account along with letter from CCD, applicant has to submit ID card, Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Article of Association (AOA) and Power of Attorney (POA) only if the partners are not present. The capital contribution is 1 JD or more for an LLC company and not less than 50,000 JD for a shareholding company as per the governing law. Step 3: Register the company at CCD with documentary support of ID card, Duly completed application for company registration, MOA & AOA (standard form given in CCD is often used) and proof of 50% capital deposit from bank. The applicable registration fee of 0.002 (2/1000) of the capital of the company or 250 JD, whichever is greater, is charged by department. Moreover stamp fees of 0.003 (3/1000) of the capital of the company and fee for publication in the official gazette is 15 JD will be charged to applicant. Further 20JD and 10JD is charges to applicant as filing fees and fees for registration certificate. Step 4: After Registration certificate, applicant is required to obtain taxpayer identification number (TIN) and register for VAT (with Jordanian Income and Sales tax act). Step 5: Register with Chamber of Commerce or Industry After incorporation and registration with Direct and Indirect tax of country, applicant is required to get registration from Jordan chamber of commerce or industry. For this instances, the applicant has to produce Certificate of registration from Ministry of trade and commerce, MOA and AOA, original lease agreement of workplace premises, copy of ID of company’s authorized signatory and letter from general manager requesting registration. The registration fees charged by chamber of commerce and industry vary from function as well as capital of company. Step 6: obtain a vocational license from the relevant municipality. Another obligation to be discharged from applicant end is to get licenses providing the documents to relevant authority like valid occupancy permit issued by Greater Amman Municipality (GAM), planning location map issued by GAM, company’s certificate of registration, Copy of property deed or lease agreement from the landlord and certificate of registration with either chamber of commerce and industry along with applicable fees (around 200 JD can vary depending on company type) Step 7: After above registration, still applicant is left with one registration i.e. registration for social security at the social security office. To obtain registration, applicant should provide ID or POA, the company’s certificate of registration (from CCD), vocational license (from GAM) and employment contract. | JO_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Kenya) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Kenya. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | KE_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Kosovo) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Montenegro. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | XK_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Kuwait) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Kuwait. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | KW_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Kyrgyzstan) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Kyrgyzstan. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | KG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (LI) | In Liechtenstein, a business registration number is a unique identifier that is assigned to a business entity upon its registration with the Office of Justice, which is the official business and trade registry in Liechtenstein. This registration number serves as a unique identifier for a business and is used for various legal, taxation, and regulatory purposes. The registration number is also essential for transactions that require proof of business identity, such as opening a bank account, signing contracts, or engaging in other types of business activities. The business registration number is public information and is often required when conducting due diligence or other forms of business verification. It is a unique alphanumeric code that differentiates one business entity from another and helps to ensure the transparency and accountability of businesses operating within Liechtenstein, which is particularly important given the country's status as an international financial center. | LI_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Latvia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Latvia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | LV_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Lebanon) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Lebanon. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | LB_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Lesotho) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Lesotho. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | LS_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Liberia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Liberia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | LR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Lithuania) | In Lithuania, the primary identifier for businesses is the Company Code (Įmonės kodas), also known as the "Legal Entity Identifier" or "Business Identification Number." This number is unique to each business entity registered in Lithuania and is used for tax, legal, and regulatory purposes.
The Company Code is issued by the Register of Legal Entities, a part of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers. The Company Code is a numerical code consisting of up to 9 digits. No alphabetic characters or special symbols are used in this identifier. This number is essential for various business activities such as:
| LT_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Madagascar) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Madagascar. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Malawi) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Malawi. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MW_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Malaysia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Malaysia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MY_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Mali) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Mali. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | ML_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Malta) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Malta. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MT_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Mauritania) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Mauritania. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Mauritius) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Mauritius. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MU_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Moldova, Republic Of) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Moldova, Republic Of). It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MD_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Mozambique) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Mozambique. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Namibia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Namibia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | NA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (New Zealand) | A New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a globally unique identifier, available to all Kiwi businesses. Registered companies have been allocated NZBNs and are automatically included on the NZBN Register. | NZ_BN |
Business Registration Number (Niger) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Niger. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | NE_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Nigeria) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Nigeria. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | NG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (North Macedonia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Macedonia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MK_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Oman) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Oman. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | OM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Qatar) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Qatar. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | QA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Romania) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Romania. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | RO_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Russian Federation) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Russia Federation. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | RU_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Rwanda) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Rwanda. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | RW_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Saudi Arabia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Saudi Arabia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Senegal) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Senegal. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SN_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Serbia and Montenegro) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Serbia and Montenegro. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | CS_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Seychelles) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Seychelles. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SC_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Sierra Leone) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Sierra Leone. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SL_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Slovenia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Slovenia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SI_BRN |
Business Registration Number (St. Helena) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in St. He;ena. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SH_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Sudan) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Sudan. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SD_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Swaziland) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Swaziland. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Syrian Arab Republic) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Syrian Arab Republic. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | SY_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Tajikistan) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Tajikistan. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | TJ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Tanzania) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Tanzania. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | TZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Togo) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Togo. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | TG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Turkey) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Turkey. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | TR_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Turkmenistan) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Turkmenistan. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | TM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Uganda) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Uganda. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | UG_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Ukraine) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Ukraine. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | UA_BRN |
Business Registration Number (United Arab Emirates) | In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a business license is a legal requirement for conducting any form of business activity. The business license number is a unique identifier issued by the relevant governmental authorities to verify that a business is authorized to operate within the country. This license number is critical for various business operations such as opening bank accounts, signing contracts, and even participating in certain types of trade.
There are several types of business licenses available in UAE, primarily:
| AE_BRN |
Business Registration Number (United States - Florida) | In Florida, each certificate of incorporation is issued by the Department of State's Division of Corporations. While many Florida incorporation forms are located on the Department of State's website, entrepreneurs and sole proprietors often find the process confusing. For example, the website includes extraneous information that may not pertain to your specific organization or category of business. | US_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Uzbekistan) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Uzbekistan. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | UZ_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Vietnam) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Vietnam. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | VN_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Yemen) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Yemen. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | YE_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Zambia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Zambia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | ZM_BRN |
Business Registration Number (Zimbabwe) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Zimbabwe. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | ZW_BRN |
Business Registration Number(Serbia) | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Serbia. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | RS_BRN |
Business identity code (Finland) | The Business Identity Code is a code given to businesses and organizations by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) or the Tax Administration. | BIC_FI |
Business number (Canada) | The Federal Business Number (BN) is a 9-digit number which Revenue Canada Agency assigns to a business such as a corporation, a sole proprietorship or a partnership in Canada. Each corporation is assigned only one Business Number but multiple accounts can be opened up under this number. | BN_CA |
Business partner/identifier/type/EU/EU CUST REF | The EU Customs Office Reference Number (often referred to as the Customs Office Identifier or COI) is a unique identifier assigned to customs offices within the European Union. These offices are designated locations where customs formalities, such as import and export declarations, customs clearances, and goods inspections, are conducted.
Each customs office has a specific reference number that helps to identify it within the EU’s customs systems. This number is crucial for various customs procedures, including the submission of customs declarations, transit documentation, and regulatory compliance checks. It ensures the accurate routing of documentation and facilitates the efficient handling of goods moving across EU borders. These identifiers are part of the EU’s effort to streamline customs operations, enhance traceability, and ensure compliance with EU customs regulations, thus supporting both the security of supply chains and the efficient movement of goods within the internal market. | EU_CUST_REF |
Business partner/identifier/type/EU/RIAD code | The RIAD code is a unique identifier assigned to legal and other statistical institutional units by the European Central Bank (ECB) or competent National Central Banks (NCBs). This identifier is part of the ECB's Register of Institutions and Affiliates Data (RIAD), a comprehensive dataset that provides standard reference data on entities operating within the European financial system. RIAD supports a range of regulatory, statistical, and supervisory functions across the Eurosystem, aiding the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in performing their duties.
Key Functions and Use Cases of the RIAD Code are:
| RIAD |
Business partner/identifier/type/GB/UK DRV LIC | The UK driver's license number is a unique identifier assigned to each driver by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). The UK driver's license number typically follows this 18-character structure:
Business partner/identifier/type/GB/UK NHS ID | The National Health Service (NHS) Number in the UK is a unique identifier used within the NHS to identify individuals for health records and services. The NHS Number is used across the UK’s healthcare system to accurately link patients to their health records, enabling continuity of care. It is typically issued upon first registration with a GP or another NHS service. It is a ten-digit number issued to everyone registered with the NHS, and it follows a specific format with a check digit to ensure accuracy.
The NHS Number has the following structure: Ten digits, written in the format 123 456 7890.
Business partner/identifier/type/WORLD/UNKNOWN ID | Can be used to map identifiers where the type such as "business register id" is not known. | UNKNOWN_ID |
CAGE Code | The Commercial and Government Entity Code, or CAGE Code, is a unique identifier assigned to suppliers to various government or defense agencies, as well as to government agencies themselves and various organizations. CAGE codes provide a standardized method of identifying a given facility at a specific location. | WR_CAGE |
CDQ GR | ID of the CDQ Golden Record which augments the best information from several trusted data sources. | CDQ_GR |
CDQ Golden Record Identifier | A CDQ Golden Record Identifier identifies a Golden Record found in CDQ Lookup services. | CDQ_GR |
CDQ ID | The CDQ ID as provided by the lookup services for uniquely identifying a selected record. | CDQ_ID |
CDQ POOL ID | Unique identifier of a business partner record in the CDQ Data Pool. | CDQ_POOL_ID |
CIF number (Spain) | This is the tax ID number for all companies. CIF number consists of a letter (ussually A or B) followed by 8 digits (or 7 digits + letter for foreign companies). The letter at the beginning of CIF represents the type of company, the most common being an 'A' for Sociedad Anónima or a 'B' for Sociedad Limitada. | CIF_ES |
CIK number (United States) | The Central Index Key (CIK) is used on the SEC's (US Security and Exchange Commission) computer systems to identify corporations and individual people who have filed disclosure with the SEC. An EIN is an Employer Identification Number issued by the United States IRS (Internal Revenue Service). IRS Numbers and EIN Numbers are completely seperate from CIK Numbers. CIK is a 10 digits number. When CIK has less then 10 digits, then leading zeros are missed. | CIK_US |
CIN number (India) | Company CIN, sometimes referred to as Company CIN Number or Company CIN No. is a unique identification number assigned by Registrar of Companies (ROC) functioning in various states under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt. of India. It is being used for finding primary details of companies registered in India under MCA, Govt. of India. The Corporate Identity Number or Company CIN No. is a 21 digits alpha-numeric code / number issued to every company incorporated in India when it gets registered by Registrar of Companies (ROC) located in various states of India. | IN_CIN |
CINS Number | A CINS number is an extension to the CUSIP numbering system, which is used to uniquely identify securities offered outside of the United States and Canada. Just as with CUSIP numbers, the CINS number consists of nine characters. International securities, whether corporate or municipal, are identified by a CINS number. | WR_CINS |
CNPJ number (Brazil) | The CNPJ number is an identification number of Brazilian companies emitted by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue, which is called "Ministério da Fazenda". CNPJ stands for "Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica" (literally, national juridical person registration) as opposed to the CPF number for natural persons. Sometime ago, it was called CGC ("Cadastro Geral de Contribuinte" or general taxpayer registration). The CNPJ registration number has a total of 14 digits. The first 8 digits are the registration number, the following 4 digits identify the entity branch, for example 0001 for headquarters and the following numbers indicate the sequence of branches of a company. The last 2 digits form a checksum of the 12 previous digits.
The CNPJ is linked to information regarding:
CPF number (Brazil) | The CPF number is an identification number of Brazilian citizens emitted by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue, which is called "Ministério da Fazenda". CPF stands for "Cadastro de Pessoa Física" (literally, physical person registration) as opposed to the CNPJ number for companies. | BR_CPF |
CPJ number (Costa Rica) | The Cédula de Persona Jurídica (CPJ) is an identifier of legal entities for tax purposes. This number consists of 10 digits, the first indicates the class of juridical person, followed by a 3 digit sequence number identifying the type of juridical person, followed by 6 digits sequence number assigned by Registro Nacional de la República de Costa Rica. | CR_CPJ |
CPR number (Greenland) | In Greenland the TIN (Tax Identification Number) equals the CPR number for all natural persons.
The CPR number is a Danish system used by Greenland and is issued after the rules in the Civil Registration System Act by the Central Registration Office. All residents in Greenland (or Denmark) gets a CPR number that is used for almost all communication with public authorities and therefore also in tax matters. The CPR number is also issued for all non-residents in Greenland but where the Greenlandic Tax Administration finds the person is taxable to Greenland. The CPR number is a unique number for one person and is not renewed. For natural persons the CPR number (TIN number) appears on official identification documents; passport, residence certificate and driving license. | GL_CPR |
CUIL number (Argentina) | This is a unique code for labor identification, mainly used for social security and employment-related matters.
Both CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Laboral) and CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) are Argentine identification numbers used for different purposes. CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Laboral)
CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria)
CUIT number (Argentina) | The Federal Administration of Public Revenue assigns the unique CUIT number (C.U.I.T - Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) to each taxpayer enrolled (legal entities and natural persons). The CUIT consists of 11 digits. The first 2 digits indicate the type of person: 30 or 33 for entities.
Both CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Laboral) and CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) are Argentine identification numbers used for different purposes. CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Laboral)
CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria)
CURP number (Mexico) | The CURP code is an individual registration number. It is a unique alphanumeric 18-character string. | MX_CURP |
CUSIP (United States) | A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6. The CUSIP system is owned by the American Bankers Association and is operated by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The operating body, CUSIP Global Services (CGS), also serves as the national numbering agency (NNA) for North America, and the CUSIP serves as the National Securities Identification Number (NSIN) for products issued from both the United States and Canada. In its role as the NNA, CUSIP Global Services (CGS) also assigns all US-based ISINs. | WR_CUSIP |
CUSIP-9 (United States) | A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6. The CUSIP system is owned by the American Bankers Association and is operated by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The operating body, CUSIP Global Services (CGS), also serves as the national numbering agency (NNA) for North America, and the CUSIP serves as the National Securities Identification Number (NSIN) for products issued from both the United States and Canada. In its role as the NNA, CUSIP Global Services (CGS) also assigns all US-based ISINs. | CUSIP_9 |
CVR number (Denmark) | Unique identifier for a business in Denmark's Central Business Register (CVR), the official database of Danish businesses. | CVR_DK |
CX POOL ID | Unique identifier of a business partner record in the Catena-X data pool managed by CDQ | CX_POOL_ID |
Chamber of Bailiffs Number (Czech Republic) | The Czech Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Czech Republic with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Czech republic. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Czech Republic.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | CZ_CBN |
Chamber of Commerce (Croatia) | The Croatia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Croatia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Croatia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Crotia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | HR_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Algeria) | The Algerian chamber of commerce and industry at the national level and chambers of commerce and industry within the framework of its regional departments represents the public interests of the sectors of trade, industry and services of the public authorities, public institutions of an industrial and commercial nature enjoying moral personality and financial independence are placed under the tutelage of the minister in charge of trade.
In this capacity, the Chambers have the following basic functions: Representation of companies Activate, upgrade and support companies Formation, education and qualification of companies Arbitration, mediation and reconciliation The Algerian Chambers of Commerce and Industry shall consist of elected bodies and administrative interests subject to the elected organs of the peaceful authority exercised by the President. | DZ_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Armenia) | The Armenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Armenia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Armenia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Armenia.
Chambers of Commerce main activities are, Verification of force-majeure circumstances (force-majeure) in correspondence with commercial agreements and international contracts of the Republic of Armenia - Advisory / consultative role vis á vis public authorities and regions - Representing the general interests of business - Information / Advisory service - Promotion of economic development - Training - Arbitration and/or conciliation services - Internationalisation - Issuing of certificates - Verification of invoices , price lists, as well as commercial contracts of exported goods on the base of the applications of entrepreneurial activities subjects | AM_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Azerbaijan) | The Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Azerbaijan with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Azerbaijan. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Azerbaijan.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | AZ_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Bahrain) | The Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Bahrain with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Bahrain. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Bahrain.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | BH_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Belorussia) | The Belorussia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Belarus with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Belarus. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Belarus.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | BY_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | The Bosnia Herzegovina Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Bosnia Herzegovina with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Bosnia Herzegovina. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Bosnia Herzegovina.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | BA_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Bulgaria) | The Bosnia Herzegovina Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Bosnia Herzegovina with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Bosnia Herzegovina. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Bosnia Herzegovina.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | BG_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Cameroon) | The Cameroon Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Cameroon with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Cameroon. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Cameroon.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | CM_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Cyprus) | The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Cyprus with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Cyprus. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Cyprus.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | CY_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Egypt) | EG_CCN | |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Estonia) | The Estonia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Estonia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Estonai. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Estonia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | EE_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (France) | The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in France with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in France. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in France.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | FR_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Gabon) | The Gabon Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Gabon with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Gabon. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Gabon.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | GA_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Georgia) | The Georgia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Georgia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Georgia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Georgia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | GE_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Gibraltar) | The Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Gibraltar with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Gibraltar. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Gibraltar.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | GI_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Greece) | The Greece Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Greece with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Greece. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Greece.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | GR_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Iceland) | The Iceland Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Iceland with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Iceland. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Iceland.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | IS_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Iran) | The Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Iran with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Iran. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Iran.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | IR_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Ivory Coast) | The Cote D'Ivoire Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Ivory Coast with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Ivory Coast. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Ivory Coast.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | CI_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Jordan) | The Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Jordan with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Jordan. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Jordan.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | JO_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Kirghizia) | The Kirghizia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Kirghizia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Kirghizia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Kirghizia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | KG_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Kuwait) | The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Kuwait with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Kuwait. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Kuwait.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | KW_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Latvia) | The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Latvia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Latvia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Latvia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | LV_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Lebanon) | The Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Lebanon with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Lebanon. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Lebanon.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | LB_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Lithuania) | The Lithuania Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Lithuania with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Lithuania. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Lithuania.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | LT_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Malta) | The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Malta with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Malta. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Malta.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | MT_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Moldova) | The Moldova Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Moldova with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Moldova. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Moldova.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | MD_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Morocco) | The Morocco Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Morocco with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Morocco. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Morocco.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | MA_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Oman) | The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Oman with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Oman. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Oman.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | OM_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Qatar) | The Oatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Qatar with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Qatar. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Qatar.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | QA_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Romania) | The Romania Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Romania with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Romania. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Romania.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | RO_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Russian Federation) | The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Russia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Russia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Russia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | RU_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Saudi Arabia) | The Saudi Arabia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Saudi Arabia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Saudi Arabia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Saudi Arabia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | SA_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Senegal) | The Senegal Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Senegal with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Senegal. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Senegal.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | SN_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Serbia and Montenegro) | The Serbia and Montenegro Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Serbia and Montenegro with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Serbia and Montenegro. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Serbia and Montenegro.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | CS_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Seychelles) | The Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Seychelles with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Seychelles. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Seychelles.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | SC_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Slovenia) | The Slovenia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Slovenia with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Slovenia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Slovenia.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | SI_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Syrian Arab Republic) | The Syria Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Syria with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Syria. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Syria.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | SY_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Tajikistan) | The Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Tajikistan with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Tajikistan. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Tajikistan.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | TJ_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Turkey) | The Turkey Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Turkey with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Turkey. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Turkey.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | TR_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Turkmenistan) | The Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Turkmenistan with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Turkmenistan. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Turkmenistan.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | TM_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Ukraine) | The Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Ukraine with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Ukraine. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Ukraine.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | UA_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (United Arab Emirates) | The United Arab Emirates Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in United Arab Emirates with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in United Arab Emirates. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in United Arab Emirates.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | AE_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Uzbekistan) | The Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Uzbekistan with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Uzbekistan. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Uzbekistan.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | UZ_COC |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Yemen) | The Yemen Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Yemen with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Yemen. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Yemen.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | YE_CCN |
Chamber of Commerce Number (Zimbabwe) | The Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Zibabwe with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Zimbabwe. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Zimbabwe.
Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc. Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events. | ZW_COC |
Citizen service number (Netherlands) | The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique number for everyone who has dealings with the Dutch government. It is used in dealings with municipalities, hospitals, schools, or employer or benefits agencies | NL_BSN |
Commercial Register ID (Switzerland) | CH_EHRA_ID | |
Commercial ultimate DUNS | The DUNS number referencing the commercial ultimate of an entity | DUNS_ID_CU |
Common business identifier (Morocco) | The ICE has been made compulsory for all companies since June 30, 2016. The ICE is composed of 15 positions:
| MA_ICE |
Company Incorporation Number (Bangladesh) | The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) is the sole authority which facilitates formation of companies etc.; and keeps track of all ownership related issues as prescribed by the laws in Bangladesh.
The Registrar is the authority of the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh. RJSC deals with the following types of entities: i. Private companies. ii. Public companies iii. Foreign companies. iv. Trade organizations v. Societies, and vi. Partnership firms RJSC accords registration and ensures lawful administration of the entities under the provisions of applicable act as under: i. Companies and Trade Organizations: Companies Act, 1994 (Amendment of Companies Act 1913) ii. Societies: Societies Registration Act, 1860 iii. Partnership Firms: Partnership Act, 1932 | BD_CIN |
Company Registration Number (Hong Kong) | HK_CRN | |
Company identification number (Croatia) | HR_COMP_ID | |
Company identification number (Switzerland) | Unique identifier that is assigned to each business which operates in Switzerland. | CH_UID |
Company number (Ireland) | The company number in Ireland is issued by the Companies Registration Office (CRO). The number is assigned in ascending order upon registration (non-standardized format). | CN_IE |
Company registration number (South Africa) | Registration number of South African companies issued by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa | ZA_CRN |
Company registration number (United Kingdom) | A company registration number is a unique number issued by Companies House in United Kingdom when a limited company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is incorporated. It is usually abbreviated as 'CRN' and sometimes referred to as a Companies House Number. | ID_CRN |
Company registry number (Hungary) | Hungary company register: to obtain company documents in Hungary, such as Registration Certificate, Financial Statement. | HU_CRN |
Computerized National Identity Card (Pakistan) | The Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) is an official identification document issued by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan. It serves as the primary identification document for Pakistani citizens and is commonly referred to as the national identity card.The CNIC contains essential personal information of the cardholder, including their full name, father's name, date of birth, gender, residential address, and a unique identification number. The identification number, known as the National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) number, is assigned to Pakistani citizens residing both within the country and abroad.The CNIC is used for various purposes, such as voter registration, opening bank accounts, obtaining a passport, participating in government programs, and conducting other official and legal transactions. It is a mandatory document for all Pakistani citizens aged 18 and above.In recent years, NADRA has introduced smart chip-based CNICs that incorporate advanced security features, such as biometric data (fingerprints and facial recognition) and digital signatures, to enhance the security and integrity of the identification document. | PK_CNIC |
Corporate document number (United States - Florida) | The Corporate document number (Florida) is the unique business identifier in Florida, United States. The identifier consists of 12 characters from which the first one is a letter (P= INC., L= LLC, N= Not-for-profit) followed by 11 digits. The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in Florida. | CDN_US_FL |
Corporate number (Japan) | Unique 13-digit entity identifier assigned by the National Tax Agency upon registration. Code gives information about the industry the entity is active in. | CN_JP |
Corporation ID (South Korea) | In South Korea, there is a separate identifier known as the "Corporate Registration Number", "Corporation ID" or "법인등록번호" in Korean. The Corporate Registration Number is used to uniquely identify corporations, including limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, and other corporate entities.
The Corporate Registration Number format in South Korea is similar to the Business Registration Number (BRN) format: XXX-YY-ZZZZZZ. Where:
Corporation ID (United States - New York) | The Corporation ID (New York) is the unique business identifier in New York, United States. The identifier consists exclusively of digits that are assigned upon registration in a ascending manner. The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in New York. | CID_NY_US |
Corporation Number (United States - Iowa) | The Iowa Corporate Number Identifier is the unique business identifier in Iowa, United States. The identifier consists of 6 digits that are assigned upon registration in a ascending manner. The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in Iowa. | CN_US_IA |
Corporation number (Canada) | A corporation number is the number assigned to a corporation by Corporations Canada. It is usually a 7-digit number. | CA_CNUM |
D-U-N-S | The Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S®), developed and regulated by Data Universal Numbering System, is a Data Universal Numbering System. | DUNS_ID |
DEA Registration Number (United States) | A DEA number (DEA Registration Number) is an identifier assigned to a health care provider (such as a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, optometrist, podiatrist, dentist, or veterinarian) by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration allowing them to write prescriptions for controlled substances. DEA numbers consist of two letters, six numbers, and one check digit. DEA numbers are smart numbers meaning some of the digits have meaning:
| US_DEA |
DIC number (Czech Republic) | A tax number in the Czech Republic consisting of prefix "CZ" followed by 8-10 digits. | CZ_DIC |
DIC number (Slovakia) | DIC number is a tax identifier in Slovalia. It consists of 10 digits which are equal to the last 10 digits of the EU VAT SK. | SK_DIC |
Domestic ultimate DUNS | The DUNS number referencing the domestic ultimate of an entity | DUNS_ID_DU |
EORI number | An Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number) is a European Union registration and identification number for businesses which undertake the import or export of goods into or out of the EU. Any business or individual established in the EU (an economic operator) needs to obtain an EORI number from their national customs authority before commencing customs activities in the EU. | EORI |
Employer identification number (United States) | The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. | US_EMPL_ID |
Enterprise number (Belgium) | The National Number (or Association Number, Company Number or Unique Establishment Number) is a unique code given by the Belgian government, according to the law of 24.6.2003. The National Number has 10 digits without any space. If is has only 9 digits, zero should be added before the number. | BE_ENT_NO |
Entity Identifier (United States - Virginia) | The ID number issued by the State Corporation Commission (SCC) of the Commonwealth of Virginia is called the Entity ID. | EID_US_VA |
Entity Number (United States - California) | The Entity Number issued by the Secretary of the State, California. | EN_US_CA |
European Unique Identifier | The European Unique Identifier (EUID) is a standardized identification code used within the European Union to uniquely identify companies and other registered entities across EU member states. It is a key component of the Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS), facilitating cross-border data exchange and transparency in business operations. The EUID combines the country code, the local business register's identifier, and the entity's registration number in that register. This ensures that entities can be uniquely and consistently referenced across different national systems, supporting easier access to company information for regulatory, commercial, and public purposes. | EU_ID |
European value added tax identifier | European value added tax identifier, a generic type to map data from a generic field to the particular types by European value added tax identifier information. | EU_VAT_ID |
European value added tax identifier (Austria) | The Austrian VAT identifier is used for businesses involved in intra-EU trade. Issued by the Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance), the VAT number is essential for Austrian companies to conduct business across EU borders, ensuring compliance with EU VAT regulations.
Format: The VAT number follows the format ATU99999999, where 'U' is a fixed prefix followed by 8 digits. Check Digit Logic: The number uses a modulus 11 check system to validate the identifier. | EU_VAT_ID_AT |
European value added tax identifier (Belgium) | The Belgian VAT identifier is crucial for companies engaging in cross-border transactions within the EU. Issued by the Federal Public Service Finance, the identifier helps monitor VAT compliance and allows for intra-community VAT transactions.
Format: The format is BE0999999999 (10 digits). Check Digit Logic: The last two digits are calculated by subtracting the remainder of the first 8 digits divided by 97 from 97 (modulus 97). | EU_VAT_ID_BE |
European value added tax identifier (Bulgaria) | In Bulgaria, the VAT identifier is assigned to businesses and individuals engaging in cross-border VAT activities in the EU. Issued by the National Revenue Agency, it ensures VAT compliance and simplifies intra-EU transactions.
Format: The VAT number is either BG999999999 (9 digits for legal entities) or BG9999999999 (10 digits for individuals). Check Digit Logic: The VAT number uses a modulus 11 system to verify the last digit. | EU_VAT_ID_BG |
European value added tax identifier (Croatia) | The Croatian VAT identifier, issued by the Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration, is used by businesses and individuals for intra-EU trade. It ensures that VAT is correctly reported and accounted for.
Format: The format is HR99999999999 (11 digits). Check Digit Logic: The identifier is validated using a modulus 11 algorithm to calculate the check digit. | EU_VAT_ID_HR |
European value added tax identifier (Cyprus) | European value added tax identifier of Cyprus. | EU_VAT_ID_CY |
European value added tax identifier (Czech Republic) | The VAT number in the Czech Republic is used for businesses conducting cross-border transactions within the EU and is issued by the Czech Financial Administration. This identifier ensures that companies comply with EU VAT obligations.
Format: The VAT number can be CZ99999999 (8 digits), CZ999999999 (9 digits), or CZ9999999999 (10 digits). Check Digit Logic: A modulus 11 or modulus 97 check digit system is used depending on the number of digits. | EU_VAT_ID_CZ |
European value added tax identifier (Denmark) | The Danish VAT number is used by businesses engaging in cross-border transactions within the EU and is issued by the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (SKAT). It is a requirement for Danish companies to comply with EU VAT regulations.
Format: The VAT number follows the format DK99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: Validation is performed using a modulus 11 algorithm to calculate the check digit. | EU_VAT_ID_DK |
European value added tax identifier (Estonia) | Estonian businesses involved in intra-EU trade are assigned a VAT identifier by the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. This identifier is used to verify VAT compliance and allow for VAT-free transactions within the EU.
Format: The format is EE999999999 (9 digits). Check Digit Logic: The check digit is validated using a modulus 11 system. | EU_VAT_ID_EE |
European value added tax identifier (Finland) | Finnish businesses engaging in cross-border VAT transactions within the EU are assigned a VAT number by the Finnish Tax Administration. This identifier ensures compliance with EU VAT obligations and facilitates trade across borders.
Format: The VAT number follows the format FI99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: A modulus 11 check digit is used to verify the VAT number. | EU_VAT_ID_FI |
European value added tax identifier (France) | The French VAT identifier is used for businesses involved in cross-border transactions within the EU. Issued by the Direction Générale des Finances Publiques, it is essential for VAT-related operations in France.
Format: FRXX 999999999 (11 digits, the first two digits are check digits). Check Digit Logic: The first two digits are a check digits based on the SIREN number of the company. | EU_VAT_ID_FR |
European value added tax identifier (Germany) | The German VAT identifier is issued by the Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) and is required for businesses engaging in cross-border trade within the EU.
Format: DE999999999 (9 digits). Check Digit Logic: Uses a modulus 97 check to validate the number | EU_VAT_ID_DE |
European value added tax identifier (Greece) | The Greek VAT identifier is issued by the Hellenic Ministry of Finance and is used for cross-border VAT compliance within the EU.
Format: GR999999999 (9 digits). Check Digit Logic: Uses a modulus 11 system to validate the number. | EU_VAT_ID_EL |
European value added tax identifier (Hungary) | The Hungarian VAT identifier is issued by the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration and is used for VAT compliance in EU cross-border transactions.
Format: HU99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: The VAT number uses a modulus 11 check digit system. | EU_VAT_ID_HU |
European value added tax identifier (Ireland) | Issued by the Revenue Commissioners, the Irish VAT identifier is used for cross-border VAT transactions within the EU.
Format: IE9999999X or IE9X99999X (9 characters). Check Digit Logic: Uses a weighted modulus 23 check system. | EU_VAT_ID_IE |
European value added tax identifier (Italy) | The Italian VAT identifier is issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency) and is required for businesses conducting intra-EU transactions.
Format: IT99999999999 (11 digits). Check Digit Logic: The VAT number uses a modulus 11 system to calculate the check digit. | EU_VAT_ID_IT |
European value added tax identifier (Latvia) | The Latvian VAT identifier is issued by the State Revenue Service and is used by businesses for VAT compliance in intra-EU trade.
Format: LV99999999999 (11 digits). Check Digit Logic: The check digit is calculated using a modulus 11 system. | EU_VAT_ID_LV |
European value added tax identifier (Lithuania) | Issued by the State Tax Inspectorate, the Lithuanian VAT identifier is required for businesses conducting intra-EU transactions.
Format: LT999999999 or LT999999999999 (9 or 12 digits). Check Digit Logic: The number uses a modulus 11 check digit system for validation. | EU_VAT_ID_LT |
European value added tax identifier (Luxembourg) | The VAT identifier in Luxembourg is issued by the Administration de l'Enregistrement et des Domaines. It is required for VAT compliance within the EU.
Format: LU99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: The last two digits are calculated using a modulus 89 check system. | EU_VAT_ID_LU |
European value added tax identifier (Malta) | Issued by the Office of the Commissioner for Revenue, the Maltese VAT identifier is used for VAT reporting in intra-EU transactions.
Format: MT99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: A modulus 23 check is used to validate the VAT number. | EU_VAT_ID_MT |
European value added tax identifier (Poland) | Issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Polish VAT identifier is used by businesses for VAT reporting on intra-EU transactions.
Format: PL9999999999 (10 digits). Check Digit Logic: The number uses a weighted modulus 11 system to verify the last digit. | EU_VAT_ID_PL |
European value added tax identifier (Portugal) | The Portuguese VAT identifier is issued by the Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira and is essential for businesses involved in intra-EU trade.
Format: PT999999999 (9 digits). Check Digit Logic: A modulus 11 system is used to validate the identifier. | EU_VAT_ID_PT |
European value added tax identifier (Romania) | Issued by the Romanian Ministry of Finance, the VAT identifier is required for Romanian businesses involved in intra-EU VAT reporting.
Format: RO999999999 (up to 10 digits). Check Digit Logic: The check digit uses a modulus 11 validation. | EU_VAT_ID_RO |
European value added tax identifier (Slovakia) | The Slovak VAT identifier is issued by the Tax Directorate of Slovakia for businesses involved in EU cross-border VAT transactions.
Format: SK9999999999 (10 digits). Check Digit Logic: The number uses a modulus 11 check digit. | EU_VAT_ID_SK |
European value added tax identifier (Slovenia) | The Slovenian VAT identifier is issued by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for businesses engaged in intra-EU transactions. It is essential for Slovenian companies to ensure VAT compliance when dealing with cross-border trade within the EU.
Format: SI99999999 (8 digits). Check Digit Logic: Uses a modulus 11 algorithm for validation. | EU_VAT_ID_SI |
European value added tax identifier (Spain) | The Spanish VAT identifier is issued by the Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) and is used for VAT reporting in cross-border transactions within the EU. It applies to both individuals and businesses involved in trade.
Format: ESX9999999X (9 characters, where the first and last characters can be letters). Check Digit Logic: The first letter represents the type of entity (e.g., businesses), and the last character is a check letter calculated using a modulus 23 check. | EU_VAT_ID_ES |
European value added tax identifier (Sweden) | In Sweden, the VAT identifier is issued by the Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency) and is necessary for businesses engaging in intra-EU transactions.
Format: SE999999999901 (12 digits). The last two digits are always '01'. Check Digit Logic: Uses a modulus 10 system for validation based on the entity's corporate registration number. | EU_VAT_ID_SE |
European value added tax identifier (The Netherlands) | The Dutch VAT identifier is issued by the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax and Customs Administration) and is required for VAT compliance in EU cross-border transactions.
Format: NL999999999B99 (12 characters). The first 9 digits are the company’s RSIN or BSN (tax ID), and 'B99' is a suffix used for VAT identification. Check Digit Logic: The first 9 digits are verified using a modulus 11 system. | EU_VAT_ID_NL |
European value added tax identifier (United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)) | European value added tax identifier of United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). | EU_VAT_ID_XI |
European value added tax identifier (United Kingdom) | Deprecated European value added tax identifier of United Kingdom. | EU_VAT_ID_UK |
Faroese Identification Number (Faroe Islands) | In cases where a person is not a Faroese resident, but where the Faroese Tax Administration at the same time finds the person taxable to the Faroe Islands, e.g. as an employee, the Faroese Tax Administration issues an Identification number. The structure and format of this Identification number is similar, but not identical to the P number issued by the National Registration Office. | FO_FIN |
Faroese P Number (Faroe Islands) | In the Faroe Islands the tax identification number equals the Faroese P Number. In the Faroese P-System (Civic Registration Number System) a person is registered if:
1. The person is born in the Faroe Islands or has moved to the Faroe Islands as a resident. 2. The person according to the Faroese Tax Administration is taxable to the Faroe Islands. The Faroese P Number is used in almost all communication with public authorities and by the same reason also in tax matters. The P number often appears in official identification documents, e.g., identification cards and health cards. | FO_FPN |
Faroese V Number (Faroe Islands) | In the Faroe Islands the legal persons tax identification number equals the V number issued by the Faroese Tax Administration. | FO_FVN |
Federal Tax Administration ID (Switzerland) | The Federal Tax Administration in Switzerland (English "FTA", German "ESTV" from Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung) is responsible for value added tax, direct federal tax, withholding tax and other federal levies. It implements double taxation agreements, provides international administrative assistance in tax matters, collects withholding taxes for other states in accordance with treaties and compiles tax statistics. The FTA ID (or German "ESTV-ID") is a 11-digit number separated by dots. Example: "052.0056.4331". | CH_ESTV_ID |
Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (United States) | U.S. taxpayer identification numbers include a Social Security Number (SSN), which is issued to individuals, and an Employer Identification Number (EIN), which is issued to individuals or entities. In addition, an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is issued to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have and are not eligible to obtain an SSN. A taxpayer must provide the taxpayer identification number (SSN, EIN or ITIN) on all tax returns and other documents sent to the IRS. A taxpayer must also provide its identification number to other persons who use the identification number on any returns or documents that are sent to the IRS. An SSN is issued to individuals by the Social Security Administration. An EIN is issued by the IRS to sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations (including limited liability corporations), and other entities for tax filing and reporting purposes | US_FTIN |
Filing ID (United States - Wyoming) | The Filing ID (United States - Wyoming) is the unique business identifier in Wyoming, United States. The identifier consists of digits that are assigned upon registration in a ascending manner (no fixed length). The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in Wyoming. | FID_US_WY |
Fiscal Registration Code (Romania) | Fiscal Registration Code stays on the VAT registration certificate and is granted by the Ministry of Public Finances. The issuing of the code of fiscal registration attests if the respective commercial company is recorded as payer of the corporate and income tax. Fiscal Registration Code is the VAT number without the check digit. It consists of 9 digits. If the length is less than 9digits, leading zeros must be assumed. | FRC_RO |
Fiscal code (Italy) | Tax Identification Number(Italy) is known as Codice Fiscale and is similar to a Social Security Number (SSN) card in the United States or the National Insurance Number issued in the United Kingdom. Applied to natural persons and freelancers.
For entities 11-digits identifiers is used (identical to VAT number), but there are some exeptions. Code Fiscale consists of 16 digits of characters, where C1 to C6 Alphabetic, C7, and C8 is Numeric, C9 is Alphabetic, C10, and C11 is Numeric, C12 is Alphabetic, C13 to C15 belongs to Numeric and C16 is the Numeric. | IT_FISC_ID |
GER number (Greenland) | The GER number for non-natural persons and legal entities is issued according to different tax- and excise laws. The GER number is administrated by Skattestyrelsen (The Greenlandic Customs and Tax Administration) placed under the Greenlandic Ministry of Finance. | GL_GER |
GST Number (Jordan) | JO_GST | |
GST Number (New Zealand) | NZ_GST | |
GST number (India) | Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax (or consumption tax) imposed in India on the supply of goods and services. It is a comprehensive multistage, destination-based tax. Comprehensive because it has subsumed almost all the indirect taxes except few. Multi-Staged as it is imposed at every step in the production process, but is meant to be refunded to all parties in the various stages of production other than the final consumer. And destination-based tax, as it is collected from point of consumption and not point of origin like previous taxes. The single GST subsumed several taxes and levies which included: central excise duty, services tax, additional customs duty, surcharges, state-level value added tax and Octroi. Other levies which were applicable to interstate transportation of goods have also been done away with in GST regime. GST is levied on all transactions such as sale, transfer, purchase, barter, lease, or import of goods and/or services. | IN_GST |
GST number (Indonesia) | A Goods and Services Tax (GST) is levied at the rate of approx 10% at point of sales, by major vendors. Sales and services tax are exempt from cottage economies and industries. | ID_GST |
GST number (Singapore) | The Singapore GST ID number is different from the tax identification number. It is a unique ID that one may request from the government by registering for GST in Singapore. It has 10 alphanumeric characters and can start and end with a letter or a number. It might look like this, for example, M2-1234567-8, MR-1234567-8, or 19-9012345-X. For nonresidents with a GST ID, it may look like this, for example, F2-1234567-D. | SG_GST |
GUI registration number | GUI stands for Government Unified Invoices. In Taiwan, all VAT-registered vendorsmust apply to purchase pre-printed invoice books from the government. In general, only government-printed invoice books can be used for issuing invoices to customers. If a company would like to use self-printed invoices, it must apply for pre-approval from the government.
Any approvedself-printed invoice must bear serial numbers allocated by the government. Anyinvoice issued by one business entity to another must bear the Government UnifiedInvoice Number of the counter entity. A Government Unified Invoice Number is generally viewed as the identity number of a business entity in Taiwan. A GUI number comprises two letters followed by eight digits. | TW_GUID |
Global location number | The Global Location Number (GLN) is part of the GS1 systems of standards. It is a simple tool used to identify a location and can identify locations uniquely where required. This identifier is compliant with norm ISO/IEC 6523.
In detail a Global Location Number (GLN) is a unique number that is assigned to locations to enable them to be identified uniquely worldwide. These GLNs can be used to identify any legal, physical and functional locations. GLNs are reference keys to computer files where information about the company or location can be found. The GLNs replace the names and addresses of locations and are particularly useful when automating processes; they allow computers to route information to the correct destination with no manual involvement. GLNs must be used when identifying locations and trading partners within Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) business messages and data pools, and they can also be used in barcodes to identify a physical location or to provide relevant information for delivery or invoicing purposes. Benefits GLNs can be used to identify any locations that you need to be uniquely identified for administrative and trading purposes. These can be both internal locations, and locations that your trading partners will use. GLNs provide a single method for location identification for all companies in the supply chain, thereby removing the unnecessary costs and errors inevitable when many different schemes co-exist. See [1] | GS1_GLN |
Global ultimate DUNS | The DUNS number indicating the global ultimate of an entity | DUNS_ID_GU |
Goods and Services Tax number (Canada) | The Canadian sales taxes include the Provincial Sales Tax (PST), the Quebec Sales Tax (QST), the Goods and Services Tax (GST), and the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) which is a combination of the provincial sales tax portion and the GST in some provinces. The GST applies to most goods and services made in Canada; however, certain exceptions may apply. | GST_CA |
Goods and Services Tax number (Malaysia) | Goods and Services Tax or GST is a consumption tax based on value-added concept. Unlike the present sales tax or service tax which is a single stage tax, GST is a multi-stage tax. Payment of tax is made in stages by intermediaries in the production and distribution process. The tax itself is not a cost to the intermediaries since they are able to claim back GST incurred on their business inputs. GST is imposed on goods and services at every production and distribution stage in the supply chain including importation of goods and services. | GST_MY |
Government Gazette Number (Armenia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | AM_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Azerbaijan) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | AZ_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Belorussia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | BY_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | BA_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Bulgaria) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | BG_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Croatia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | HR_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Cyprus) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | CY_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Estonia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | EE_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Georgia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | GE_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Gibraltar) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | GI_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Greece) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | GR_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Iceland) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | IS_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Kirghizia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | KG_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Kosovo) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | XK_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Latvia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | LV_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Lithuania) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | LT_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Malta) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | MT_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Moldova) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | MD_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Montenegro) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | ME_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Romania) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | RO_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Russian Federation) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | RU_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Serbia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | CS_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Slovenia) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | SI_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Tajikistan) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | TJ_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Turkey) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | TR_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Turkmenistan) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | TM_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Ukraine) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | UA_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Uzbekistan) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | UZ_GGN |
Government Gazette Number (Zimbabwe) | The Government Gazette Number is been assigned to subordinates institution of Ministry of Justice/ Department of Publication for the publication of acts, printed publications of updated codes and summaries of legislation (by topic), the keeping and non-publication of data, laws and | ZW_GGN |
Harmonized Sales Tax number (Canada) | The HST generally applies to the same base of goods and services as the GST. The harmonized sales tax (HST) replaces the QST and GST in certain provinces. The harmonized sales tax (HST) is a consumption tax in Canada. It is used in provinces where both the federal goods and services tax (GST) and the regional provincial sales tax (PST) have been combined into a single value added sales tax.HST is applied in the provinces: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Prince Edward Island. | HST_CA |
ICO number (Czech Republic) | ICO number is identification number (business register code) of an economic subject (legal or natural doing business). It applies to all legal entities. ICO is an 8-digit number; in case the number has less than 8 digits, it should be completed by zeros placed at the beginning. Letters or special characters are not allowed. | CZ_ICO |
ICO number (Slovakia) | The ICO of company Identification number is an 8 digit code (older organizations may be composed of 6 digits) for businesses registered in the Slovak Republic, including entrepreneurs and sole proprietors. The identification number can be found for a commercial company or other legal entity even if it has changed its trade name or location. | SK_ICO |
INN (Russia) | INN is a tax identifier in Russian Federation. For natural persons this number consists of 12 digits, e.g. 123456789012. In case of a company the number has 10 digits, e.g. 1234567890. | RU_INN |
Icelandic Identification Number (Iceland) | The Icelandic Identification Number (kennitala) is used as a tax identification number in Iceland. This number is a unique number issued to both individuals and entities. The TIN has a special structure depending on the type of taxpayer. Register Iceland issues the identification number for individuals and Fyrirtækjaskrá issues the identification number for entities | IS_IIN |
Individual Identification Number (Kazakhstan) | Individual identification number (IIN) is a unique combination of 12 digits generated for an individual | KZ_IIN |
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ID (United States) | Identifier used for identifying insitutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. | IPEDS_ID |
International Air Transport Association ID Number | The International Air Transport Association number is a trade association number of the world’s airlines for avaition. The Travel Industry Designator Service (TIDS) is an IATA program which provides a unique identification code for travel agents and sales intermediaries such as meeting planners, event organizers who are not currently IATA-Accredited Agents and are located outside of the USA. This unique Industry Code ensures proper identification of the agent and their bookings in electronic reservation systems worldwide with a standard numeric code. | AR_IATAIN |
International Securities Identification Number | An International Securities Identification Number, or ISIN, is a unique twelve-digit code that is assigned to every security issuance in the world. This number is used to facilitate the trading, clearing, and settlement of securities transactions, especially across borders. The organization that allocates ISINs in any particular country is the country's respective National Numbering Agency (NNA).
ISIN codes have a total of 12 characters that consist of both letters and numbers. These include the country in which the issuing company is headquartered (first two digits), along with a number specific to the security (middle nine digits), and a final character, which acts as a check. An example of an ISIN number for a US company’s stock certificate could look like this: US-000402625-0 (dashes incorporated for simplicity). On the other hand, a theoretical Namibian company could have an ISIN, which appears as NA-000K0VF05-4. The middle nine digits of the ISIN are computer-generated in a complex formula. These are critical in helping protect against counterfeiting and forgery. | ISIN |
Jamaican Tax Identification Number | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | JM_TIN |
KPP number (Russia) | KPP number (Russia) is a code reflecting the reason for registration of the organization. KPP is use donly for legal entities. KPP is used any time when company interact with specific Tax Authority (TA). One company usually has more than 1 KPP code. KPP code linked to Tax Authority subsidiary. To understand to which TA company pays/reports a pair INN+KPP is used. Biggest tax payers has one more additional KPP code. KPP consists of 9 digits. | RU_KPP |
KRS number (Poland) | KRS is a centralized database consisting of three separate registers: register of entrepreneurs; register of associations/institutions; register of insolvent debtors. KRS number consists of 10 digits. In case if number of digits is less then 10, the leading zeros must be assumed. | PL_KRS |
KVK number (Netherlands) | Business register ID in the Netherlands. When you register with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK, you are listed in the Dutch Commercial Register or Handelsregister (HR) as it is called in the Netherlands. You are then given your KVK or HR number. This number serves to prove that you are indeed a bona fide, registered business. Other companies you do business with can look up your details in the Commercial Register. | KVK_NL |
LBT number (India) | IN_LBT | |
LLPIN number (India) | LLPIN stands for Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number. In India, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. LLPIN is a unique identification number assigned to every LLP registered in India. LLPIN serves as an essential identifier for an LLP, similar to a corporate identity number (CIN) for companies. It is a 7-character alphanumeric code issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) upon the registration of an LLP. The LLPIN contains details about the state in which the LLP is registered, the year of registration, and a unique identification number. | IN_LLPIN |
Legal Entity Identifier | A Legal Entity Identifier (or LEI) is a 20-character identifier that identifies distinct legal entities that engage in financial transactions. It is defined by ISO 17442. Natural persons are not required to have an LEI;Business_partner/identifier/issuing_body/ they’re eligible to have one issued, however, but only if they act in an independent business capacity. The LEI is a global standard, designed to be non-proprietary data that is freely accessible to all. As of October 2017, over 630,000 legal entities from more than 195 countries have now been issued with LEIs. | LEI_ID |
License Identifier (United States - Chicago) | Business licenses issued by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection in the City of Chicago | LID_US_CH |
Location Identifier (United States - Los Angeles) | Business Location Identification Number in Los Angeles. Each Business has a unique LIN for location specific tax filings | LIN_US_LA |
Location Identifier (United States - San Francisco) | Business Location Identification Number in San Francisco. Each Business has a unique LIN for location specific tax filings | LIN_US_SF |
Macau Commercial Registry Business Registration Number | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in Macau. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | MO_CRBRN |
Municipal tax number (Brazil) | BR_TAX_MUN | |
NI number (United Kingdom) | National Insurance number. The National Insurance number is a number used in the United Kingdom in the administration of the National Insurance or social security system. It is also used for some purposes in the UK tax system. The number is sometimes referred to as a NI No or NINO. The format of the number is two prefix letters, six digits and one suffix letter (A, B, C or D). An example is QQ123456C. | UK_IN_ID |
NIF number (Portugal) | NIF is for individuals, NIF means Tax Identification Number. The NIF number consists of 9 sequential digits (with a control digit). The structure of fiscal numbers depending on the type of taxpayer:
| PT_NIF |
NIF number (Spain) | The Tax ID Number (NIF) of the individuals of Spanish nationality will be their DNI (Spanish National ID) followed by the verification code. Every legal person, as well as parties required to pay taxes under Article 35 (4) of General Tax Act 58/2003 of 17th December, shall possess a Tax ID number to be used in any interactions of a tax nature or with a bearing on taxation. NIF format is different for legal entities (then it is a CIF) and natural persons. NIF format for natural persons can have either 8 digits + control letter (equals to DNI) or have letters "K", "L", "M" + 7 digits + control letter (for those who do nt have DNI). | ES_NIF |
NIP number (Argentina) | There are 24 possible formats for NIP because it depends on each province. It has no validation. | AR_NIP |
NIP number (Poland) | NIP is 10 digit Business Taxpayer Identification Number. It is mandatory for tax payers to give NIP number on documents regarding tax liabilities. In the past NIP number format conteined hyphens: for physical persons NIP format was 123-456-78-19, for legal entities - 123-45-67-819. Currently there are no hyphens in NIP number. | PL_NIP |
NIPC number (Portugal) | NIPC is for companies, NIPC means Corporate Identification Number. The NIPC number consists of 9 sequential digits (with a control digit). The structure of fiscal numbers depending on the type of taxpayer:
NIT number (Bolivia) | The Tax Identification Number (NIT) is a unique Bolivian number, assigned by National Tax Service of Bolivia (Administración Tributaria Nacional) to a taxable natural person or legal entity. Tax identification number consists of 7-10 digits, e.g. 4919101010. | BO_NIT |
NIT number (Colombia) | The Tax Identification Number (NIT) is a unique Colombian number, assigned by the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia) when the entity is registered in the RUT (Registro Único Tributario). It consists of 10 digits where the last one is a check digit in the format: "999.999.999-9" | CO_NIT |
NIT number (Guatemala) | The Tax Identification Number (NIT) is a unique number, assigned to an entity when it is registered. | GT_NIT |
NIT number (Venezuela) | In Venezuela, the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration, and Immigration (SAIME) issues an ID card for individuals in their teens (Cédula de Identidad). The ID card includes date of birth, a correlative number (population continuous number for nationals, greater than 80,000,000 for foreign-born residents), a photo, marital status, expiration date (an expired ID card is still valid for nationals), and a fingerprint. Newly issued ID cards are valid for 10 years. Private companies and public entities are assigned a RIF (Fiscal Information Registry) number for taxable purposes. For natural persons, it is their ID number + checksum digit = NIT number (Número de Identificación Tributaria). | VE_NIT |
National Provider Identifier (United States) | A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The NPI has replaced the Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN) as the required identifier for Medicare services, and is used by other payers, including commercial healthcare insurers. | US_NPI |
National Tax Registration Number | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | HN_NTRN |
National business register identifier (Austria) | National business register identifier (Firmenbuchnummber, FBN) in Austria, issued by the Austrian business register (Firmenbuch). FBN consists of a maximum of six-digit number followed by a lower case letter. In case if there are less then 6 digits, leading zeros should be added. | BR_ID_AT |
Numero de Identificacion de Extranjero (Spain) | NIE identifier is assigned to natural persons without Spanish nationality, who don't possess the NIE but need the TIN because they are going to engage in transactions involving Spanish taxation can obtain a TIN starting from M, that will have transitory nature until they obtain NIE, where appropriate, also issued by the Tax Administration. The number itself is made up of an initial letter followed by seven digits followed by a verification letter. The initial letter is an X before July 2008 and a Y afterward. It is issued by the National Police of Spain. The NIE is required for the purchase or sale of real estate, vehicle, and boats, or in order to work or study. | ES_NIE |
Numéro de TVA | Unique identifier that TVA | ID_TVA_FR |
Numéro de TVA (Luxembourg) | Unique identifier that is assigned to each business which operates in Luxembourg. This ID is also regulated by the European Union. | ID_TVA_LU |
OFK number (Russia) | A number assigned to Russian public bodies, consists of 4 digits. | RU_OFK |
OKPO code (Russia) | OKPO is an identifier for a company in the Russian National Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) database. OKPO is a unique combination of figures consisting of 8 digits. The code is the sequence number of a legal entity in the Russian statistical register. One OKPO code cannot belong to several companies. | RU_OKPO |
Omzetbelastingnummer (Netherlands) | Unique identifier that is assigned to each business which operates in Netherlands. This ID is also regulated by the European Union. | ID_NL_OB |
OpenCorporates ID | OpenCorporates ID is an identifier for a business entity in the OpenCorporates database. Format: country prefix, optional subnational entity abbrevation, "/", alphanumeric id also called "company number". The last part of the OpenCorporates ID - the company number - is an identifier given by the Company register to the entity. The Company register is a data source for a given jurisdiction (country) chosed by OpenCorporates to represent the official data source in a region. | OPENCORP_ID |
OrbisID | Orbis ID number is a unique 9-digit entity identifier maintained by Bureau van Dijk Analytics company | ORBIS_ID |
Organisation ID (Switzerland) | CH_OID | |
Organization Number (Norway) | The company number in Norway is issued by the Brønnøysund Register Centre. The number is assigned upon registration and consists of 9 digits. | NO_ORGID |
Organization Registration Number (Sweden) | The Organization Registration Number is a unique identifier assigned to legal entities, such as companies and associations.
The authority that registers the company or association when it is to be started assigns the organizational number. Most companies and associations have their organization number from the Swedish Companies Registration Office [Bolagsverket]( But also, for example, the Swedish Tax Agency and Land Survey allocate organizational numbers. The Organization Registration Number consists of 10 digits. | SE_ORG_ID |
PAN code (India) | Every individual or entity who has a taxable income has a Permanent Account Number | IN_PAN |
Participant Identification Code | The Participant Identification Code (PIC) is a unique 9-digit identifier assigned by the European Commission to organizations participating in EU-funded programs, such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus+. It simplifies the application and management of grants by allowing organizations to register their details once in the Funding & Tenders Portal. | PIC_ID |
Peppol ID (World) | Identifier used for identifying business partners in Peppol Database (Peppol participant ID) | PEPPOL_ID |
Personal ID (Greece) | A personal identification number assigned, in Greece, to natural persons. | GR_PERS_ID |
Personal ID (Thailand) | The Thai Personal ID is a 13-digit number. Personal IDs are always 13 digits long, while company Tax IDs are 10 digits long. For individuals, the Tax ID usually matches their Personal ID, meaning it is also a 13-digit number. However, for companies, it is a 10-digit number. The Personal ID format is structured as:
Personal Identification Number (Croatia) | The Republic of Croatia introduced the Personal Identification Number (OIB) in the Croatian legal system. The Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration is responsible for the assignation of the OIB to every person as a unique and obligatory identifier in the whole Croatian public administration system.
Personal Identification Number is assigned to:
After 1 January 2009, to all new individuals will be assigned a personal identification number at the moment of birth registration or acquisition of Croatian citizenship, upon establishment or the reason for surveillance. Personal Identification Number will be assigned on the basis of information data exchange between the bodies that enter records and Tax Administration, without having people come to the Tax Administration. | HR_OIB |
Personal Identification Number (Kenya) | The personal identification number is commonly known as the PIN (Personal Identification Number). It is issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and serves as an identification tool for tax-related activities. The PIN is essential for both individuals and businesses, and it's used in a variety of transactions and legal activities, such as filing tax returns, applying for business permits, and conducting certain financial transactions.
The format of the PIN consists of a series of alphabetic characters and numbers. Typically, a Kenyan PIN might look something like "A123456789F", although the format can vary. Common usages of the PIN in Kenya are:
| KE_PIN |
Primary Account Number | ... Payment Account Number | PAN |
Province Gross Revenue Tax Number | Gross income tax: All the provinces and the city of Buenos Aires apply this tax on the gross income earned by all companies engaged in commercial, industrial, agricultural, financial or professional activities. This tax is levied on each commercial transaction and no fiscal credits are awarded for taxes paid during the preceding periods. The rates depend on the industry and sector, ranging from 1.5% to 5% approximately. The taxes are paid throughout the year with payments made monthly or every two months, varying from province to province. Some primary and industrial activities, however, enjoy certain exemptions. In the case of the city of Buenos Aires professionals who do not perform their activity in the form of a company are exempt from the gross income tax.
Stamp tax: The Stamp Tax is a provincial tax levied on the execution of notarized and private instruments embodying contracts and other transactions for valuable consideration. Real property tax: Real property owners are required to pay an annual tax levied on their properties at the rate established by law depending on the tax valuation of the land, free of any improvements, and on the improvements to such land, if any. Real Property Tax is applied to the value of the land and buildings without taking into account the taxpayer’s financial situation. The amount is set by the appropriate tax authority and is calculated accordingto the tax laws of each fiscal period which establish the valuation and rate scales to be applied to the taxable base depending on the type of property. Municipal taxes :Municipalities collect fees for various services related to industrial safety, public hygiene and lighting, to name a few, calculated based on variables such as revenue or fixed parameters such as the number of | AR_PGRTN |
Provincial Sales Tax number (Canada - Manitoba) | The Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in Canada is levied by specific provinces and territories. In particular Manitoba has a so called Retail Sales Tax (RST) that applies to certain goods and services. | PST_CA_MB |
Provincial Sales Tax number (Canada - Saskatchewan) | Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is a six per cent sales tax that applies to taxable goods and services consumed or used in Saskatchewan. It applies to goods and services purchased in the province as well as goods and services imported for consumption or use in Saskatchewan. New and used goods are subject to tax.
When you purchase or rent taxable goods or services from a supplier who is licensed to collect PST, you pay PST to the supplier. When you purchase or rent taxable goods or services from a supplier who did not collect the tax, such as an unlicensed supplier located outside Saskatchewan, you must self-assess and pay the PST directly to the Revenue Division. Businesses operating in Saskatchewan must register to obtain a PST number. Depending on the nature of the business, either a vendor’s licence number or a registered consumer number will be issued. | PST_CA_SK |
Provincial Sales Tax number (Canada) | The PST is a retail sales tax that is payable when a taxable good or service is acquired for personal or business use, unless a specific exemption applies. | PST_CA |
Quebec Sales Tax number (Canada) | The Quebec sales tax (QST, French: Taxe de vente du Québec or TVQ) is applied in a province Quebec. This is a kind of Provincial sales taxes (PST). The QST consists of 16 digits. | QST_CA |
REA number (Italy) | The Economic and Administrative Index (REA - Repertorio delle notizie Economiche e Amministrative) is a registry maintained by the Italian Chamber of Commerce. It contains information about businesses, including legal and economic data, such as their legal form, status, and activities. The REA is used for regulatory purposes and ensures transparency in the economic activities of companies operating in Italy. It is an essential tool for businesses, as it helps verify their legal status and business information. | IT_REA |
REGON (Poland) | REGON is 9 or 14 digits National Official Business Register REGON. It is a constantly updated collection of information about entities of the national economy. Not mandatory. The following entities are entered in the REGON register:
-legal persons, -organizational units without legal personality, -natural persons running a business (including farmers) | PL_REG |
RFC number (Mexico) | The Mexican Tax Administration Service assigns a unique number (Clave en el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes - RFC) to each person enrolled in the Registry; the issued RFC has a special structure depending on the type of taxpayer (individual or legal person). The latter is the only distinction provided for in the Mexican tax provisions. The registration process is available both online and directly at the Local Administration for Taxpayer Assistance (Administración Desconcentrada de Servicios al Contribuyente) of the Mexican Tax Administration Service. The documents required to obtain the registration are: a) Individuals. - (1) Birth certificate or CURP (Clave única de registro de población - Unique Key of Population Registry); (2) proof of address; (3) government-issued identification and (4) online pre-registration number (if applicable). b) Legal persons.- (1) Certificate of incorporation; (2) proof of address; (3) power of attorney and identification of the authorized representative of the legal person, and (4) online preregistration number (if applicable). Mexican Tax Code (art. 27) also establishes the obligation to register in the Federal Taxpayer Registry and obtain a RFC for partners and shareholders of legal persons, except (1) those who are members of non-profit legal persons, and (2) those who acquired their shares through recognised stock markets and those shares are considered as regularly traded in such markets, as long as the shareholder is not registered in the books of that legal person. The abovementioned Code (art. 42) grants the tax authorities the possibility to request taxpayers with information necessary to update the Federal Taxpayer Registry, as well as to register those taxpayers who, in accordance with the tax provisions, are obliged to be registered and have not fulfilled such requirement. The registration in the Federal Taxpayer Registry is mandatory for all legal persons, including asociaciones en participación, associations, permanent establishments and, under special circumstances, fideicomisos. In case of individuals, such obligation is mandatory for those who are required to file tax returns or to issue electronic tax invoices regarding the acts or activities they carry out, or for the income they earn, as well as individuals who open a financial account in an institution of the Mexican financial system or in savings and loan cooperatives where they receive deposits or perform transactions liable to tax. | MX_RFC |
RIF number (Venezuela) | RIF (Registro de Identificación Fiscal) in english Fiscal Information Registry is a number provided by a Venezuelan entity SAIME used to identify multiple entities for taxable purposes.
The RIF is composed by a kind which could be:
| VE_RIF |
RNA number (France) | The RNA (National Directory of Associations, fr. - Répertoire National des Associations) is the national file listing all information on associations. It is developed by the Ministry of the Interior. Since 2010, it has replaced the Waldec directory (Web of freely declared associations). Each association is identified by an "RNA number" starting with W and consisting of 9 digits. This number is assigned automatically when declaring the creation of an association. An association that does not have an RNA number is assigned one for each modification made with the state services (modification of the statutes or of the directors of the association). The number then appears on the receipt issued by the prefecture. | FR_RNA |
RNC number (Dominican Republic) | DO_RNC | |
RSIN (Netherlands) | The RSIN number (Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Identificatie Nummer in Dutch) is an identification number for legal entities and partnerships. It is the business equivalent of the Citizen Service Number (or BSN), and is used to link data between basic Dutch government registrations. If a business is liable for VAT, it will receive a VAT number. The RSIN number is a part of the VAT number.
Legal entity or partnership If your legal structure is a partnership, you receive your RSIN number upon registration with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. You won’t have to register with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) separately. If you are a legal entity, your RSIN number will also be automatically generated, but you will have to register with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration separately. If you are a sole proprietor, your citizen service number (BSN) will serve the same purpose as the RSIN number. This has to do with the fact that as a sole proprietor, you are personally liable for all matters concerning your business (debts, assets etc.). | RSIN_NL |
RUC number (Ecuador) | The RUC is a tax identification number for legal entities. It has 13 digits where the third digit is a number denoting the type of entity. | EC_RUC |
RUC number (Panama) | The Single Taxpayer Registry (Registro Único de Contribuyente, RUC) is the Tax Identification Number of every Panamanian natural or legal person. The RUC is therefore an individual unique number that identifies and distinguishes natural or legal persons for tax purposes. Without this identification number, stakeholders will not be able to exercise any commercial dealings in Panama. It is important to note that, although it may not be feasible to exercise an economic activity in Panama without having a RUC, every Legal Person registered in Panama whether it operates or not in the Republic of Panama must have a RUC.The RUC of a natural person consists of the number of their personal identity card accompanied by a check digit (dígito verificador, DV) allocated by the General Directorate of Revenue (Dirección General de Ingresos, DGI), while for a legal person corresponds to their assigned registration number at the Public Registry (Registro Público) followed by either a combination of other registry numbers provided by the Public Registry Office (i.e. microjacket, roll, or image) or, by the year of its incorporation, with a DV as well.Those who, due to their migratory nature, cannot meet the registration requirements for a natural person’s RUC must be assigned a Tax Number (Número Tributario, NT), which is the identification of such taxpayer for tax matters. The RUC of foreign natural persons will be identified with the prefix NT.In the cases of Legal Persons that do not have Legal Status, because they were born in accordance with special laws, a Tax Number (NT) will be assigned to identify the taxpayer and the responsibility of such taxpayer, before the Tax Administration. Tax Numbers (NT) must also be supplemented with a DV. The Tax Identification Number in Panama (RUC) is assigned once it has been requested before the General Directorate of Revenue of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Everyone living in Panama can request a RUC or NT. The assigned RUC is unique and non-transferable for each taxpayer. In case of modification of the RUC data, said modifications must be communicated to the DGI. | PA_RUC |
RUC number (Paraguay) | The Registro Único del Contribuyente (RUC) is the unique taxpayer registry that maintains identification numbers for all persons (national or foreign) and legal entities in Paraguay.
The RUC number for legal entities consists of 8 digits starting after 80000000. Number for residents and foreigners are up to 9 digits. The last digit is a check digit. ( | PY_RUC |
RUC number (Peru) | The RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes) is the tax number of Peru assigned
to legal and natural persons. The number consists of 11 digits, the first two indicate the kind of number, for personal numbers it is followed by the DNI and a check digit. | PE_RUC |
RUT number (Chile) | There are two types of numbers commonly referred to as a “RUT” in Chile. A temporary "RUT" or "rol único tributario" for foreigners is only a tax payer ID number. Another type of “RUT” (sometimes called RUN) is for Chilean citizens and Chilean Residents. The permanent RUT for citizens and residents is a national ID number, similar to a Social Security Number, and is used for passports, tax issues, Identification, and many other things. Companies are also issued “RUT” numbers for tax purposes. The TIN consistsof two parts: the serial number, a dash (-) and the check digit, ( which is obtained through an algorithm that consist of one digit ranging from 0 to 9 or letter K.The check digit serves to validate the TIN, since this number mayonly have onecheck digit. | CL_RUT |
RUT number (Uruguay) | The Single Register of Tax Payers Number (RUT for its acronym in Spanish) is the identification received by customers of the Tax Administration for tax purposes. (Physical or legal persons and other pluripersonal entities). The Tax Administration shall assign the RUT number according to:
Legal persons and other multi-personal entities: RUC/T. The RUT number is a number provided by the Tax Administration and is used in the case of legal entities and certain physical persons carrying out business activities or who have been assigned a RUT number (example: commercial activity, services, net worth). IDCard: Identity Card for Physical Persons: a Card issued by the National Office of Civil Identification. This applies provided the Physical person does not have a RUT number in force. NIE Foreigner's Identification Number for Foreign Physical Persons. This is a number provided by the Tax Authority (RUT Department) to those foreign physical persons who do not have an Identity Card in force, issued by the National Office of Civil Identification, neither a RUT number. | UY_UTR |
Registered charity number (United Kingdom) | The Registered Charity Number in the UK is a unique identifier assigned by the Charity Commission to organizations registered as charities. It ensures transparency and allows the public to verify the charity's legal status and activities. | UK_RCN |
Registry Number (United States - Oregon) | The Registry Number (Oregon) is the unique business identifier in Oregon, United States. The identifier consists exclusively of digits that are assigned upon registration in a ascending manner (no fixed format). The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in Oregon. | RN_US_OR |
Resident Registration Number (South Korea) | The Resident Registration Number is issued by the Ministry of Interior to Korean citizens residing in the country. This id consists of 13 digits: "999999-9999999". The Resident Registration Number should be used as his or her TIN when a corporation withholds taxes from its employee’s wages and salaries or an individual files tax returns for income, transfer, inheritance and/or gift. | KR_RES_ID |
SENASA Registration Number | The National Food Safety and Quality Service (Spanish: Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria, SENASA) is an independent agency of the Argentine government charged with surveillance, regulation and certification of products of animal and plant origin and the prevention, eradication and control of diseases and plagues that affect them. | AR_SEN |
SEPA Creditor Identifier | The SEPA Creditor Identifier (SCI) is a unique identifier assigned to creditors within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) to facilitate direct debit transactions. It enables creditors to collect payments from debtors’ bank accounts across SEPA countries. The SCI ensures that direct debits are processed correctly and helps banks and payers identify the creditor initiating the transaction. The format of the SCI varies by country but typically includes a country code, check digits, and a national identifier. | SCI_ID |
SI registration number (The Netherlands) | NL_SI_ID | |
SIREN number (France) | The SIREN number is the unique business identifier in France. This 9 digit number will be requested by all French administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is a fully registered French business, listed on the national business directory - Système Informatique pour le Répertoire des Entreprises et des Etablissements. The SIREN number is issued by INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques). | FR_SIREN |
SIRET number (France) | The SIRET number is issued once a business partner registers the business in the Chambre de Commerce (RCS) for trade, Chambre de Metiers for crafts and manual work or with URSSAF for intellectual services such as translator or website designer. SIRET is a 14 digit number referring to each business location (business partner + 5 digits). | FR_SIRET |
SP Global Company ID | Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a leading index provider and data source of independent credit ratings. The S&P Global Company ID is the primary key in S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Cross Reference Services. It links the standardized and proprietary IDs for over 28 million entities, including more than 98% of the LEI population at the time of publication. | SPCOMP_ID |
SPOR OMS Location ID | SPOR OMS issues two IDs, Organisation ID (for identifying an Organisation entity) and a Location ID (for Location entity). An Organisation/Location can have multiple IDs. This happens when 2 mastered Organisation/Locations are merged. Merged records keep all the IDs. The ID associated to the oldest master Organisation/Location is kept as the main ID and shown on the OMS web portal/API. | SPOR_LOC_ID |
SPOR OMS Organisation ID | SPOR OMS issues two IDs, Organisation ID (for identifying an Organisation entity) and a Location ID (for Location entity). An Organisation/Location can have multiple IDs. This happens when 2 mastered Organisation/Locations are merged. Merged records keep all the IDs. The ID associated to the oldest master Organisation/Location is kept as the main ID and shown on the OMS web portal/API. | SPOR_ORG_ID |
SUFRAMA Code | SUFRAMA (Superintendência da Zona Franca de Manaus) is a government agency in Brazil responsible for overseeing the tax incentives and economic development activities in the Manaus Free Trade Zone. The tax code associated with SUFRAMA is commonly referred to as "SUFRAMA Code" or "SUFRAMA Tax Incentive." | BR_SUF |
Sales and Services Tax number (Malaysia) | In Malaysia, the tax system has undergone changes, and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been replaced by the Sales and Services Tax (SST)..Under the current tax framework, businesses may be required to register for the Sales and Services Tax (SST) if they meet certain criteria. The SST is imposed on the sales and provision of taxable goods and services in Malaysia.To register for the SST, businesses need to apply to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) and provide relevant information and documentation, such as the business name, business structure, business activities, business registration details, and other necessary particulars.Once registered, businesses are assigned a unique identification number, which is known as the "Sales Tax Number" or "Service Tax Number." This number is used for reporting and remitting the Sales and Services Tax to the RMCD. | MY_SST |
Service tax registration number (India) | IN_SERVICE_TAX_ID | |
Social Security Number (Jersey) | For the purposes of reporting on Jersey residents under the CRS (Common Reporting Standard), the taxpayer identification number will be the taxpayer’s Jersey Social Security number. Thus, the Social Security Number is both an ID for Jersey residents and an individual taxpayer number. | JE_SSN |
Social Security Number (San Marino) | In San Marino all individual taxpayers are identified through a unique Social Security Number (SSI Number). The Social Security Number is allocated by the Social Security Institute – hence the “SSI Number”. The Social Security Number is indicated on the front of the identity card issued by the Vital Statistics Office, or on the Cartazzurra (San Marino health insurance card). The Social Security Number is also indicated in the certificates of tax residency issued by the San Marino Tax Office. | SM_SSI |
Social security number (Bulgaria) | BG_SEC_ID | |
Social security number (United States) | US_SEC_ID | |
Society Registration Number (IN) | The Societies Registration Act, 1860 is a legislation in India which allows the registration of entities generally involved in the benefit of society - education, health, employment etc. | IN_SRN |
South Korean Commercial Registry Businesss Number | Business Registration Number is been assigned to the business entity want to setup business in South Korean. It is also known as Company Registration number. For the registration of a firm should be determined: the name of the company, the list of the partners or owners, the manager of the company, the registration address of the company, the amount of the charter capital. While determining the name of the company attention should be paid to the possible existence of a trademark registered with the same word, which can lead to legal problems later on. Any name can be chosen for the company, if such has not received state registration already. Subsequently, parallel to the registration of the company, should set about the registration of a trademark or a brand as well. The registration of a brand is a more progressive legal protection for differentiation of the company’s goods and services and for shaping confidence around the consumers. The selection of the company's address is conditioned by the opportunity of receiving appropriate notifications, as well as the selection of the administrative domain consequently selects the tax service authority, where the company is being registered. The tax registration of the company is being implemented from the moment of the company's state registration by the means of automated system and no more there is a need, like the past, to visit a tax authority for the purpose of the company's tax registration. For the registration of the company's address, no documents of confirming the appropriate right are required: a certificate of ownership or lease: that is the registration is being exercised according to a statement. | KR_CRBN |
State Business Identifier (United States - Alaska) | The Alaska State Business Identifier is the unique business identifier in Alaska, United States. The identifier consists of multiple digits (ranging from 1 to 9 digit numbers) from which some of them are followed by a letter. The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered to do business in Alaska. | BI_US_AK |
State Business Identifier (United States - Colorado) | The Colorado State Business Identifier is the unique business identifier in Colorado, United States. The identifier consists of 11 digits from which the year in Entity Form Date is corroborated by the first four digits of the ID. The identifier will be requested by the state administration dealing with the business partner, as it is a proof that the business partner is fully registered with the Colorado Secretary of State. | BI_US_CO |
State Business Identifier (United States - Connecticut) | The ID number issued by the Secretary of the State, Connecticut is called the Business ID. | BI_US_CT |
State tax number (Brazil) | In Brazil, the state tax number is known as "Inscrição Estadual" or "IE" in Portuguese. It is a unique registration number assigned to companies and individual entrepreneurs operating within a specific state in Brazil. The state tax number is used primarily for tax-related purposes, such as sales tax (ICMS - Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços) registration and compliance.
Each state in Brazil has its own tax administration, and they issue state tax numbers to businesses and entrepreneurs within their jurisdiction. The format and requirements for obtaining an Inscrição Estadual can vary from state to state. Companies engaged in commercial activities, industry, and the provision of certain services are typically required to obtain an Inscrição Estadual to operate legally and comply with state tax regulations. It helps the tax authorities monitor business activities, collect sales tax, and ensure proper tax reporting. Having a valid state tax number is crucial for businesses in Brazil to conduct their operations, issue invoices, and comply with their tax obligations at the state level. | BR_TAX_STATE |
TVA number (Tunisia) | Unique value added tax identifier, assigned by Tunisia Ministry of Finance. Tax identification number consists of 9 digits. | TN_TVA |
Tax ID (Thailand) | The Tax ID is used to track and manage tax-related activities, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), corporate tax, and other types of taxes. | TH_TAX_ID |
Tax Identification Number (Angola) | In Angola, the General Tax Administration (AGT) is responsible for issuing the Taxpayer Identification Number, also known as TIN or NIF. For Angolan citizens, this number is the same as their National Identification Card Number. Foreign residents obtain their TIN/NIF based on their Resident Card Number. Other individuals and entities receive a sequential number from the General Tax Administration for their TIN/NIF. | AO_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Bangladesh) | In Bangladesh, the Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identification number assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes by the National Board of Revenue (NBR). The TIN is used to track and manage tax-related activities, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other types of taxes. It's an essential requirement for conducting various financial and business transactions in the country. | BD_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Bhutan) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | BT_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Brunei) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region. Entity:
PXXXXXXXX – Standard registration number issued to Sole-Proprietorships or Partnerships registered under the Brunei’s Business Names Act, Chapter 92 (BNA). RCXXXXXXXX – Standard registration number issued to Private Limited Companies and Public Companies incorporated under the Brunei’s Companies Act, Chapter 39 (CA). RFCXXXXXXXX – Standard registration number issued to Foreign Branch of companies registered under the Brunei’s Companies Act, Chapter 39. All of the above registration numbers are issued by the Registry of Companies and Business Names Division, Ministry of Finance. | BN_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Cambodia) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | KH_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (East Timor) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | TL_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (El Salvador) | The "Número de Identificación Tributaria" is the Tax Identification Number in El Salvador. The number is also known as the Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) or Número de Registro Tributario (NRT).The format of the NIT in El Salvador is 14 characters long and usually includes a combination of letters and numbers. It is used for tax purposes and identification in various official and financial transactions in El Salvador. | SV_NIT |
Tax Identification Number (Indonesia) | Tax Identification Number (TIN) is known in Indonesia as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP), with details as follows:
A. NPWP is a set of number given to taxpayer (both individual and entity) for personal identification in carrying out their taxation rights and obligations (i.e. Income Tax, and VAT). B. NPWP is given to eligible taxpayer who has fulfill the subjective and objective requirement as stipulated in taxation laws and regulation. C. NPWP is issued by: a. the Tax Office where the taxpayer’s place of residence, dwelling, or activity is located; or b. the appointed Tax Office as stipulated in Director General of Taxes Decree. D. NPWP is administered by the integrated information system in the headquarter of Directorate General of Taxes. E. NPWP remains the same, despite any changes in taxpayer’s place of residence, dwelling, or activity. | ID_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Laos) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | LA_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Maldives) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | MV_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Myanmar) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | MM_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Nepal) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | NP_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Nigeria) | Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | NG_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Pakistan) | The National Tax Number (NTN) is a unique identification number issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan. It is assigned to individuals, businesses, and other entities for tax purposes. The NTN serves as an identification code for taxpayers registered with the tax authorities in Pakistan.The NTN is required for various tax-related activities, such as filing tax returns, paying taxes, and engaging in business transactions that involve tax obligations. It helps the tax authorities to track and monitor the tax activities of individuals and entities in Pakistan.To obtain an NTN, individuals and businesses need to register with the FBR and provide relevant information and documentation, including their personal and business details, such as name, address, contact information, nature of business, and other required particulars. Once the registration process is completed and approved, the FBR issues the NTN to the applicant.Having an NTN is mandatory for certain categories of taxpayers, such as companies, partnership firms, and individuals earning above a certain income threshold. It is an important requirement for fulfilling tax obligations and maintaining compliance with the tax laws in Pakistan. | PK_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Serbia) | RS_PIB | |
Tax Identification Number (Sri Lanka) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | LK_TIN |
Tax Identification Number (Vietnam) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | VN_TIN |
Tax Identifier (Hungary) | For individuals Hungary issues TINs which are not indicated on official documents of identification. The paying agent has to indicate this number on the payment documents. The TIN for individuals in Hungarian is called: „adóazonosító jel”.
However individuals wishing to pursue business activities that incur entrepreneurial tax or VAT payment liability shall also have to obtain the type of TIN issued to entities (“adószám”). Entities wishing to pursue taxable activities shall register with the state tax authority in order to receive a tax number. The registration procedure is governed by Act XCII of 2003 on the Rules of Taxation. For companies the TIN is recorded in the register of companies. The TIN for entities in Hungarian is called: “adószám”. | HU_TIN |
Tax Identifier (Poland) | PESEL is mandatory for all permanent residents of Poland. It is used for paying taxes in the case of natural persons not conducting economic activity. PESEL consits of 11 digits, where first 6 digits - date of birth in format YYMMDD.
Tax Reference Number (Jersey) | Started to be used in tax documentation from May 2019 a Tax Identification Number is a 10-digit identifier that must be assigned to all individuals, organizations and other bodies in Jersey for tax purposes. | JE_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Albania) | The tax system includes personal income tax, profit tax, tax on real estate, value added tax (VAT). The tax year is the calendar year. | AL_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Algeria) | Algeria uses a system of identification numbers for businesses known as the NIF (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale), or Fiscal Identification Number. The NIF is used for tax purposes and is a critical identifier for businesses operating in Algeria. It is typically issued by the Algerian Ministry of Finance. All persons/companies engaged in business activities must be holder of the NIF which is composed by 15 (fifteen) numeric digits + 5 digits for branches. It is composed of the taxpayers civil registration number and a digit control key. The number is also used as VAT Registration Number. | DZ_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Armenia) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | AM_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Azerbaijan) | the Tax Registration Number in Azerbaijan, often referred to as the Tax Identification Number (TIN), is a unique identifier assigned to both individual taxpayers and businesses by the Ministry of Taxes. This number is crucial for various tax-related activities such as filing tax returns, conducting business transactions, and complying with Azerbaijan's tax laws. In the case of businesses, the Tax Registration Number serves as the VAT (Value Added Tax) number and is used for all dealings related to taxation, including VAT collection and reporting, corporate income tax, and other tax liabilities. The number is generally required to be stated on invoices, official paperwork, and any documentation submitted to the tax authorities. | AZ_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Belarus) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | BY_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Cameroon) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | CM_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Cyprus) | TINs to individuals and entities are issued for identification purposes with Tax Administration.
- Individual: no It is the responsibility of the obliged individual to register and obtain TIN. No TIN is issued to individuals who are not obliged to register. - Entities (as defined by the CRS): no It is the responsibility of the obliged entity to register and obtain TIN.No TIN is issued to entities that are not obliged to register. | CY_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Czech Republic) | Czech Republic uses TIN-like numbers (Personal Number) for identifying its taxpayers. TIN-like numbers are reported on official documents of identification as “personal number”. | CZ_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Egypt) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | EG_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Estonia) | The usage of personal identification code as means of identification is not restricted directly with specific type of tax but due to the difference between natural and legal person’s identification numbers, we use it with head taxes. All legal persons are assigned a unique registration code (TIN for legal persons) either from the commercial register (companies and sole proprietors), from the state register of state and local governmental authorities (legal persons in public law) or from the non-profit associations and foundations register. | EE_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Gabon) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | GA_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Georgia) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | GE_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Ghana) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | GH_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Gibraltar) | The Gibraltar Income Tax Office issues taxpayer refernce numbers to individuals and corporate entities that are liable to taxation in Gibraltar. A taxpayer refernce number apply to income tax and corporation tax. | GI_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Greece) | According to art. 11 of the Greek Tax Procedure Code (L. 4174/2013), the Tax Administration assigns a unique taxpayer identification number to every taxpayer. The Tax Administration assigns a Taxpayer Identification Number to a person who is not a taxpayer, if this is required by other law provisions. In particular, the Tax Administration assigns a Taxpayer Identification Number upon request by any natural or legal person or legal entity, for the purpose of conducting financial transactions with General Government bodies or domestic financial institutions or payment institutions. The Tax Administration may suspend the use of a TIN or may de-activate the TIN if there is objective information indicating that the taxpayer has ceased his economic activity or that he commits tax evasion or that he has filed a false or inaccurate declaration in order to be granted the TIN. In any case the taxpayer has the right to prove that the circumstances of the previous sentence do not apply. | GR_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Ivory Coast) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | CI_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Kirghizia) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | KG_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Latvia) | TINs to individuals and entities are issued for identification purposes with tax administration. Legal acts regulated registration of TINs individuals and entities: Article 151 of Law on Taxes and Fees; Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers no.150 of March 27, 2001 | LV_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Lithuania) | TIN is provided in three cases:
- to each new born citizen of Lithuania - foreigners who receive permission for permanent living in Lithuania - foreigners who receive permission for temporary living in Lithuania It is a unique 11 digits number used in all identity documents – passports, ID cards, driving licenses, students ID, etc. The same TIN is used when filling in tax returns and for other tax purposes | LT_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Malta) | In Malta, individuals who are Maltese nationals use their Identity Card Number as the TIN. Individuals who are not Maltese nationals, as well as entities resident in Malta for tax purposes are issued with a unique taxpayer reference number, made up of 9 digits, automatically generated by the IRD. While the TIN for non-Maltese nationals is generated following the submission of a completed registration form, newly formed entities who register with the Maltese Registry of Companies are automatically registered with the IRD.
The above TINs are used as a means of identification for income tax purposes, tax on wages & salaries as well as withholding tax. For the purposes of VAT, persons performing an economic activity and considered as taxable persons under local VAT legislation are issued with a separate and different VAT Identification number. Both the Identity Card Number as well as the TIN issued to non-Maltese nationals and entities are fixed for ever and are always in the same format. | MT_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Mauritius) | In Mauritius the TIN is officially called the Tax Account Number (TAN). For individuals: The Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) issues a Tax Account Number to all individuals with a tax obligation in Mauritius. The TAN is given at the time of the registration of the individual in the databases of the MRA. For entities: As soon as they are created, the Mauritian entities (and individuals carrying out business activities) have an identification number, the Business Registration Number (BRN) issued by the Central Business Registration Department, a governmental authority. This number is used for several purposes, including for tax purpose. As soon as they receive their BRN, the MRA allocates a TAN to the entities and individuals carrying out business activities | MU_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Moldova, Republic Of) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | MD_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Montenegro) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | ME_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Morocco) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | MA_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (North Macedonia) | MK_TRN | |
Tax Registration Number (Russian Federation) | In accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 84 of the Russian Federation Tax Code all Russian taxpayers whether individuals or businesses are assigned a unique Taxpayer Personal Identification Number known as INN (Russian analog for TIN).
The INN refers for all types of taxes in the Russian Federation. Depending on circumstances for individuals INN may be assigned by the tax authority - at the place of individual’s permanent residence - at the place of individual’s temporary residence (in case individual has no permanent residence in Russia) - at the place of individual’s immovable property or vehicle (in case individual has no permanent or temporary residence in Russia) For Russian legal entities INN is assigned by tax authority at the location of legal while registration of such legal entities. For foreign legal entities conducting business activity in the territory of Russian Federation through a branch, representative office, division, bureau, office, company or any other separate business unit, INN is assigned by tax authority at the place of such business activity while registration of such separate business unit. | RU_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (San Marino) | In San Marino all legal entities are identified through a unique Tax Registration Number (COE Number). The Tax Registration Number is indicated in the Certificate of License, issued by the Office of Industry, Handicraft and Trade. It can be also allocated by the Labour Office. The Tax Registration Number is also indicated in the certificates of tax residency issued by the San Marino Tax Office. | SM_COE |
Tax Registration Number (Senegal) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | SN_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Serbia and Montenegro) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | CS_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Slovakia) | Slovakia issues TIN only for (natural and legal) persons who perform business activities and who have an obligation to register at local tax office. TIN is not issued for citizens of Slovakia who do not have obligation to register at local tax office and therefore most natural persons do not have TIN. Pursuant legislation in force Financial Administration assigns TIN to a taxpayer within a registration procedure. Taxpayer uses TIN during communication with relevant tax administrator. Only natural persons and legal entities can be registered. TIN is automatically assigned once a taxpayer is recorded in register of taxpayers. It is not possible to assign the same TIN for different taxpayers. It is not possible to assign two different TINs to the same taxpayer. Even if registration follows deregistration the taxpayer is assigned with the same TIN. TIN is used for all purposes related to taxes. As regards VAT registration: The number consists of prefix “SK” and TIN. If natural person does not have a TIN then a unique birth identification number (TIN-like number) is used as a TIN for purposes of automatic exchange of information. | SK_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Tajikistan) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | TJ_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Turkmenistan) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | TM_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Uzbekistan) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | UZ_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Zambia) | The Taxpayer Identification Number (TPIN) is a unique taxpayer identifier in Zambia, issued by the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA). The TPIN is an important prerequisite for various types of financial transactions and legal activities in the country. For instance, it's often required for opening a bank account, registering a vehicle, or setting up a business, among other things. The TPIN is also crucial for tax administration purposes and for fulfilling various types of tax obligations.
Businesses, individuals, and other legal entities who pay taxes in Zambia are generally required to have a TPIN. It's an essential part of Zambia's efforts to broaden the tax base and improve tax compliance. The TPIN is a unique ten-digit computer-generated number. | ZM_TRN |
Tax Registration Number (Zimbabwe) | Tax Registration Number is nothing but Tax Identification Number assigned to an individual or firm for tax purposes in the particular region | ZW_TRN |
Tax identification number (Egypt) | A 9 digits number issued by the Egyptian Tax Authority uniquely identifying all companies registered in Egypt. Example: 198347092 | TIN_EG |
Tax identification number (Germany) | Unique identifier that is assigned by German fiscal authorities to each German citizen and each business which operates in Germany. See German Wikipedia for more information. The Steuernummer is different to the German Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer which is assigned for value added tax purposes and which is regulated by the German Wikipedia. | DE_TAX_ID |
Tax identification number (South Africa) | Taxpayer reference numbers are allocated to a person obliged to register as a taxpayer or does so
voluntarily. The allocation is regulated under Chapter 3 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011, in particular section 24 that provides as follows: 24. Taxpayer reference number.—(1) SARS may allocate a taxpayer reference number in respect of one or more taxes to each person registered under a tax Act or this Chapter. (2) SARS may register and allocate a taxpayer reference number to a person who is not registered. (3) A person who has been allocated a taxpayer reference number by SARS must include the relevant reference number in all returns or other documents submitted to SARS. (4) SARS may regard a return or other document submitted by a person to be invalid if it does not contain the reference number referred to in subsection (3) and must inform the person accordingly if practical. The South African Tax Identification number is only issued by the South African Revenue Service and can be found on all Taxpayer specific correspondence addressed to the Taxpayer. An Income Tax Reference number is only issued by SARS when a person/entity registers for Income Tax purposes. The TIN issued is valid for a lifetime and does not change even when a tax account is coded estate. While different numbers are issued for Valued Added Tax (VAT) and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) we only require the Income Tax Reference numbers for CRS purpose. | ZA_TIN |
Tax number (Bulgaria) | BG_TAX_ID | |
Tax number (Hungary) | The Hungarian tax number (Adószám) is an 11-digit identifier issued to businesses by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) for tax-related purposes in Hungary. | HU_TAX_ID |
Tax number (Romania) | Tax number (Individual's Cod Numeric Personal (CNP), or Personal Numeric Code) a unique identifying number in Romania which is created by using the citizen's gender and century of birth (1/3/5/7 for male, 2/4/6/8 for female and 9 for foreign citizen), date of birth (six digits, YYMMDD), the country zone (two digits, from 01 to 52, or 99), followed by a serial number (3 digits), and finally a checksum digit. CNP number consists of 13 digits. | RO_TAX_ID |
Tax number (Slovenia) | SI_TAX_ID | |
Tax number (Turkey) | The Vergi Kimlik Numarası is the Turkish tax identification number used for
businesses. The number consists of 10 digits where the first digit is derived from the company name. | TR_TAX_ID |
Tax office name (Turkey) | TR_TAX_OFFICE_ID | |
Tax registration number (Netherlands) | NL_TAX_ID | |
Tax registration number (Taiwan) | TW_TAX_ID | |
Taxpayer identification number (Philippines) | PH_TAX_ID | |
Taxpayer identification number (Ukraine) | UA_TAX_ID | |
Trade Register Number (Romania) | TRN_RO | |
Trade and Companies Register ID (Luxembourg) | The objectives of the RCS are:
| LU_RCS |
Trinidadian Tax Identification Number | In accordance with Section 76 of the Income Tax Act(ITA) Chapter 75:01, the Board of Inland Revenue assigns a unique identifcation number reffered to as the Board of Inland Revenue file number (B.I.R File number) for the purpose of processing an income tax return under section 76. The assigned BIR number is permanent, meaning it doesn't expire. The BIR number is not used to identify any particular sector or taxpayer group, nor nor it used to identify tax types. It is sole used to identify customer. Separate identifier used to track the type and other informations. All resident of Trinidad and Tobago are obliged to get registered for BIR as per section 76B of ITA chapter75:01. All resident companies have to get enrolled for the BIR file number and have to be used for file tax and returs. Non resident comoanies engaged in Trade and Business has to apply for BIR file Number, which willbe used for tax payments and retunr filings. | TT_TIN |
UDYAM registration number (India) | In India, UDYAM is a term associated with the registration and classification of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). UDYAM stands for "Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum".
UDYAM is an online registration process introduced by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) to simplify the registration and documentation requirements for MSMEs. It replaced the earlier registration process known as the Udyog Aadhaar registration. Under the UDYAM registration, MSMEs can obtain a unique identification number called the UDYAM registration number. This number is used to classify and identify the MSMEs based on their investment in plant and machinery or equipment and their annual turnover. The UDYAM registration provides various benefits and support to MSMEs, such as easier access to credit, government schemes, subsidies, and assistance programs. It also helps in promoting and monitoring the growth of the MSME sector in India. To register under UDYAM, MSMEs need to provide relevant information and documentation, such as Aadhaar number, PAN (Permanent Account Number), business details, bank account details, and other necessary particulars. The registration process is typically done online through the UDYAM Registration Portal. | IN_UDYAM |
UEN number (Singapore) | A Unique Entity Number (UEN) is a 9- or 10-digit alphanumeric code issued by the Singaporean government to all entities that operate within Singapore. | SG_UEN |
USREOU number (Ukraine) | EDRPOU number (from Ukrainian "Код ЄДРПОУ")- a unique identification number of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine. It is mandatory for use in all types of reporting and accounting documents of the business entity and is indicated on its seals and stamps. In all documents - administrative, financial or other, where the enterprise (organization) appears, the identification number must be indicated in accordance with the EDRPOU. | UA_USREOU |
Unified Business Identifier (United States - Washington) | A UBI number is a 9-digit number that registers you with several state agencies and allows you to do business in Washington State. A UBI number is sometimes called a tax registration number, a business registration number, or a business license number. Use the Business License Application to apply for a UBI number. | UBI_US_WS |
Unified identification code (Bulgaria) | Upon entry of a newly registered entity in the BULSTAT Register, a unique unified identification code (UIC) is generated, called BULSTAT Code, which is the only identifier of business subjects in Bulgaria. All legal subjects listed in the BULSTAT Register shall use and state the BULSTAT UIC: 9-digit number or (for a branch) 13-digit number. | BG_UID |
Unique Entity Identifier (United States) | The authoritative unique entity identifier used by the federal government starting from April 4, 2022. Before April 4 the authoritative unique entity identifier used
by the federal government was the DUNS Number. The Unique Entity ID (SAM) is a 12-character alphanumeric value that is managed, granted, and owned by the US government, namely by the US General Services Administration. | US_SAM_ID |
Unique Identifier (United States - San Francisco) | Unique Identifier for San Francisco's Businesses is made by formula: (ttxid)-(certificate_number)-(naic_code)-(location_start_date). The Treasurer & Tax Collector’s Office uses this identifier to manage registered business entities. | UI_US_SF |
Unique taxpayer reference number (United Kingdom) | A company UTR is a distinct 10-digit number that HMRC issues to all new limited companies. These numbers are used to identify companies for all tax-related purposes. | ID_UTR |
VAT Number (Vietnam) | VN_VAT | |
VAT Registration Number (Azerbaijan) | In the case of businesses, the Tax Registration Number serves as the VAT (Value Added Tax) number and is used for all dealings related to VAT taxation, including VAT collection and reporting, | AZ_VAT |
VAT Registration Number (Bahrain) | BH_VAT | |
VAT Registration Number (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Value Added Tax (VAT) identification number is known as the "PDV Identifikacioni Broj" (VAT ID number). This number is used for the identification of businesses and individuals that are registered for VAT purposes. VAT is a consumption tax levied on the added value of goods and services, and the identification number is essential for tax reporting and compliance with the country's tax laws. The VAT identification number is generally issued by the tax authorities after a business or individual has registered for VAT. It is used in all transactions and documents related to VAT, such as invoices, customs documents, and tax returns. | BA_TRN |
VAT Registration Number (Kenya) | The Kenya VAT ID number is different from the tax identification number. It is a unique ID that may be requested from your government by registering for VAT in Kenya. It has 11 alphanumeric characters and should look like this, for example: P999999999A. | KE_VAT |
VAT Registration Number (Saudi Arabia) | SA_VAT | |
VAT Registration Number (United Arab Emirates) | AE_VAT | |
VAT Registration Number (Zambia) | The Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Number in Zambia is a unique identifier for businesses that are registered to collect VAT. The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is the agency responsible for issuing VAT Registration Numbers and administering VAT in Zambia. The VAT Number is identical with the TPIN | ZM_VAT |
VAT number (Belgium) | BE_VAT_ID | |
VAT number (Italy) | IT_VAT_ID | |
VAT number (Japan) | In Japan, the Consumption Tax (CT), also known as the Value Added Tax (VAT), is a tax imposed on the sale of goods and services. The tax is collected by businesses at each stage of the supply chain and ultimately passed on to the end consumer.Regarding the registration number for VAT purposes in Japan, it is called the "Shouhizei gyoumu houjin yoyaku bangou" (消費税業務法人予約番号) or "Shouhizei gyoumu nin'i bangou" (消費税業務認証番号). This number is issued to corporations and organizations that engage in business activities subject to the Consumption Tax.The registration process for the VAT number in Japan involves applying to the local tax office where the business is located. The application typically requires submitting relevant documents and information about the business, such as the company's name, address, nature of business activities, and other necessary particulars.Upon successful registration, the tax office issues the VAT registration number to the business entity, which is used for reporting and remitting the Consumption Tax collected from customers. It is important to note that the VAT registration number is specific to each registered business entity in Japan and is required for complying with the Consumption Tax regulations. | JP_JCT |
VAT number (Norway) | The company number in Norway is issued by the Brønnøysund Register Centre. The number is assigned upon registration and consists of 9 digits. Companies which are liable to value added tax are required to add the suffix MVA (stands for Merverdiavgift = value added tax) to their organization number. | VAT_ID_NO |
VAT registration number (Israel) | 9 digit number. If the number of digits is less than 9, then zeros should be padded to the left side. The leftmost digit is 5 for corporations. Other leftmost digits are used for individuals. The rightmost digit is a check digit (using Luhn algorithm). | IL_VAT |
VAT registration number (South Africa) | A VAT Number is a unique number, which comprises of 10 digits and starts with the number 4. A valid tax invoice must contain the words "tax invoice" and must display the correct VAT Number apart from certain other requirements. | ZA_VAT |
VAT registration number (South Korea) | South Korea has a Value Added Tax (VAT) system similar to other countries. The VAT number in South Korea is known as the "Business Registration Number" (BRN) or "사업자등록번호" in Korean. The Business Registration Number is used by businesses and corporations for tax purposes. It consists of 10 digits and follows the format "999-99-99999". The first three digits represent the administrative district code, the next two digits represent the year of business registration, and the final five digits are a sequential registration number. This number is obtained from the district tax office and is used to identify businesses and corporations for tax reporting and compliance. | KR_VAT_ID |
VAT registration number (Switzerland) | CH_VAT_ID | |
VAT registration number (Ukraine) | UA_VAT_ID | |
VAT registration number (United Kingdom) | VAT identifier that is assigned to businesses which operate in UK. It replaces the European Value Added Tax ID since the Brexit | ID_VAT_UK |
VAT registration number old (China) | This is the old number used in China. | CN_VAT_15 |
Value Added Tax Number (Iceland) | All foreign and domestic companies and self-employed business owners selling taxable goods and services in Iceland needs to register their business for VAT. Once they have registered they will be given a VAT registration number (Icelandic "VSK-numer") and a registration certificate. | IS_VAT |
Vestigingsnummer (Netherlands) | Uniquely identifies a branch location of a company in the Netherlands | VEN_NL |
Withholding agent number (Argentina) | AR_AGENT_NO |