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Data source/LEI
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  | preferred = US; BR; GR; WORLD; DZ; AU; AL; AD; AE; AI; AM; AO; AR; AS; AT; AW; AX; AZ; BA; BD; BE; BF; BG; BH; BJ; BM; BN; BS; BY; CA; CF; CG; CH; CI; CK; CL; CM; CN; CO; CR; CV; CY; CZ; DE; DK; DO; EC; EG; ER; ES; FI; FO; FR; GA; GB; GE; GF; GH; GI; GL; GN; GP; GQ; GT; GU; GW; GY; HK; HN; HR; HT; HU; ID; IE; IL; IM; IN; IS; IT; JE; JO; JP; KE; KG; KH; KR; KW; KY; KZ; LB; LI; LK; LS; LT; LU; LV; MA; MC; MD; ME; MG; MK; ML; MN; MO; MP; MQ; MR; MT; MU; MY; MZ; NA; NC; NE; NG; NI; NL; NO; NP; NZ; OM; PA; PE; PF; PH; PK; PL; PM; PR; PS; PT; PY; QA; RE; RO; RS; RU; SA; SE; SG; SI; SK; SM; SN; SV; SZ; TD; TG; TH; TJ; TL; TN; TR; TW; TZ; UA; UY; UZ; VA; VE; VG; VI; VN; WF; YT; ZA; ZM; ZW; AN; NF; TM; GS; PN; IQ; BB; CX; FK; GG; SO; IO; IR; MX; FM; PG; PW; MV; MH; TC; ET; SJ; LR; BT; BW; LA; MM; SL; CU; LC; MS; CC; RW; ZR; VC; LY; YE; XK; SB; HM; WS; FJ; KN; JM; DM; SC; KP; GD; KM; SY; TT; CW; BO; AF; NR; AG; BI; BZ; MW; GM; TO; DJ; UG; SD; VU; SR; SS; CD; BQ; SH; BL; MF; TF; TV; BV; TK; AQ; YU; IC; KI; UM; EH; SX; NU; ST
  | preferred = US; BR; GR; WORLD; DZ; AU; AL; AD; AE; AI; AM; AO; AR; AS; AT; AW; AX; AZ; BA; BD; BE; BF; BG; BH; BJ; BM; BN; BS; BY; CA; CF; CG; CH; CI; CK; CL; CM; CN; CO; CR; CV; CY; CZ; DE; DK; DO; EC; EG; ER; ES; FI; FO; FR; GA; GB; GE; GF; GH; GI; GL; GN; GP; GQ; GT; GU; GW; GY; HK; HN; HR; HT; HU; ID; IE; IL; IM; IN; IS; IT; JE; JO; JP; KE; KG; KH; KR; KW; KY; KZ; LB; LI; LK; LS; LT; LU; LV; MA; MC; MD; ME; MG; MK; ML; MN; MO; MP; MQ; MR; MT; MU; MY; MZ; NA; NC; NE; NG; NI; NL; NO; NP; NZ; OM; PA; PE; PF; PH; PK; PL; PM; PR; PS; PT; PY; QA; RE; RO; RS; RU; SA; SE; SG; SI; SK; SM; SN; SV; SZ; TD; TG; TH; TJ; TL; TN; TR; TW; TZ; UA; UY; UZ; VA; VE; VG; VI; VN; WF; YT; ZA; ZM; ZW; AN; NF; TM; GS; PN; IQ; BB; CX; FK; GG; SO; IO; IR; MX; FM; PG; PW; MV; MH; TC; ET; SJ; LR; BT; BW; LA; MM; SL; CU; LC; MS; CC; RW; ZR; VC; LY; YE; XK; SB; HM; WS; FJ; KN; JM; DM; SC; KP; GD; KM; SY; TT; CW; BO; AF; NR; AG; BI; BZ; MW; GM; TO; DJ; UG; SD; VU; SR; SS; CD; BQ; SH; BL; MF; TF; TV; BV; TK; AQ; YU; IC; KI; UM; EH; SX; NU; ST
  | unallowed =  
  | unallowed =  
  | number of records = 2868554
  | number of records = 2875726
  | last update = 2025-03-08
  | last update = 2025-03-08
  | main URL = https://www.gleif.org/en/lei-data/gleif-golden-copy/download-the-golden-copy#/
  | main URL = https://www.gleif.org/en/lei-data/gleif-golden-copy/download-the-golden-copy#/

Revision as of 05:03, 8 March 2025

Name ALEI prefix The ALEI prefix element is the ISO 3166-2 code for country and subdivision if applicable followed by the stop character ‘.’ This is followed by an acronym representing the register maintained by the administrative agency for the governing body of a nation, state, or community that assigned the identifier element. The prefix is assigned by ECCMA: LEI, Full name (en) English name of a concept.: Legal Entity Identifier Records, Short name Defines the name of a concept. Consits of “Country or Subdivision” + “Registry name”: Legal Entity Identifier Records
Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. LEI
Short description Informal and short human-readable definition of a concept. Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) and related LEI reference data published by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF).
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept.
Credential type(s)  n/a
Country scope Defines a address/country a given concept is used in (or valid in, or relevant for etc.), i.e. the country-specific scope of a concept. WORLD (World)
Provider Provider or authority of a data source. Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, Search type Describes how data can be searched in the data source: By address and name attributes (FUZZY) or just identifier based (IDENTIFIER).: FUZZY, website, manual search
Release status The release status in terms of development progress or maturity of a product feature or a business capability.<br/><code>EMPTY</code> (0): No feature considered yet, just rough idea for capability.<br/><code>IDEA</code> (1): Just an idea, not yet designed in detail.<br/><code>DESIGN</code> (2): Software design ready, development not yet started.<br/><code>DEVELOPMENT</code> (3): Software development in progress.<br/><code>ALPHA</code> (4): First functional release, in terms of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).<br/><code>BETA</code> (5): Tested by selected users.<br/><code>RC</code> (6): Release candidate, fully tested, not yet used in production by many customers.<br/><code>LIVE</code> (7): Used in production by customers, fully monitored and supported.<br/><code>DEPRECATED</code> (-1): End of life planned, but still available.<br/><code>EOL</code> (-2): End of life, historic service, no longer available.<br/><code>BROKEN</code> (-3): Service was used in production but is currently not available. However, CDQ tries to repair or reactivate it.<br/><code>DISCONTINUED</code> (-4): The data source has ceased providing updates; nonetheless, we continue to offer the most recent available data. LIVE , Release date Date and time when a concept, e.g. a data quality rule, is released, i.e. when the status changes to <code>RELEASED</code>.: 2017-01-11, Integration type Documents how a data source is integrated into the CDL with respect to data gathering:* <code>REMOTE ACCESS</code>: Data is not stored on CDL side but queried ad-hoc from the data source (e.g. webservices)* <code>COPY</code>: Data is replicated on CDL side (usually already transformed into the target CDL data model)* <code>UNDEFINED</code>: not yet known: COPY
Content and data model Category Specifies the category of a data source. The following categories are defined:<br/><code>BUSINESS_PARTNER</code>: The data source provides master data about companies.<br/><code>ADDRESS</code>: The data source provides address reference data.<br/><code>SANCTION_AND_WATCHLIST</code>: A data source that provides sanctioned or watched companies or persons.<br/><code>BANK_ACCOUNT</code>: The data source provides bank and bank account reference data.<br/><code>CERTIFICATE</code>: The data source provides information about business partner certifications.<br/><code>BENEFICIAL_OWNER</code>: The data source provides information about beneficial owners of companies.<br/><code>INSOLVENCY</code>: The data source provides information about insolvencies.<br/><code>HEALTHCARE_PROFESSIONAL</code>: The data source provides information about HCPs.<br/><code>HEALTHCARE_ORGANIZATION</code>: The data source provides information about HCOs.<br/>: BUSINESS_PARTNER, Number of records Counts the number of company records available in the data source: 2,875,726 records (last update The last date when copied data from a data source was updated.: 2025-03-08), 205 concepts, 3414 values, 1199 mappings, 3 transformations
Linkage strategy Describes how business partners are linked to this data source, e.g. for activating update monitoring. Typically just a primary identifier of the data source is used such as a business register id. However, in some cases the linkage strategy might be much more complex. Legal Entity Identifier
Managed concepts Concepts of the CDQ Data Model which are mapped to concepts provided by this data source "Data source/LEI".
Managed identifier(s) identifiers of the CDQ Data Model which are mapped to identifier information provided by this data source, (LEI).
See mapped identifiers
Augmented records This data source may be used to compile augmented records.
See how data source is used
Quota This data source may be subject to quota limitations.
See which default quota limits apply
Update monitoringThis data source may be subject to update monitoring.
See details of update monitoring
Classification Framework to classify external data sources according to legal limitations and/or obligations due to integration and use of these data sources in CDQ's Cloud Services. Data ownership Categorizes legal right-holding by the type of the data owner, e.g. a private organization or a governmental authority.: PRIVATEData source is owned by a private body, e.g., a company or an association., Data provision Categorizes restriction of data access, i.e., whether data sources provide "open" data or require registration.: OPENData is provided for free and unlimited access without registration or subscription., Terms type A client or CDQ accepts the terms of use of a particular data source and the compliant use of its data.: CDQ_CONTRACTEDCDQ accepts the terms of a particular data source and the compliant use of its data., legal approval: 2020-01-01, legal approval level: 2024-09-19

Licence URL URL that provides information on the licence of the target: https://www.gleif.org/en/meta/lei-data-terms-of-use/


LEI Data Record (LEI)
Entity (LEI)LEI Data Record (LEI)
RelationshipRecord (LEI)
Registration (LEI)RelationshipRecord (LEI)
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI)Registration (LEI)A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601.
LastUpdateDate (LEI)Registration (LEI)A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601.
ManagingLOU (LEI)Registration (LEI)
NextRenewalDate (LEI)Registration (LEI)
RegistrationStatus (LEI)Registration (LEI)A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:

PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU

PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status
Relationship (LEI)RelationshipRecord (LEI)
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