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Business partner/legal form/category/technical key/LF138
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Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context.
Name Name of a concept, e.g. a data model concept. In contrast to terms, the name does not depend on a given context, e.g. a country-specific language.
Limited Co-operative Society
Short name Defines the name of a concept. Consits of “Country or Subdivision” + “Registry name”
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept.
A cooperative society in which the liability of its members is limited to the amount of their capital contribution. This structure provides a level of protection for members' personal assets beyond their capital investment. It allows for participation in cooperative activities while reducing personal liability for the obligations of the society.
Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model.
CDQ Data Model
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model.
mapping source: BM (SAP.ODM), mapping: SAP.ODM BM ↣ LF138
Legal forms in this category
Wiki page | Name | Main abbreviation | Country |
AT_7382 (CDQ) | Offene Erwerbsgesellschaft (de) | OEG (de) | AT (Österreich, Austria, Autriche, 奥地利) |
BE_2459 (CDQ) | Coöperatieve vennootschap van publiek recht (nl) | CV PR (nl) | BE (Belgien, Belgium, Belgique, België, 比利时) |
BR_3595 (CDQ) | Cooperative (pt) | Cooperativa (pt) | BR (Brasilien, Brazil, Brésil, Brasil, 巴西) |
CA_9251 (CDQ) | Cooperative (en) | Cooperativa (en) | CA (Kanada, Canada, Canada, 加拿大) |
IL_5824 (CDQ) | Cooperative (en) | Cooperative (en) | IL (Isrā'īl, Israel, Israel, Israël, Yisra'el, 以色列) |
IT_9956 (CDQ) | Società Consortile Cooperativa (it) | S.C.C. (it) | IT (Italien, Italy, Italie, Italia, 意大利) |
LT_4586 (CDQ) | Kooperatinė bendrovė (kooperatyvas) (lt) | KO (lt) | LT (Litauen, Lithuania, Lituanie, Lietuva, 立陶宛) |
LV_3004 (CDQ) | Kooperatīvo biedrību savienība (lv) | KBS (lv) | LV (Lettland, Latvia, Lettonie, Latvija, 拉脫維亞) |
LV_3099 (CDQ) | Kooperatīvo biedrību uzņēmums (lv) | KBU (lv) | LV (Lettland, Latvia, Lettonie, Latvija, 拉脫維亞) |
LV_8555 (CDQ) | Kooperatīvā sabiedrība (lv) | KB (lv) | LV (Lettland, Latvia, Lettonie, Latvija, 拉脫維亞) |
NA_0432 (CDQ) | Cooperative (en) | Cooperativa (en) | NA (Namibia, Namibia, Namibie, 纳米比亚) |
PH_9878 (CDQ) | Cooperative (en) | Cooperativa (en) | PH (Philippinen, Philippines, Philippines, Pilipinas, 菲律宾) |
PT_5549 (CDQ) | Cooperativa (pt) | Coop (pt) | PT (Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, 葡萄牙) |
RU_8759 (CDQ) | Kooperativ (Russia) (ru) | kooperativ (ru) | RU (Russland, Russian Federation, Russie, Rossijskaja Federacija, 俄罗斯) |
SE_9472 (CDQ) | Kooperativ (Sweden) (sv) | Kooperativ (sv) | SE (Schweden, Sweden, Suède, Sverige, 瑞典) |