Data source LEI
Concept | Parent | Description |
EndDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
EndDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
EndDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod () | |
EndDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
EndDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
EndNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
EndNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
EndNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 27442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
EndNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 37442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
EndNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 47442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
Entity (LEI) | LEI Data Record (LEI) | |
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. |
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8611. |
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8622. |
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8633. |
InitialRegistrationDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8644. |
LEI Data Record (LEI) | ||
LastUpdateDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. |
LastUpdateDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8611. |
LastUpdateDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8622. |
LastUpdateDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8633. |
LastUpdateDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8644. |
ManagingLOU () | ||
ManagingLOU () | ||
ManagingLOU (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
ManagingLOU (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
ManagingLOU (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
NextRenewalDate () | ||
NextRenewalDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
NextRenewalDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
NextRenewalDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
NextRenewalDate (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | |
NodeID (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeID (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Code |
NodeIDType () | Type | |
NodeIDType (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | EndNode (LEI) | Type |
NodeIDType (LEI) | StartNode (LEI) | Type |
PeriodType (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
PeriodType (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
PeriodType (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod () | |
PeriodType (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
PeriodType (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
Registration (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Registration (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Registration (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Registration (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Registration (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
RegistrationStatus (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status |
RegistrationStatus (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status |
RegistrationStatus (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status |
RegistrationStatus (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status |
RegistrationStatus (LEI) | Registration (LEI) | A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status |
Relationship (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Relationship (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Relationship (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Relationship (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
Relationship (LEI) | RelationshipRecord (LEI) | |
RelationshipPeriod () | ||
RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | |
RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | |
RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | |
RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | |
RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents. |
RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents. |
RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents. |
RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents. |
RelationshipPeriods (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents. |
RelationshipRecord (LEI) | ||
RelationshipStatus (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only). |
RelationshipStatus (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only). |
RelationshipStatus (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only). |
RelationshipStatus (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only). |
RelationshipStatus (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only). |
RelationshipType (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. |
RelationshipType (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. |
RelationshipType (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. |
RelationshipType (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. |
RelationshipType (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. |
StartDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
StartDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
StartDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod () | |
StartDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
StartDate (LEI) | RelationshipPeriod (LEI) | |
StartNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
StartNode (LEI) | Relationship (LEI) | An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. |
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