European value added tax identifier (Croatia)

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Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. EU_VAT_ID_HR
Country scope Defines a address/country a given concept is used in (or valid in, or relevant for etc.), i.e. the country-specific scope of a concept. HR
Monolingual name Language-specific name of a data model concept or concept value. PDV (hr)
Monolingual short name Language-specific short name of a data model concept or concept value. HR - VAT identification number (en)
International name Defines the name of a concept in English with Latin characters, e.g. if the major name of a concept is defined in a local language. Value added tax identification number
Alternative name Alternative (i.e. synonymous) name of a concept. n/a
Abbreviation Language-specific abbreviation of a data model concept or concept value. PDV (hr), VAT id (en)
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept. The Croatian VAT identifier, issued by the Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration, is used by businesses and individuals for intra-EU trade. It ensures that VAT is correctly reported and accounted for.

Format: The format is HR99999999999 (11 digits).

Check Digit Logic: The identifier is validated using a modulus 11 algorithm to calculate the check digit.

Applies to Describes what kind of entities are assigned the identifier at hand Legal Entity
Release status The release status in terms of development progress or maturity of a product feature or a business capability.<br/><code>EMPTY</code> (0): No feature considered yet, just rough idea for capability.<br/><code>IDEA</code> (1): Just an idea, not yet designed in detail.<br/><code>DESIGN</code> (2): Software design ready, development not yet started.<br/><code>DEVELOPMENT</code> (3): Software development in progress.<br/><code>ALPHA</code> (4): First functional release, in terms of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).<br/><code>BETA</code> (5): Tested by selected users.<br/><code>RC</code> (6): Release candidate, fully tested, not yet used in production by many customers.<br/><code>LIVE</code> (7): Used in production by customers, fully monitored and supported.<br/><code>DEPRECATED</code> (-1): End of life planned, but still available.<br/><code>EOL</code> (-2): End of life, historic service, no longer available.<br/><code>BROKEN</code> (-3): Service was used in production but is currently not available. However, CDQ tries to repair or reactivate it.<br/><code>DISCONTINUED</code> (-4): The data source has ceased providing updates; nonetheless, we continue to offer the most recent available data. LIVE
Issuing body The authority that publishes data or is responsible for its content HR_RA000696 (CDQ)
Identifier category Categories of identification numbers VAT Number
Mappings mapping source: uid (AT.FON), mapping: AT.FON uid (HR) ↣ IDENTIFIER_VALUE
mapping source: vatNumer (VIES), mapping: VIES vatNumer (HR) ↣ IDENTIFIER_VALUE

Formal definition[edit]

 DescriptionRegular expressionType
Regular expression/EU VAT ID HR/formatSpecifies the allowed formats for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)

Data quality rules[edit]

Business ruleDescriptionStatusCriticality
Identifier Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:AT.FON)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given identifier against the identifier maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Identifier Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:BZST)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given identifier against the identifier maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Identifier Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:VIES)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given identifier against the identifier maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Identifier format inaccurate (European value added tax identifier (Croatia))This rule checks the syntax, i.e. format of the European value added tax identifier in Croatia with respect to the reference format. Any deviation (i.e. white spaces where they are not specified) result in a violation. The European value added tax identifier in Croatia consists of the prefix "HR" followed by 11 numerical digits. This rule checks possible whitespaces, hyphens or dots that might be comprised in the identifier value. If there are any whitespaces, hyphens or dots then the rule is violated.IDEAINFO
Identifier format invalid (European value added tax identifier (Croatia))The European value added tax identifier in Croatia consists of the prefix "HR" followed by 11 numerical digits. This rule checks the presence of exact 11 numerical digits without considering possible whitespaces, hyphens or dots that might be comprised in the identifier value. If there are less/more or e.g. alphabetic values then the rule is violated.RELEASEDERROR
Identifier missing (European value added tax identifier (Croatia))Each legal entity in Croatia should have a European value added tax identifier.RELEASEDWARNING
Identifier unknown (European value added tax identifier (Croatia))European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDERROR
Inconsistency between OIB number and EU VAT HR (Croatia)The European value added tax identifier in Croatia consists of the prefix HR and 11 digits which are equal to the OIB number (also known as Personal Identification Number). This rule checks if the OIB number is equal to the 11 digits of the EU VAT number. Any difference results in a rule violation.RELEASEDERROR
Invalid checksum of EU VAT ID HR (Croatia)This rule validates the checksum of the European VAT number in Croatia. The checksum is calculated according to this algorithm (international standard ISO 7064 (MOD 11, 10)):

1) The first digit is summed with 10;

2) The sum integer is divided by 10, and the rest is kept; if that number is 0 it gets replaced by number 10 (this latter number is called subtotal);

3) The obtained subtotal is multiplied by 2;

4) The obtained number is divided by 11, and the rest is kept; this number mathematically cannot be 0 because the result of the previous step is always an even number;

5) The next digit is summed with the rest from the previous step;

Steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 are repeated until all digits are expanded;

If the rest of the final step is equal to 1, the check digit is 0. Otherwise, the check digit is a difference between 11 and the rest in the last step.
Locality Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:AT.FON)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given city against the city maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Locality Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:BZST)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given city against the city maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Locality Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:VIES)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given city against the city maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Name Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:AT.FON)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given name against the name maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Name Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:BZST)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given name against the name maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Name Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:VIES)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given name against the name maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Post code Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:AT.FON)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given post code against the post code maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Post code Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:BZST)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given post code against the post code maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Post code Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:VIES)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given post code against the post code maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Thoroughfare Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:AT.FON)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given street against the street maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Thoroughfare Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:BZST)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given street against the street maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO
Thoroughfare Qualification (European value added tax identifier (Croatia), Data source:VIES)This data quality rule checks the congruency of the given street against the street maintained as reference for the European value added tax identifier (Croatia)RELEASEDINFO