Province Gross Revenue Tax Number

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Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. AR_PGRTN
Country scope Defines a address/country a given concept is used in (or valid in, or relevant for etc.), i.e. the country-specific scope of a concept. AR
Monolingual name Language-specific name of a data model concept or concept value. Province Gross Revenue Tax Number (es)
Monolingual short name Language-specific short name of a data model concept or concept value. AR - Prov. Gross Rev. Tax Num. (en)
International name Defines the name of a concept in English with Latin characters, e.g. if the major name of a concept is defined in a local language. Province Gross Revenue Tax Number
Alternative name Alternative (i.e. synonymous) name of a concept. n/a
Abbreviation Language-specific abbreviation of a data model concept or concept value. n/a
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept. Gross income tax: All the provinces and the city of Buenos Aires apply this tax on the gross income earned by all companies engaged in commercial, industrial, agricultural, financial or professional activities. This tax is levied on each commercial transaction and no fiscal credits are awarded for taxes paid during the preceding periods. The rates depend on the industry and sector, ranging from 1.5% to 5% approximately. The taxes are paid throughout the year with payments made monthly or every two months, varying from province to province. Some primary and industrial activities, however, enjoy certain exemptions. In the case of the city of Buenos Aires professionals who do not perform their activity in the form of a company are exempt from the gross income tax.

Stamp tax: The Stamp Tax is a provincial tax levied on the execution of notarized and private instruments embodying contracts and other transactions for valuable consideration. Real property tax: Real property owners are required to pay an annual tax levied on their properties at the rate established by law depending on the tax valuation of the land, free of any improvements, and on the improvements to such land, if any. Real Property Tax is applied to the value of the land and buildings without taking into account the taxpayer’s financial situation. The amount is set by the appropriate tax authority and is calculated accordingto the tax laws of each fiscal period which establish the valuation and rate scales to be applied to the taxable base depending on the type of property. Municipal taxes :Municipalities collect fees for various services related to industrial safety, public hygiene and lighting, to name a few, calculated based on variables such as revenue or fixed parameters such as the number of

Applies to Describes what kind of entities are assigned the identifier at hand n/a
Release status The release status in terms of development progress or maturity of a product feature or a business capability.<br/><code>EMPTY</code> (0): No feature considered yet, just rough idea for capability.<br/><code>IDEA</code> (1): Just an idea, not yet designed in detail.<br/><code>DESIGN</code> (2): Software design ready, development not yet started.<br/><code>DEVELOPMENT</code> (3): Software development in progress.<br/><code>ALPHA</code> (4): First functional release, in terms of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).<br/><code>BETA</code> (5): Tested by selected users.<br/><code>RC</code> (6): Release candidate, fully tested, not yet used in production by many customers.<br/><code>LIVE</code> (7): Used in production by customers, fully monitored and supported.<br/><code>DEPRECATED</code> (-1): End of life planned, but still available.<br/><code>EOL</code> (-2): End of life, historic service, no longer available.<br/><code>BROKEN</code> (-3): Service was used in production but is currently not available. However, CDQ tries to repair or reactivate it.<br/><code>DISCONTINUED</code> (-4): The data source has ceased providing updates; nonetheless, we continue to offer the most recent available data. LIVE
Issuing body The authority that publishes data or is responsible for its content missing
Identifier category Categories of identification numbers Tax Number

Formal definition[edit]

No formal definitions available

Data quality rules[edit]

No business rules