Value | Description | Technical key |
001 (BE.CCD) | European cooperative society | 001 |
002 (BE.CCD) | Pension scheme organisation | 002 |
003 (BE.CCD) | VAT-group | 003 |
006 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability | 006 |
007 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability (profit share) | 007 |
008 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability | 008 |
009 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability (profit share) | 009 |
010 (BE.CCD) | Private limited liability company | 010 |
011 (BE.CCD) | General partnership | 011 |
012 (BE.CCD) | Ordinary limited partnership | 012 |
013 (BE.CCD) | Partnership limited by shares | 013 |
014 (BE.CCD) | Public limited company | 014 |
015 (BE.CCD) | Private limited liability company | 015 |
016 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society (old regime) | 016 |
017 (BE.CCD) | Non-profit organisation | 017 |
018 (BE.CCD) | Public utility institution | 018 |
019 (BE.CCD) | Health fund / Mutual health insurance / National union of health funds | 019 |
020 (BE.CCD) | Professional union | 020 |
021 (BE.CCD) | Private mutual insurance fund | 021 |
022 (BE.CCD) | International scientific organisation under Belgian law | 022 |
023 (BE.CCD) | Private foreign association with establishment in Belgium | 023 |
025 (BE.CCD) | Agricultural company | 025 |
026 (BE.CCD) | Private foundation | 026 |
027 (BE.CCD) | European company (Societas Europaea) | 027 |
028 (BE.CCD) | Non-profit institution | 028 |
029 (BE.CCD) | Public utility foundation | 029 |
030 (BE.CCD) | Foreign entity | 030 |
040 (BE.CCD) | Congolese company | 040 |
051 (BE.CCD) | Other private organisation with legal personality | 051 |
060 (BE.CCD) | Economic interest grouping with registered seat in Belgium | 060 |
065 (BE.CCD) | European economic assoc with registered seat in Belgium | 065 |
070 (BE.CCD) | Co-ownership association | 070 |
106 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability governed by public law | 106 |
107 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability governed by public law (profit share) | 107 |
108 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability governed by public law | 108 |
109 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability governed by public law (profit share) | 109 |
110 (BE.CCD) | State, Province, Region, Community | 110 |
114 (BE.CCD) | Public limited company | 114 |
116 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society governed by public law (old regime) | 116 |
117 (BE.CCD) | Public non-profit association | 117 |
121 (BE.CCD) | Public mutual insurance fund | 121 |
123 (BE.CCD) | Professional corporations - Orders | 123 |
124 (BE.CCD) | Public institution | 124 |
125 (BE.CCD) | International non-profit association | 125 |
127 (BE.CCD) | Pawnshop | 127 |
128 (BE.CCD) | Cult | 128 |
129 (BE.CCD) | Polders and water boards | 129 |
151 (BE.CCD) | Other legal form | 151 |
160 (BE.CCD) | Foreign or international public organisations | 160 |
200 (BE.CCD) | Company in formation | 200 |
206 (BE.CCD) | Civil society as an unlimited liability and united CS | 206 |
208 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a limited liability CS | 208 |
211 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a collective society | 211 |
212 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a limited partnership | 212 |
213 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a limit partnership with shares | 213 |
214 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a public limited company | 214 |
215 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of a private limited liability company | 215 |
217 (BE.CCD) | European political party | 217 |
218 (BE.CCD) | European political foundation | 218 |
225 (BE.CCD) | Civil society in the form of an agricultural company | 225 |
230 (BE.CCD) | Foreign entity with property in Belgium (with legal personality) | 230 |
235 (BE.CCD) | Foreign entity without Belgian establishment unit with VAT representation | 235 |
260 (BE.CCD) | Econ. assoc wo regist. seat but with est. unit in Belgium | 260 |
265 (BE.CCD) | Europ. Econ. assoc wo but with est. unit in Belgium | 265 |
301 (BE.CCD) | Federal public service | 301 |
302 (BE.CCD) | Federal public planning service | 302 |
303 (BE.CCD) | Other federal services | 303 |
310 (BE.CCD) | Flemish region and Flemish community authorities | 310 |
320 (BE.CCD) | Walloon region authorities | 320 |
325 (BE.CCD) | International non-profit association governed by public law | 325 |
330 (BE.CCD) | Brussels-Capital region authorities | 330 |
340 (BE.CCD) | French community authorities | 340 |
350 (BE.CCD) | German-speaking community authorities | 350 |
370 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Economic Affairs | 370 |
371 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 371 |
372 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Agriculture | 372 |
373 (BE.CCD) | Ministry for Middle Class | 373 |
374 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Road Works | 374 |
375 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of National Defence | 375 |
376 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of National Education and Culture | 376 |
377 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Employment and Labour | 377 |
378 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Finance | 378 |
379 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Home Affairs | 379 |
380 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Justice | 380 |
381 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Social Welfare | 381 |
382 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Public Health and Family | 382 |
383 (BE.CCD) | The services of the Prime Minister | 383 |
384 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Traffic and Infrastructure | 384 |
385 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of the Flemish Community | 385 |
386 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of the French Community | 386 |
387 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region | 387 |
388 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of the Walloon Region | 388 |
389 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of the German-speaking Community | 389 |
390 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Public Service | 390 |
391 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Self-Employed and Agriculture | 391 |
392 (BE.CCD) | Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and Environment | 392 |
393 (BE.CCD) | Miscellaneous | 393 |
400 (BE.CCD) | Provincial authorities | 400 |
401 (BE.CCD) | Organisations registered through the ONSSAPL | 401 |
411 (BE.CCD) | Cities and municipalities | 411 |
412 (BE.CCD) | Pubic social action centre | 412 |
413 (BE.CCD) | Local police | 413 |
414 (BE.CCD) | Intercommunal | 414 |
415 (BE.CCD) | Project association | 415 |
416 (BE.CCD) | Service provider association (Flemish region) | 416 |
417 (BE.CCD) | Representative association (Flemish region) | 417 |
418 (BE.CCD) | Autonomous municipal company | 418 |
419 (BE.CCD) | Autonomous provincial company | 419 |
420 (BE.CCD) | CPAS / OCMW Association | 420 |
421 (BE.CCD) | Prezone | 421 |
422 (BE.CCD) | Hulpverleningszone | 422 |
451 (BE.CCD) | Organisations registered with the O.N.P | 451 |
452 (BE.CCD) | Organis. regist. with the public admin. Pensions (Finance) | 452 |
453 (BE.CCD) | Foreign listed company without Belgian establishment unit | 453 |
454 (BE.CCD) | Foreign ent. with property in Belgium (without legal pers.) | 454 |
506 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability and a social objective | 506 |
508 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability and a social objective | 508 |
510 (BE.CCD) | Unipersonal private limited liability company with a social objective | 510 |
511 (BE.CCD) | General partnership with a social objective | 511 |
512 (BE.CCD) | Ordinary limited partnership with a social objective | 512 |
513 (BE.CCD) | Partnership limited by shares with a social objective | 513 |
514 (BE.CCD) | Public limited company with a social objective | 514 |
515 (BE.CCD) | Private limited liability company with a social objective | 515 |
560 (BE.CCD) | Economic interest grouping with a social objective | 560 |
606 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with unlimited liability and a social objective | 606 |
608 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society with limited liability and a social objective | 608 |
610 (BE.CCD) | Private limited company | 610 |
612 (BE.CCD) | Limited partnership | 612 |
614 (BE.CCD) | Public limited company with a social objective | 614 |
616 (BE.CCD) | Private limited company governed by public law | 616 |
617 (BE.CCD) | Limited partnership governed by public Law | 617 |
651 (BE.CCD) | Other institution with a social objective (public) | 651 |
701 (BE.CCD) | Unlawful commercial company | 701 |
702 (BE.CCD) | Common law company | 702 |
703 (BE.CCD) | Temporary company | 703 |
704 (BE.CCD) | Internal company | 704 |
706 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society | 706 |
716 (BE.CCD) | Cooperative society governed by public law | 716 |
721 (BE.CCD) | Company or association without legal personality | 721 |
722 (BE.CCD) | Temporary association | 722 |
723 (BE.CCD) | Expense association | 723 |
724 (BE.CCD) | Trade union | 724 |
790 (BE.CCD) | Miscellaneous without legal personality | 790 |
999 (BE.CCD) | Unkown legal form (NSSO) | 999 |