Business Partner Name (CDQ.POOL)

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Business partner/name
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Name Name of a concept, e.g. a data model concept. In contrast to terms, the name does not depend on a given context, e.g. a country-specific language. Business Partner Name
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept. The business partner name identifies a business partner. There are different types of names.
Example A simple example supporting the understanding of a concept, business rule, etc. Beiersdorf AG is the name of a corporation which appears as a business partner when other companies are running business with the Beiersdorf AG. Nivea is the name of a business partner that constitutes a brand of Beiersdorf AG and appears itself as a business partner in certain business contexts. In general, an abbreviation of the legal form is part of the business partner name.
Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model. Data source CDQ.POOL
Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. BUSINESS_PARTNER_NAME
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model. Business Partner (CDQ.POOL)
Cardinality Cardinality of data model concepts.<br/><code>ZERO_OR_ONE</code>: Optional, but max. 1 instance related to its parent.<br/><code>EXACTLY_ONE</code>: Exactly 1 instance related to its parent.<br/><code>ZERO_OR_MORE</code>: Optional, multiple instances related to its parent may exist.<br/><code>ONE_OR_MORE</code>: Mandatory, multiple instances related to its parent may exist. ONE_OR_MORE
Data type Data type of a data model concept, i.e., <code>ARRAY</code>, <code>BOOLEAN</code>, <code>DATE</code>, <code>ENUM</code>, <code>INTEGER</code>, <code>OBJECT</code>, or <code>STRING</code>. n/a
Concept type Complex data type of a data model concept, defined by another data model concept. Allows re-use of data type concepts, e.g. for several address types in a data model. SELF
Path JSON Path to identify attributes in a data item. names[0]
Concept role The role of a Category:Data model concept in the tree structure of a data model.<br/><code>ROOT</code>: Root concept in a data model, i.e., no parent concepts.<br/><code>NODE</code>: Structure concepts in a data model, i.e., parent and child concepts.<br/><code>LEAF</code>: Leaf concept in a data model, i.e., no child concepts, provides the effective data values.<br/> NODE

Sub concepts