Legal Entity Identifier

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Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. LEI_ID
Country scope Defines a address/country a given concept is used in (or valid in, or relevant for etc.), i.e. the country-specific scope of a concept. WORLD
Monolingual name Language-specific name of a data model concept or concept value. Legal Entity Identifier (en)
Monolingual short name Language-specific short name of a data model concept or concept value. Legal Entity Identifier (en)
International name Defines the name of a concept in English with Latin characters, e.g. if the major name of a concept is defined in a local language. Legal Entity Identifier
Alternative name Alternative (i.e. synonymous) name of a concept. n/a
Abbreviation Language-specific abbreviation of a data model concept or concept value. LEI (en), GLEI (en)
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept. A Legal Entity Identifier (or LEI) is a 20-character identifier that identifies distinct legal entities that engage in financial transactions. It is defined by ISO 17442. Natural persons are not required to have an LEI;Business_partner/identifier/issuing_body/ they’re eligible to have one issued, however, but only if they act in an independent business capacity. The LEI is a global standard, designed to be non-proprietary data that is freely accessible to all. As of October 2017, over 630,000 legal entities from more than 195 countries have now been issued with LEIs.
Applies to Describes what kind of entities are assigned the identifier at hand n/a
Release status The release status in terms of development progress or maturity of a product feature or a business capability.<br/><code>EMPTY</code> (0): No feature considered yet, just rough idea for capability.<br/><code>IDEA</code> (1): Just an idea, not yet designed in detail.<br/><code>DESIGN</code> (2): Software design ready, development not yet started.<br/><code>DEVELOPMENT</code> (3): Software development in progress.<br/><code>ALPHA</code> (4): First functional release, in terms of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).<br/><code>BETA</code> (5): Tested by selected users.<br/><code>RC</code> (6): Release candidate, fully tested, not yet used in production by many customers.<br/><code>LIVE</code> (7): Used in production by customers, fully monitored and supported.<br/><code>DEPRECATED</code> (-1): End of life planned, but still available.<br/><code>EOL</code> (-2): End of life, historic service, no longer available.<br/><code>BROKEN</code> (-3): Service was used in production but is currently not available. However, CDQ tries to repair or reactivate it.<br/><code>DISCONTINUED</code> (-4): The data source has ceased providing updates; nonetheless, we continue to offer the most recent available data. LIVE
Issuing body The authority that publishes data or is responsible for its content AD_RA000661 (CDQ), AE_RA000568 (CDQ), AE_RA000569 (CDQ), AE_RA000570 (CDQ), AE_RA000571 (CDQ), AE_RA000572 (CDQ), AE_RA000573 (CDQ), AE_RA000574 (CDQ), AE_RA000575 (CDQ), AE_RA000576 (CDQ), AE_RA000577 (CDQ), AE_RA000578 (CDQ), AE_RA000579 (CDQ), AE_RA000580 (CDQ), AE_RA000581 (CDQ), AE_RA000582 (CDQ), AE_RA000583 (CDQ), AE_RA000584 (CDQ), AE_RA000660 (CDQ), AE_RA000715 (CDQ), AE_RA000752 (CDQ), AE_RA000753 (CDQ), AE_RA000783 (CDQ), AE_RA000786 (CDQ), AE_RA001028 (CDQ), AE_RA001029 (CDQ), AE_RA001030 (CDQ), AE_RA001031 (CDQ), AF_RA000001 (CDQ), AF_RA000759 (CDQ), AG_RA000007 (CDQ), AG_RA000008 (CDQ), AI_RA000006 (CDQ), AI_RA000799 (CDQ), AL_RA000002 (CDQ), AL_RA000793 (CDQ), AM_RA000011 (CDQ), AM_RA000801 (CDQ), AO_RA000005 (CDQ), AO_RA000797 (CDQ), AO_RA000798 (CDQ), AR_RA000009 (CDQ), AR_RA000010 (CDQ), AR_RA000800 (CDQ), AT_RA000017 (CDQ), AT_RA000018 (CDQ), AT_RA000687 (CDQ), AT_RA000707 (CDQ), AT_RA000710 (CDQ), AT_RA000725 (CDQ), AT_RA000734 (CDQ), AU_RA000013 (CDQ), AU_RA000014 (CDQ), AU_RA000015 (CDQ), AU_RA000016 (CDQ), AU_RA000714 (CDQ), AU_RA000762 (CDQ), AW_RA000012 (CDQ), AW_RA000802 (CDQ), AZ_RA000019 (CDQ), AZ_RA000804 (CDQ), BA_RA000034 (CDQ), BA_RA000692 (CDQ), BA_RA000818 (CDQ), BA_RA000819 (CDQ), BB_RA000023 (CDQ), BB_RA000809 (CDQ), BD_RA000022 (CDQ), BD_RA000808 (CDQ), BE_RA000025 (CDQ), BE_RA000812 (CDQ), BF_RA000067 (CDQ), BF_RA000814 (CDQ), BG_RA000065 (CDQ), BG_RA000066 (CDQ), BG_RA000730 (CDQ), BG_RA000731 (CDQ), BH_RA000021 (CDQ), BH_RA000807 (CDQ), BI_RA000068 (CDQ), BI_RA000825 (CDQ), BJ_RA000027 (CDQ), BJ_RA000814 (CDQ), BM_RA000028 (CDQ), BM_RA000029 (CDQ), BN_RA000064 (CDQ), BN_RA000824 (CDQ), BO_RA000031 (CDQ), BO_RA000816 (CDQ), BO_RA000817 (CDQ), BQ_RA000032 (CDQ), BQ_RA000033 (CDQ), BR_RA000036 (CDQ), BR_RA000037 (CDQ), BR_RA000038 (CDQ), BR_RA000039 (CDQ), BR_RA000040 (CDQ), BR_RA000041 (CDQ), BR_RA000042 (CDQ), BR_RA000043 (CDQ), BR_RA000044 (CDQ), BR_RA000045 (CDQ), BR_RA000046 (CDQ), BR_RA000047 (CDQ), BR_RA000048 (CDQ), BR_RA000049 (CDQ), BR_RA000050 (CDQ), BR_RA000051 (CDQ), BR_RA000052 (CDQ), BR_RA000053 (CDQ), BR_RA000054 (CDQ), BR_RA000055 (CDQ), BR_RA000056 (CDQ), BR_RA000057 (CDQ), BR_RA000058 (CDQ), BR_RA000059 (CDQ), BR_RA000060 (CDQ), BR_RA000061 (CDQ), BR_RA000062 (CDQ), BR_RA000681 (CDQ), BR_RA000822 (CDQ), BR_RA000823 (CDQ), BS_RA000020 (CDQ), BS_RA000805 (CDQ), BS_RA000806 (CDQ), BT_RA000030 (CDQ), BT_RA000815 (CDQ), BW_RA000035 (CDQ), BW_RA000820 (CDQ), BW_RA000821 (CDQ), BY_RA000024 (CDQ), BY_RA000810 (CDQ), BY_RA000811 (CDQ), BZ_RA000026 (CDQ), BZ_RA000693 (CDQ), BZ_RA000813 (CDQ), CA_RA000072 (CDQ), CA_RA000073 (CDQ), CA_RA000074 (CDQ), CA_RA000075 (CDQ), CA_RA000076 (CDQ), CA_RA000077 (CDQ), CA_RA000078 (CDQ), CA_RA000079 (CDQ), CA_RA000080 (CDQ), CA_RA000081 (CDQ), CA_RA000082 (CDQ), CA_RA000083 (CDQ), CA_RA000084 (CDQ), CA_RA000085 (CDQ), CA_RA000830 (CDQ), CA_RA000831 (CDQ), CA_RA000832 (CDQ), CA_RA000833 (CDQ), CA_RA000834 (CDQ), CA_RA000835 (CDQ), CA_RA000836 (CDQ), CA_RA000837 (CDQ), CA_RA000838 (CDQ), CA_RA000839 (CDQ), CA_RA000840 (CDQ), CA_RA000841 (CDQ), CA_RA000842 (CDQ), CA_RA000843 (CDQ), CA_RA000844 (CDQ), CD_RA000169 (CDQ), CD_RA000851 (CDQ), CF_RA000088 (CDQ), CF_RA000829 (CDQ), CF_RA000845 (CDQ), CG_RA000151 (CDQ), CG_RA000829 (CDQ), CG_RA000850 (CDQ), CH_RA000548 (CDQ), CH_RA000549 (CDQ), CH_RA000550 (CDQ), CH_RA000678 (CDQ), CI_RA000155 (CDQ), CI_RA000814 (CDQ), CK_RA000152 (CDQ), CK_RA000153 (CDQ), CL_RA000090 (CDQ), CL_RA000091 (CDQ), CL_RA000785 (CDQ), CL_RA000787 (CDQ), CL_RA000846 (CDQ), CM_RA000071 (CDQ), CM_RA000829 (CDQ), CN_RA000092 (CDQ), CN_RA000847 (CDQ), CO_RA000093 (CDQ), CO_RA000094 (CDQ), CO_RA000095 (CDQ), CO_RA000096 (CDQ), CO_RA000097 (CDQ), CO_RA000098 (CDQ), CO_RA000099 (CDQ), CO_RA000100 (CDQ), CO_RA000101 (CDQ), CO_RA000102 (CDQ), CO_RA000103 (CDQ), CO_RA000104 (CDQ), CO_RA000105 (CDQ), CO_RA000106 (CDQ), CO_RA000107 (CDQ), CO_RA000108 (CDQ), CO_RA000109 (CDQ), CO_RA000110 (CDQ), CO_RA000111 (CDQ), CO_RA000112 (CDQ), CO_RA000113 (CDQ), CO_RA000114 (CDQ), CO_RA000115 (CDQ), CO_RA000116 (CDQ), CO_RA000117 (CDQ), CO_RA000118 (CDQ), CO_RA000119 (CDQ), CO_RA000120 (CDQ), CO_RA000121 (CDQ), CO_RA000122 (CDQ), CO_RA000123 (CDQ), CO_RA000124 (CDQ), CO_RA000125 (CDQ), CO_RA000126 (CDQ), CO_RA000127 (CDQ), CO_RA000128 (CDQ), CO_RA000129 (CDQ), CO_RA000130 (CDQ), CO_RA000131 (CDQ), CO_RA000132 (CDQ), CO_RA000133 (CDQ), CO_RA000134 (CDQ), CO_RA000135 (CDQ), CO_RA000136 (CDQ), CO_RA000137 (CDQ), CO_RA000138 (CDQ), CO_RA000139 (CDQ), CO_RA000140 (CDQ), CO_RA000141 (CDQ), CO_RA000142 (CDQ), CO_RA000143 (CDQ), CO_RA000144 (CDQ), CO_RA000145 (CDQ), CO_RA000146 (CDQ), CO_RA000147 (CDQ), CO_RA000148 (CDQ), CO_RA000149 (CDQ), CO_RA000150 (CDQ), CO_RA000848 (CDQ), CR_RA000154 (CDQ), CR_RA000852 (CDQ), CR_RA000853 (CDQ), CU_RA000158 (CDQ), CU_RA000159 (CDQ), CU_RA000854 (CDQ), CV_RA000069 (CDQ), CV_RA000683 (CDQ), CV_RA000826 (CDQ), CW_RA000160 (CDQ), CW_RA000855 (CDQ), CY_RA000161 (CDQ), CY_RA000162 (CDQ), CZ_RA000163 (CDQ), CZ_RA000164 (CDQ), CZ_RA000165 (CDQ), CZ_RA000166 (CDQ), CZ_RA000167 (CDQ), CZ_RA000168 (CDQ), CZ_RA000694 (CDQ), CZ_RA000856 (CDQ), CZ_RA000857 (CDQ), CZ_RA000858 (CDQ), DE_RA000197 (CDQ), DE_RA000199 (CDQ), DE_RA000200 (CDQ), DE_RA000201 (CDQ), DE_RA000202 (CDQ), DE_RA000203 (CDQ), DE_RA000204 (CDQ), DE_RA000205 (CDQ), DE_RA000206 (CDQ), DE_RA000207 (CDQ), DE_RA000208 (CDQ), DE_RA000209 (CDQ), DE_RA000210 (CDQ), DE_RA000213 (CDQ), DE_RA000214 (CDQ), DE_RA000215 (CDQ), DE_RA000216 (CDQ), DE_RA000217 (CDQ), DE_RA000218 (CDQ), DE_RA000219 (CDQ), DE_RA000220 (CDQ), DE_RA000221 (CDQ), DE_RA000222 (CDQ), DE_RA000224 (CDQ), DE_RA000225 (CDQ), DE_RA000226 (CDQ), DE_RA000227 (CDQ), DE_RA000228 (CDQ), DE_RA000229 (CDQ), DE_RA000230 (CDQ), DE_RA000231 (CDQ), DE_RA000232 (CDQ), DE_RA000233 (CDQ), DE_RA000234 (CDQ), DE_RA000235 (CDQ), DE_RA000236 (CDQ), DE_RA000238 (CDQ), DE_RA000239 (CDQ), DE_RA000240 (CDQ), DE_RA000241 (CDQ), DE_RA000242 (CDQ), DE_RA000243 (CDQ), DE_RA000244 (CDQ), DE_RA000245 (CDQ), DE_RA000246 (CDQ), DE_RA000247 (CDQ), DE_RA000249 (CDQ), DE_RA000250 (CDQ), DE_RA000251 (CDQ), DE_RA000252 (CDQ), DE_RA000253 (CDQ), DE_RA000255 (CDQ), DE_RA000257 (CDQ), DE_RA000258 (CDQ), DE_RA000259 (CDQ), DE_RA000260 (CDQ), DE_RA000261 (CDQ), DE_RA000262 (CDQ), DE_RA000263 (CDQ), DE_RA000266 (CDQ), DE_RA000267 (CDQ), DE_RA000268 (CDQ), DE_RA000269 (CDQ), DE_RA000271 (CDQ), DE_RA000272 (CDQ), DE_RA000273 (CDQ), DE_RA000274 (CDQ), DE_RA000275 (CDQ), DE_RA000276 (CDQ), DE_RA000277 (CDQ), DE_RA000278 (CDQ), DE_RA000279 (CDQ), DE_RA000280 (CDQ), DE_RA000281 (CDQ), DE_RA000282 (CDQ), DE_RA000283 (CDQ), DE_RA000284 (CDQ), DE_RA000285 (CDQ), DE_RA000286 (CDQ), DE_RA000287 (CDQ), DE_RA000288 (CDQ), DE_RA000289 (CDQ), DE_RA000290 (CDQ), DE_RA000291 (CDQ), DE_RA000293 (CDQ), DE_RA000295 (CDQ), DE_RA000296 (CDQ), DE_RA000297 (CDQ), DE_RA000298 (CDQ), DE_RA000299 (CDQ), DE_RA000300 (CDQ), DE_RA000301 (CDQ), DE_RA000302 (CDQ), DE_RA000303 (CDQ), DE_RA000304 (CDQ), DE_RA000305 (CDQ), DE_RA000306 (CDQ), DE_RA000307 (CDQ), DE_RA000308 (CDQ), DE_RA000309 (CDQ), DE_RA000310 (CDQ), DE_RA000311 (CDQ), DE_RA000313 (CDQ), DE_RA000314 (CDQ), DE_RA000315 (CDQ), DE_RA000316 (CDQ), DE_RA000317 (CDQ), DE_RA000319 (CDQ), DE_RA000320 (CDQ), DE_RA000321 (CDQ), DE_RA000322 (CDQ), DE_RA000324 (CDQ), DE_RA000325 (CDQ), DE_RA000328 (CDQ), DE_RA000329 (CDQ), DE_RA000331 (CDQ), DE_RA000332 (CDQ), DE_RA000333 (CDQ), DE_RA000334 (CDQ), DE_RA000336 (CDQ), DE_RA000337 (CDQ), DE_RA000338 (CDQ), DE_RA000339 (CDQ), DE_RA000342 (CDQ), DE_RA000343 (CDQ), DE_RA000344 (CDQ), DE_RA000345 (CDQ), DE_RA000346 (CDQ), DE_RA000347 (CDQ), DE_RA000348 (CDQ), DE_RA000349 (CDQ), DE_RA000350 (CDQ), DE_RA000351 (CDQ), DE_RA000352 (CDQ), DE_RA000353 (CDQ), DE_RA000354 (CDQ), DE_RA000355 (CDQ), DE_RA000356 (CDQ), DE_RA000358 (CDQ), DE_RA000362 (CDQ), DE_RA000363 (CDQ), DE_RA000364 (CDQ), DE_RA000365 (CDQ), DE_RA000368 (CDQ), DE_RA000369 (CDQ), DE_RA000370 (CDQ), DE_RA000371 (CDQ), DE_RA000372 (CDQ), DE_RA000373 (CDQ), DE_RA000663 (CDQ), DE_RA000704 (CDQ), DE_RA000711 (CDQ), DE_RA000712 (CDQ), DE_RA000722 (CDQ), DE_RA000723 (CDQ), DE_RA000724 (CDQ), DE_RA000727 (CDQ), DE_RA000733 (CDQ), DE_RA000736 (CDQ), DE_RA000737 (CDQ), DE_RA000738 (CDQ), DE_RA000739 (CDQ), DE_RA000740 (CDQ), DE_RA000741 (CDQ), DE_RA000742 (CDQ), DE_RA000743 (CDQ), DE_RA000755 (CDQ), DE_RA000764 (CDQ), DE_RA000765 (CDQ), DE_RA000766 (CDQ), DE_RA000768 (CDQ), DE_RA000769 (CDQ), DE_RA000770 (CDQ), DE_RA000771 (CDQ), DE_RA000772 (CDQ), DE_RA000773 (CDQ), DE_RA000774 (CDQ), DE_RA000775 (CDQ), DJ_RA000172 (CDQ), DJ_RA000861 (CDQ), DK_RA000170 (CDQ), DK_RA000171 (CDQ), DK_RA000860 (CDQ), DM_RA000173 (CDQ), DM_RA000862 (CDQ), DO_RA000174 (CDQ), DO_RA000175 (CDQ), DO_RA000863 (CDQ), DO_RA000864 (CDQ), DO_RA000865 (CDQ), DZ_RA000003 (CDQ), DZ_RA000794 (CDQ), DZ_RA000795 (CDQ), EC_RA000176 (CDQ), EC_RA000177 (CDQ), EC_RA000178 (CDQ), EC_RA000691 (CDQ), EC_RA000867 (CDQ), EC_RA000868 (CDQ), EE_RA000181 (CDQ), EE_RA000182 (CDQ), EG_RA000179 (CDQ), EG_RA000869 (CDQ), EG_RA000870 (CDQ), ES_RA000533 (CDQ), ES_RA000534 (CDQ), ES_RA000535 (CDQ), ES_RA000536 (CDQ), ES_RA000537 (CDQ), ES_RA000538 (CDQ), ES_RA000539 (CDQ), ES_RA000716 (CDQ), ES_RA000728 (CDQ), ES_RA000767 (CDQ), ES_RA000780 (CDQ), ES_RA001002 (CDQ), ES_RA001003 (CDQ), ET_RA000183 (CDQ), ET_RA000874 (CDQ), FI_RA000188 (CDQ), FI_RA000878 (CDQ), FJ_RA000187 (CDQ), FJ_RA000877 (CDQ), FK_RA000184 (CDQ), FK_RA000875 (CDQ), FM_RA000186 (CDQ), FM_RA000948 (CDQ), FO_RA000185 (CDQ), FO_RA000876 (CDQ), FR_RA000189 (CDQ), FR_RA000190 (CDQ), FR_RA000879 (CDQ), GA_RA000193 (CDQ), GA_RA000829 (CDQ), GB_RA000585 (CDQ), GB_RA000586 (CDQ), GB_RA000587 (CDQ), GB_RA000588 (CDQ), GB_RA000589 (CDQ), GB_RA000590 (CDQ), GB_RA000591 (CDQ), GB_RA000592 (CDQ), GB_RA000593 (CDQ), GB_RA000701 (CDQ), GB_RA000726 (CDQ), GB_RA000788 (CDQ), GB_RA000789 (CDQ), GB_RA000790 (CDQ), GB_RA000791 (CDQ), GB_RA001032 (CDQ), GD_RA000379 (CDQ), GD_RA000884 (CDQ), GE_RA000196 (CDQ), GE_RA000881 (CDQ), GG_RA000383 (CDQ), GG_RA000666 (CDQ), GG_RA000667 (CDQ), GG_RA000668 (CDQ), GG_RA000777 (CDQ), GG_RA000886 (CDQ), GH_RA000374 (CDQ), GH_RA000882 (CDQ), GI_RA000375 (CDQ), GI_RA000883 (CDQ), GL_RA000378 (CDQ), GL_RA000655 (CDQ), GM_RA000194 (CDQ), GM_RA000195 (CDQ), GM_RA000880 (CDQ), GN_RA000384 (CDQ), GN_RA000887 (CDQ), GQ_RA000829 (CDQ), GR_RA000376 (CDQ), GR_RA000377 (CDQ), GR_RA000685 (CDQ), GT_RA000382 (CDQ), GT_RA000885 (CDQ), GU_RA000381 (CDQ), GW_RA000814 (CDQ), GY_RA000385 (CDQ), GY_RA000888 (CDQ), GY_RA000889 (CDQ), HK_RA000388 (CDQ), HK_RA000389 (CDQ), HK_RA000390 (CDQ), HK_RA000894 (CDQ), HN_RA000387 (CDQ), HN_RA000892 (CDQ), HN_RA000893 (CDQ), HR_RA000156 (CDQ), HR_RA000157 (CDQ), HR_RA000659 (CDQ), HR_RA000686 (CDQ), HR_RA000695 (CDQ), HR_RA000696 (CDQ), HR_RA000705 (CDQ), HT_RA000386 (CDQ), HT_RA000890 (CDQ), HU_RA000391 (CDQ), HU_RA000392 (CDQ), HU_RA000656 (CDQ), HU_RA000732 (CDQ), HU_RA000750 (CDQ), HU_RA000895 (CDQ), HU_RA000896 (CDQ), HU_RA000897 (CDQ), ID_RA000400 (CDQ), ID_RA000763 (CDQ), ID_RA000904 (CDQ), IE_RA000402 (CDQ), IE_RA000403 (CDQ), IE_RA000404 (CDQ), IE_RA000700 (CDQ), IL_RA000406 (CDQ), IL_RA000909 (CDQ), IL_RA001045 (CDQ), IM_RA000405 (CDQ), IM_RA000908 (CDQ), IN_RA000394 (CDQ), IN_RA000395 (CDQ), IN_RA000396 (CDQ), IN_RA000397 (CDQ), IN_RA000398 (CDQ), IN_RA000399 (CDQ), IN_RA000697 (CDQ), IN_RA000708 (CDQ), IN_RA000709 (CDQ), IN_RA000713 (CDQ), IN_RA000717 (CDQ), IN_RA000754 (CDQ), IN_RA000778 (CDQ), IN_RA000900 (CDQ), IN_RA000901 (CDQ), IN_RA000902 (CDQ), IN_RA000903 (CDQ), IQ_RA000401 (CDQ), IQ_RA000906 (CDQ), IQ_RA000907 (CDQ), IR_RA000680 (CDQ), IR_RA000905 (CDQ), IS_RA000393 (CDQ), IS_RA000898 (CDQ), IT_RA000407 (CDQ), IT_RA000408 (CDQ), IT_RA000409 (CDQ), IT_RA000410 (CDQ), IT_RA000699 (CDQ), IT_RA000776 (CDQ), JE_RA000414 (CDQ), JE_RA000913 (CDQ), JM_RA000411 (CDQ), JM_RA000910 (CDQ), JM_RA000911 (CDQ), JO_RA000415 (CDQ), JO_RA000698 (CDQ), JO_RA000914 (CDQ), JP_RA000412 (CDQ), JP_RA000413 (CDQ), JP_RA000912 (CDQ), KE_RA000417 (CDQ), KE_RA000920 (CDQ), KE_RA000921 (CDQ), KG_RA000421 (CDQ), KG_RA000928 (CDQ), KG_RA000929 (CDQ), KH_RA000070 (CDQ), KH_RA000827 (CDQ), KH_RA000828 (CDQ), KI_RA000418 (CDQ), KI_RA000922 (CDQ), KM_RA000849 (CDQ), KN_RA000502 (CDQ), KN_RA000989 (CDQ), KN_RA000990 (CDQ), KR_RA000419 (CDQ), KR_RA000657 (CDQ), KR_RA000658 (CDQ), KR_RA000923 (CDQ), KW_RA000420 (CDQ), KW_RA000926 (CDQ), KW_RA000927 (CDQ), KY_RA000086 (CDQ), KY_RA000087 (CDQ), KZ_RA000416 (CDQ), KZ_RA000915 (CDQ), KZ_RA000916 (CDQ), KZ_RA000917 (CDQ), KZ_RA000918 (CDQ), KZ_RA000919 (CDQ), LA_RA000422 (CDQ), LA_RA000930 (CDQ), LA_RA000931 (CDQ), LB_RA000425 (CDQ), LB_RA000729 (CDQ), LB_RA000933 (CDQ), LC_RA000503 (CDQ), LC_RA000504 (CDQ), LC_RA000991 (CDQ), LI_RA000428 (CDQ), LI_RA000429 (CDQ), LK_RA000540 (CDQ), LK_RA001004 (CDQ), LK_RA001005 (CDQ), LR_RA000427 (CDQ), LR_RA000935 (CDQ), LS_RA000426 (CDQ), LS_RA000934 (CDQ), LT_RA000430 (CDQ), LT_RA000431 (CDQ), LU_RA000432 (CDQ), LU_RA000433 (CDQ), LU_RA000434 (CDQ), LU_RA000435 (CDQ), LV_RA000423 (CDQ), LV_RA000424 (CDQ), LV_RA000932 (CDQ), LY_RA000936 (CDQ), LY_RA000937 (CDQ), MA_RA000457 (CDQ), MA_RA000955 (CDQ), MC_RA000452 (CDQ), MC_RA000453 (CDQ), MD_RA000451 (CDQ), MD_RA000950 (CDQ), MD_RA000951 (CDQ), ME_RA000455 (CDQ), ME_RA000953 (CDQ), ME_RA000954 (CDQ), MG_RA000679 (CDQ), MG_RA000939 (CDQ), MH_RA000444 (CDQ), MH_RA000946 (CDQ), MK_RA000437 (CDQ), MK_RA000968 (CDQ), MK_RA000969 (CDQ), ML_RA000442 (CDQ), ML_RA000814 (CDQ), MM_RA000459 (CDQ), MM_RA000957 (CDQ), MM_RA000958 (CDQ), MN_RA000454 (CDQ), MN_RA000952 (CDQ), MO_RA000436 (CDQ), MO_RA000938 (CDQ), MP_RA000471 (CDQ), MP_RA000970 (CDQ), MR_RA000446 (CDQ), MR_RA000947 (CDQ), MS_RA000456 (CDQ), MT_RA000443 (CDQ), MT_RA000945 (CDQ), MU_RA000447 (CDQ), MU_RA000757 (CDQ), MV_RA000441 (CDQ), MV_RA000943 (CDQ), MV_RA000944 (CDQ), MW_RA000438 (CDQ), MW_RA000940 (CDQ), MX_RA000449 (CDQ), MX_RA000682 (CDQ), MX_RA000703 (CDQ), MX_RA000949 (CDQ), MY_RA000439 (CDQ), MY_RA000440 (CDQ), MY_RA000941 (CDQ), MY_RA000942 (CDQ), MZ_RA000458 (CDQ), MZ_RA000956 (CDQ), NA_RA000460 (CDQ), NA_RA000959 (CDQ), NA_RA000960 (CDQ), NC_RA000963 (CDQ), NE_RA000468 (CDQ), NE_RA000814 (CDQ), NG_RA000469 (CDQ), NG_RA000966 (CDQ), NG_RA000967 (CDQ), NI_RA000467 (CDQ), NI_RA000965 (CDQ), NL_RA000463 (CDQ), NL_RA000464 (CDQ), NL_RA000664 (CDQ), NO_RA000472 (CDQ), NO_RA000473 (CDQ), NO_RA000971 (CDQ), NP_RA000462 (CDQ), NP_RA000962 (CDQ), NR_RA000461 (CDQ), NR_RA000961 (CDQ), NU_RA000470 (CDQ), NZ_RA000466 (CDQ), NZ_RA000749 (CDQ), NZ_RA000964 (CDQ), OM_RA000474 (CDQ), OM_RA000972 (CDQ), PA_RA000478 (CDQ), PA_RA000976 (CDQ), PE_RA000482 (CDQ), PE_RA000689 (CDQ), PE_RA000979 (CDQ), PE_RA000980 (CDQ), PG_RA000479 (CDQ), PG_RA000977 (CDQ), PH_RA000483 (CDQ), PH_RA000760 (CDQ), PH_RA000761 (CDQ), PK_RA000475 (CDQ), PL_RA000484 (CDQ), PL_RA000485 (CDQ), PL_RA000486 (CDQ), PL_RA000654 (CDQ), PM_RA000192 (CDQ), PR_RA000493 (CDQ), PR_RA000982 (CDQ), PS_RA000477 (CDQ), PS_RA000974 (CDQ), PS_RA000975 (CDQ), PT_RA000487 (CDQ), PT_RA000488 (CDQ), PT_RA000489 (CDQ), PT_RA000784 (CDQ), PT_RA000981 (CDQ), PW_RA000476 (CDQ), PW_RA000973 (CDQ), PY_RA000480 (CDQ), PY_RA000481 (CDQ), PY_RA000978 (CDQ), QA_RA000494 (CDQ), QA_RA000495 (CDQ), QA_RA000983 (CDQ), QA_RA000984 (CDQ), RA888888 (CDQ), RA999999 (CDQ), RO_RA000497 (CDQ), RO_RA000498 (CDQ), RO_RA000718 (CDQ), RO_RA000719 (CDQ), RO_RA000720 (CDQ), RO_RA000721 (CDQ), RS_RA000517 (CDQ), RS_RA000518 (CDQ), RS_RA000684 (CDQ), RU_RA000499 (CDQ), RU_RA000985 (CDQ), RW_RA000500 (CDQ), RW_RA000986 (CDQ), RW_RA000987 (CDQ), SA_RA000513 (CDQ), SA_RA000702 (CDQ), SB_RA000530 (CDQ), SB_RA000998 (CDQ), SC_RA000520 (CDQ), SC_RA000521 (CDQ), SD_RA000541 (CDQ), SD_RA001006 (CDQ), SE_RA000544 (CDQ), SE_RA000545 (CDQ), SE_RA000546 (CDQ), SE_RA000547 (CDQ), SE_RA000735 (CDQ), SG_RA000523 (CDQ), SG_RA000524 (CDQ), SG_RA000669 (CDQ), SG_RA000781 (CDQ), SG_RA000996 (CDQ), SH_RA000988 (CDQ), SI_RA000529 (CDQ), SI_RA000997 (CDQ), SK_RA000526 (CDQ), SK_RA000527 (CDQ), SK_RA000528 (CDQ), SK_RA000670 (CDQ), SK_RA000671 (CDQ), SK_RA000672 (CDQ), SK_RA000673 (CDQ), SK_RA000674 (CDQ), SK_RA000675 (CDQ), SK_RA000676 (CDQ), SK_RA000677 (CDQ), SK_RA000706 (CDQ), SL_RA000522 (CDQ), SL_RA000995 (CDQ), SM_RA000511 (CDQ), SM_RA000993 (CDQ), SN_RA000514 (CDQ), SN_RA000515 (CDQ), SN_RA000516 (CDQ), SN_RA000779 (CDQ), SN_RA000814 (CDQ), SR_RA000542 (CDQ), SR_RA001007 (CDQ), SS_RA000532 (CDQ), SS_RA001001 (CDQ), ST_RA000512 (CDQ), ST_RA000994 (CDQ), SV_RA000180 (CDQ), SV_RA000871 (CDQ), SX_RA000525 (CDQ), SX_RA000855 (CDQ), SY_RA001008 (CDQ), SZ_RA000543 (CDQ), SZ_RA000872 (CDQ), SZ_RA000873 (CDQ), TC_RA000563 (CDQ), TD_RA000089 (CDQ), TD_RA000829 (CDQ), TG_RA000556 (CDQ), TG_RA000814 (CDQ), TG_RA001016 (CDQ), TH_RA000554 (CDQ), TH_RA001013 (CDQ), TH_RA001014 (CDQ), TJ_RA000552 (CDQ), TJ_RA001010 (CDQ), TK_RA000964 (CDQ), TL_RA000555 (CDQ), TL_RA001015 (CDQ), TM_RA000562 (CDQ), TM_RA001023 (CDQ), TN_RA000559 (CDQ), TN_RA000758 (CDQ), TN_RA001020 (CDQ), TN_RA001021 (CDQ), TO_RA000557 (CDQ), TO_RA001017 (CDQ), TR_RA000560 (CDQ), TR_RA000561 (CDQ), TR_RA000756 (CDQ), TR_RA001022 (CDQ), TT_RA000558 (CDQ), TT_RA001018 (CDQ), TT_RA001019 (CDQ), TV_RA000564 (CDQ), TW_RA000551 (CDQ), TW_RA001009 (CDQ), TZ_RA000553 (CDQ), TZ_RA001011 (CDQ), TZ_RA001012 (CDQ), UA_RA000567 (CDQ), UA_RA001026 (CDQ), UA_RA001027 (CDQ), UG_RA000566 (CDQ), UG_RA000662 (CDQ), UG_RA001025 (CDQ), US_RA000594 (CDQ), US_RA000595 (CDQ), US_RA000596 (CDQ), US_RA000597 (CDQ), US_RA000598 (CDQ), US_RA000599 (CDQ), US_RA000600 (CDQ), US_RA000601 (CDQ), US_RA000602 (CDQ), US_RA000603 (CDQ), US_RA000604 (CDQ), US_RA000605 (CDQ), US_RA000606 (CDQ), US_RA000607 (CDQ), US_RA000608 (CDQ), US_RA000609 (CDQ), US_RA000610 (CDQ), US_RA000611 (CDQ), US_RA000612 (CDQ), US_RA000613 (CDQ), US_RA000614 (CDQ), US_RA000615 (CDQ), US_RA000616 (CDQ), US_RA000617 (CDQ), US_RA000618 (CDQ), US_RA000619 (CDQ), US_RA000620 (CDQ), US_RA000621 (CDQ), US_RA000622 (CDQ), US_RA000623 (CDQ), US_RA000624 (CDQ), US_RA000625 (CDQ), US_RA000626 (CDQ), US_RA000627 (CDQ), US_RA000628 (CDQ), US_RA000629 (CDQ), US_RA000630 (CDQ), US_RA000631 (CDQ), US_RA000632 (CDQ), US_RA000633 (CDQ), US_RA000634 (CDQ), US_RA000635 (CDQ), US_RA000636 (CDQ), US_RA000637 (CDQ), US_RA000638 (CDQ), US_RA000639 (CDQ), US_RA000640 (CDQ), US_RA000641 (CDQ), US_RA000642 (CDQ), US_RA000643 (CDQ), US_RA000644 (CDQ), US_RA000665 (CDQ), US_RA000744 (CDQ), US_RA000745 (CDQ), US_RA000746 (CDQ), US_RA000747 (CDQ), US_RA000748 (CDQ), US_RA000751 (CDQ), US_RA000792 (CDQ), US_RA001033 (CDQ), UY_RA000645 (CDQ), UY_RA000690 (CDQ), UY_RA001034 (CDQ), UZ_RA000646 (CDQ), UZ_RA001035 (CDQ), UZ_RA001036 (CDQ), VA_RA000891 (CDQ), VC_RA000508 (CDQ), VC_RA000992 (CDQ), VE_RA000648 (CDQ), VE_RA001037 (CDQ), VG_RA000063 (CDQ), VI_RA000565 (CDQ), VI_RA001024 (CDQ), VN_RA000649 (CDQ), VN_RA001039 (CDQ), VU_RA000647 (CDQ), WF_RA000650 (CDQ), WS_RA000509 (CDQ), WS_RA000510 (CDQ), XK_RA000519 (CDQ), XK_RA000925 (CDQ), YE_RA000651 (CDQ), YE_RA001040 (CDQ), ZA_RA000531 (CDQ), ZA_RA000782 (CDQ), ZA_RA000999 (CDQ), ZA_RA001000 (CDQ), ZM_RA000652 (CDQ), ZM_RA001041 (CDQ), ZM_RA001042 (CDQ), ZW_RA000653 (CDQ), ZW_RA001043 (CDQ), ZW_RA001044 (CDQ)
Identifier category Categories of identification numbers Identification Number

Formal definition[edit]

 DescriptionRegular expressionType
Regular expression/LEI ID/formatSpecifies the allowed formats for the Legal Entity Identifier

Data quality rules[edit]

Business ruleDescriptionStatusCriticality
Identifier format invalid (Legal Entity Identifier (World))The technical specification for LEI is ISO 17442. An LEI consists of a 20-character alphanumeric string, with the first 4 characters identifying the Local Operating Unit (LOU) that issued the LEI. Characters 5 and 6 are reserved as '00'. Characters 7-18 are the unique alphanumeric string assigned to the organisation by the LOU. The final 2 characters are checksum digits.RELEASEDERROR
Identifier unknown (Legal Entity Identifier)This business rule checks the validity of the LEI number against the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Database. The LEI number will be judged valid by this rule if it is available in the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation.DRAFTERROR