Concept | Description |
COR_FEI_NUMBER (US-FL.BER) | Florida Federal Employer Identification Number. The FEI number is also called the EIN number. This number is used to identify the business entity for federal tax purposes. |
COR_FILE_DATE (US-FL.BER) | The date a document was filed with the Division of Corporations. |
COR_FILING_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Type of filing:
"DOMP" – Domestic Profit
"DOMNP" – Domestic Non-Profit
"FORP" – Foreign Profit
"FORNP" – Foreign Non-Profit
"DOMLP" – Domestic Limited Partnership
"FORLP" – Foreign Limited Partnership
"FLAL" – Florida Limited Liability Co.
"FORL" – Foreign Limited Liability Co.
"NPREG" – Non-Profit, Registration
"TRUST" – Declaration of Trust
"AGENT" – Designation of Registered Agent |
COR_MAIL_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | 1st address line of mailing address |
COR_MAIL_ADD_2 (US-FL.BER) | 2nd address line of mailing address |
COR_MAIL_CITY (US-FL.BER) | City of mailing address |
COR_MAIL_COUNTRY (US-FL.BER) | Country of mailing address |
COR_MAIL_STATE (US-FL.BER) | State of mailing address |
COR_MAIL_ZIP (US-FL.BER) | Zip code of mailing address |
COR_NAME (US-FL.BER) | The corporate name. |
COR_NUMBER (US-FL.BER) | The corporate document number |
COR_PRINC_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | 1st address line. |
COR_PRINC_ZIP (US-FL.BER) | Zip code. |
COR_STATUS (US-FL.BER) | The status of filing: active, inactive "A" (active), "I" (inactive). |
COR_PRINC_ADD_2 (US-FL.BER) | 2nd address line. |
FILLER (US-FL.BER) | Entry in the register filler |
HOUSE_FLAG_1 (US-FL.BER) | House Flag |
HOUSE_FLAG_2 (US-FL.BER) | House Flag |
HOUSE_FLAG_3 (US-FL.BER) | House Flag |
LAST_TRX_DATE (US-FL.BER) | Last Event Date |
PRINC_0_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_0_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_0_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Principal's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
PRINC_0_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Officer state. |
PRINC_0_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_0_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_0_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (1st 5). |
PRINC_1_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Officer street address. |
PRINC_1_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_1_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_1_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Principal's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
PRINC_1_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_1_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_1_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (1st 5). |
PRINC_2_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Officer street address. |
PRINC_2_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_2_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_2_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Principal's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
PRINC_2_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Officer state. |
PRINC_2_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_2_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_3_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Officer street address. |
PRINC_3_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_3_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_3_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Officer state. |
PRINC_3_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_3_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_3_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (1st 5). |
PRINC_4_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Officer street address. |
PRINC_4_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_4_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_4_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Principal's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
PRINC_4_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Officer state. |
PRINC_4_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_4_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_4_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (1st 5). |
PRINC_5_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Officer street address. |
PRINC_5_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Officer city. |
PRINC_5_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Officer name. |
PRINC_5_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Principal's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
PRINC_5_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Officer state. |
PRINC_5_TITLE (US-FL.BER) | Officer Title |
PRINC_5_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (last 4). |
PRINC_5_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Officer zip (1st 5). |
RA_ADD_1 (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's street address. |
RA_CITY (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent'scity. |
RA_NAME (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's name. |
RA_NAME_TYPE (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's type
(P) – Person.
(C) – Corporation |
RA_STATE (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's state. |
RA_ZIP4 (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's zip (last 4). |
RA_ZIP5 (US-FL.BER) | Registered Agent's zip (1st 5). |
REPORT_DATE_1 (US-FL.BER) | Date Annual Report filed. |
REPORT_DATE_2 (US-FL.BER) | Date Annual Report filed. |
REPORT_DATE_3 (US-FL.BER) | Date Annual Report filed. |
REPORT_YEAR_1 (US-FL.BER) | Year of report filed. |
REPORT_YEAR_2 (US-FL.BER) | Year of report filed. |
REPORT_YEAR_3 (US-FL.BER) | Year of report filed. |
STATE_COUNTRY (US-FL.BER) | State of domicile of an entity |