AZ-SUS (Şuşa rayonu, Şuşa, Shusha District, Choucha, 舒沙區)

From CDQ
Address/administrative area/type/region/AZ-SUS
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Located in Property to define a geographic inclusion of one concept, e.g. an address/administrative area in a address/country. AZ (Azərbaycan, Aserbaidschan, Azerbaijan, Azerbaïdjan, 阿塞拜疆)
ISO code A standardized code according to an ISO standard, e.g. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 for regions. AZ-SUS
ISO status Status of the name assignment according to ISO standard. oficially assigned
FIPS code  n/a
Monolingual name Language-specific name of a data model concept or concept value. Şuşa rayonu (az), Şuşa (de), Shusha District (en), Choucha (fr), 舒沙區 (zh)
Monolingual short name Language-specific short name of a data model concept or concept value. Shusha District (en)
Alternative name Language-specific alternative, i.e. non-official, name of a data model concept, property, or property value.
Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model. CDQ Data Model
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model. address/administrative area/short name
SAP default mapping Provides the technical key of the SAP field, a given CDL concept is mapped to by default. n/a

Geographical coordinates

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Subadministrative area(s)

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