Healthcare Professional (CDQ.POOL)

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Business partner/category/healthcare professional
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Name Name of a concept, e.g. a data model concept. In contrast to terms, the name does not depend on a given context, e.g. a country-specific language. Healthcare Professional
Monolingual name Language-specific name of a data model concept or concept value.
Description Informal and comprehensive human-readable definition of a concept. Any natural person that is a member of the medical, dental, pharmacy or nursing professions or any other person who, in the course of his/her professional activities, may prescribe, purchase, supply, recommend or administer a Medicinal Product and whose primary practice, principal professional address or place of incorporation is in Europe.

For the purpose of this Code, the definition of HCPs includes:

  • any official or employee of a government, agency or other organisation (whether in the public or private sector) that may prescribe, purchase, supply, recommend or administer Medicinal Products and
  • any employee of a Member Company whose primary occupation is that of a practising HCP, but excludes all other employees of a Member Company and a wholesaler or distributor of Medicinal Products.

For more Healthcare-specific Terms check out "[[Managing HCO and HCP business partners]]".

Part of Hierarchical relation between two concepts of the CDQ Data Model. Data source CDQ.POOL
Technical key Defines a unique key by which e.g. data model concepts can be referenced in a technical integration context. These keys are unique in the CDL context. HEALTHCARE_PROFESSIONAL
Parent concept Hierarchical relation between two concepts of a data model, e.g., the CDQ Data Model. Business Partner Category (CDQ.POOL)

Managed terms