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Business partner/legal form/category/technical key/LF113
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Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context.
Name Name of a concept, e.g. a data model concept. In contrast to terms, the name does not depend on a given context, e.g. a country-specific language.
Co-operative Partnership
Short name Defines the name of a concept. Consits of “Country or Subdivision” + “Registry name”
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept.
A co-operative partnership is a business owned and run by and for its members. Whether the members are the customers, employees, or residents, they have an equal say in what the business does, and a share in the profits.
Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model.
CDQ Data Model
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model.
mapping source: AN (SAP.ODM), mapping: SAP.ODM AN ↣ LF113
Legal forms in this category
Wiki page | Name | Main abbreviation | Country |
AR_9764 (CDQ) | Sociedad Cooperativa (es) | S. Coop. (es) | AR (Argentinien, Argentina, Argentina, Argentine, 阿根廷) |
AT_1721 (CDQ) | Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft (de) | GEN (de) | AT (Österreich, Austria, Autriche, 奥地利) |
AT_5435 (CDQ) | Europäische Genossenschaft (de) Societas Cooperativa Europaea (la) | SCE (de) | AT (Österreich, Austria, Autriche, 奥地利) |
AU_0816 (CDQ) | Co-operative (en) | Coop Ltd (en) | AU (Australien, Australia, Australie, 澳大利亚) |
CH_8680 (CDQ) | Genossenschaft (de) | Gen (de) | CH (Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra, 瑞士) |
DE_3689 (CDQ) | Eingetragene Genossenschaft (de) | e.G. (de) | DE (Deutschland, Germany, Allemagne, 德国) |
FI_7797 (CDQ) | Osuuskunta (fi) | OK (fi) | FI (Finnland, Finland, Suomi, Finlande, Finland, 芬兰) |
FR_8930 (CDQ) | Coopérative d'utilisation de matériel agricole en commun (CUMA) (fr) | CUMA (fr) | FR (Frankreich, France, France, 法国) |
ID_1062 (CDQ) | Koperasi (id) | Koperasi (id) | ID (Indonesien, Indonesia, Indonésie, Indonesia, 印度尼西亚) |
IT_7363 (CDQ) | SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA (it) | COOP (it) | IT (Italien, Italy, Italie, Italia, 意大利) |
IT_8240 (CDQ) | Società cooperativa a responsabilità limitata (it) | S.c.r.l. (it) | IT (Italien, Italy, Italie, Italia, 意大利) |
JP_3777 (CDQ) | Tokumei kumiai (ja) | TK (ja) | JP (Japan, Japan, Japon, Nihon/Nippon, 日本) |
JP_9947 (CDQ) | 匿名組合 (ja) Tokumei kumiai (en) | TK (ja) T.K. (ja) | JP (Japan, Japan, Japon, Nihon/Nippon, 日本) |
LV_5895 (CDQ) | Līgumsabiedrība ar pilnu atbildību (lv) | LIG (lv) | LV (Lettland, Latvia, Lettonie, Latvija, 拉脫維亞) |
LV_7213 (CDQ) | Uzņēmējsabiedrības uzņēmums (lv) | UZN (lv) | LV (Lettland, Latvia, Lettonie, Latvija, 拉脫維亞) |
NZ_7368 (CDQ) | Cooperative Company (en) | Coop (en) | NZ (Neuseeland, New Zealand, Nouvelle-Zélande, Aotearoa, 新西兰) |
PT_2143 (CDQ) | Sociedade Fechada (pt) | S.F. (pt) | PT (Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, 葡萄牙) |
US_0976 (CDQ) | Florida Limited Liability Co (en) | FLAL (en) | US (Vereinigte Staaten, United States of America, États-Unis d'Amérique, 美国) |